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Archived Blog Posts

Navigating Insurance Claims With Confidence | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

4/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

Disaster situations are often overwhelming, sending you and your family into a frenzy as you focus on staying safe during the event. After the event, it can be hard to come to terms with the current situation as you look at all of the destruction left behind.

While you work on sorting out everything that has happened, you will eventually come to the realization that you will need to get started on notifying your insurance company. That in and of itself can be another overwhelming reality!

The good news is that we are here to help pick up the pieces after a fire, flood or storm, and that includes helping you navigate the world of insurance claims.

Initial Steps

No matter what kind of disaster you are faced with, it is important that you start the recovery process quickly. The longer you wait, the worse your situation can become, and it can lead to more serious issues like structural problems, mold and rot.

Once the disaster event is over or the storm has passed, focus first on checking on your family and neighbors to assure that emergency services are not needed. Once everyone is safe and accounted for, it’s time to get us on the phone. We will prioritize putting together a team while we chat with you about your current situation.

We will encourage you to take photos of the damage that you see, as these fresh images will help your insurance company understand the scale of the disaster more thoroughly. If there is anything simple that you can do to stop the problem from getting worse, like turning off water lines or shutting off electricity, we will also encourage you to do these tasks while you wait for us to arrive.

Leaving It to Us

Our first priority when we arrive is to secure your home against further damage. We can tie down roofs, secure tarps and cover windows to keep out the elements, and then we will take a look at everything that you have already documented so we can start the insurance claim process. Our team is highly trained, not just in repairing home damage, but also in the insurance world. We will make sure your claim is successful and expedited.

Our team will work hard to put together a comprehensive list of your losses, and we will include your images along with our own professional shots of the damage before we submit everything to your insurance company. We are also trained to meet insurance inspection standards to help lower your overall cost. As always, our goal is to restore rather than replace your possessions, which will help lower your replacement cost as well.

When you lean on SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda, good things will happen. We will put your home back together while also helping you navigate the more complicated parts of your recovery, including your insurance claim.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

The Basic Steps to Prevent Flood Damage | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

When faced with a tricky task, how do you approach it? Do you jump all in right away without knowing all the details, or do you break down the problem and bring it back to the basics of what you know?

We would bet that you are usually more successful when you break it down and work with what you know. This approach works in many different scenarios, including when it comes to preventing home damage.

For example, small preventive steps that you take now can have a big impact on preventing flooding issues during the rainy season! Incorporate the basic tasks below into your week to help you prepare for the season ahead.

Understanding Floods

Flooding can happen when severe weather comes to town, but that is not the only way that your home can experience water damage. Busted water lines, faulty appliances and even the rare instances of broken dams or levees can cause serious water issues in a short amount of time.

We are surrounded by water, thanks to Lake Erie, and we experience some pretty intense storms due to the lake effect. That alone can increase the risk for flooding in our community at any given time. Do you know your own property’s flood risk?

Whether your home is in a designated flood zone or not, you should still be taking steps to reduce your risk even further. Adding extra drainage to your property or lengthening your downspouts are two easy tasks to make sure any rain that does fall has a more productive place to go.

If you live in a neighborhood with a lot of tree coverage, it is crucial that you address any gutter issues immediately. Clear out clogs or blockages as soon as you notice them, or better yet, install gutter covers to keep out leaves and other yard debris.

Additional Preparation Methods

While understanding our community’s flood risk is important, we can’t always prevent flooding issues from happening. The good news is that you can learn a lot about your property when it does flood so you can make some permanent changes.

If your basement gets wet regularly when it rains, you can address any drainage issues or even have your property professionally graded to help move the water down and away from your foundation.

If you struggle with water leaks around troublesome windows, you can have them sealed or replaced to help keep the moisture outside where it belongs. Finally, if you notice that your sump pump isn’t turning on when it should, you can address this issue quickly to make sure it is working when you really need it most.

When you start at the beginning, you can set your home up for long-term success. We are always here to help if your property suffers from any sort of water damage this season and beyond.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Tackling the Stinky Situations: The Realities of Sewage Leaks | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

3/15/2024 (Permalink)

sewage water pooling on a kitchen floor after a leak SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is always ready to respond to your call when biohazard incidents strike.

The phrase “what’s that smell?” is something that no homeowner or business owner wants to utter as they enter their home or building. Property disasters come in all shapes and sizes, but they also come with varying levels of grossness. We would agree that suffering from a sewage leak is one of the grossest disasters to experience!

Unfortunately, sewage leaks and backups happen all the time. If you become the unfortunate victim of a sewage disaster, quick action is necessary to control the situation and prevent further issues from developing.

The Leak Discovery

Sewage backups can happen whenever the pipe that the wastewater is moving through becomes clogged or blocked. Over time, the sewage will have to go somewhere, and it will eventually travel backward into your toilet, sinks or even bathtub. Sewage leaks can occur if a water line or pipe breaks or becomes compromised, leaving the sewage to leak or drip out of the hole.

No matter the situation, we recommend that you not touch the water. Water is categorized into white water, gray water and black water. Sewage falls into the category of black water because it is toxic and should never be handled without the proper safety gear. Even a small amount of sewage can harbor thousands of viruses, bacteria and microbes that can be dangerous or even deadly.

Stay out of the water, and focus on finding the appropriate water shutoff valve. Once the pipe has stopped leaking or the situation is under control, start opening up windows and turning on fans to let the stink out and to let the fumes dissipate. Close off the area to your family or customers and then get us on the phone right away.

How We Can Help

We are well-known for our highly rated restoration services, but we are also well-equipped to handle any biohazard cleaning situation! We have the proper tools and training to tackle your entire disaster with ease and precision. Once you call us, we will be able to load up our trucks with the right equipment and then we will be on our way to you.

In the meantime, pull out your phone and start taking some photos of the destruction. While you may not be framing these photos any time soon, your insurance company will want to see them while they work on processing your claim.

Once we arrive, we will prioritize securing your space by identifying and fixing the source of the leak. Since sewage water is toxic, we will ensure that the area is only occupied by team members that are highly trained and dressed safely.

Some of our technicians will be focused on fixing the problem, and others will focus on removing the sewage and standing water. We will also employ our deodorizers to remove any lingering stinky smells.

If the sewage caused any structural damage to your home or building, we can also repair and restore any warped floors or soggy walls for you so that your home is returned to its pre-disaster state.

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO®, and we will take care of you.

Staying Connected to Stay Safe: Weather Alerts | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda help you get from April showers to May flowers.

We can’t believe that we are already talking about and preparing for the spring season! Rumbling thunderstorms, heavy rain and the occasional severe weather situation are all on the horizon, so preparing for them ahead of time is crucial.

One of the most important ways to be prepared is to be informed! Updating your alert systems now can ensure you know what is going on so you can take action to stay safe and in control.

Staying Connected With Power

We are surrounded by screens in almost every aspect of our lives, so it should be no surprise that our phones and TVs are the most common way of receiving weather alerts. Wireless Emergency Alerts are alerts that can be issued automatically if there is a weather system quickly approaching, but you can (and should) have at least one other weather app downloaded.

Keep in mind that not all weather apps are created equally and that it is important for you to choose wisely. Avoid the apps that exaggerate forecasts for likes or engagement and stick with the nationally recognized or locally trusted sources instead.

News stations and local weather channels are also great resources as they are often live broadcasting when severe weather is in the area. You can watch the storm progress in real-time and be able to take action immediately if a warning is issued or if the storm changes course unexpectedly.

Staying Connected Without Power

We all know how dangerous it can be to lose power during a storm, which is why we recommend that every household has at least one other alert system in place that doesn’t require power in order to work. Phones, TVs and your computer are great ways to stay connected, but only if they are powered and working.

Don’t leave yourself vulnerable in the face of serious weather! Locate our local weather sirens and familiarize yourself with the different tones and alerts, or invest in a NOAA weather radio.

Weather radios are especially helpful because they are portable. You can take them with you into your sheltering location or around your property in the aftermath of the first wave of a storm.

Stay prepared, everyone! If you know what to expect, you will be armed with the knowledge you need to keep your family safe during a true weather emergency. Call us day or night after the storm passes and we will take care of any storm damage that you have suffered.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.

Damaged Business? Here’s What to Do First | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

2/15/2024 (Permalink)

business man in office talking to female SERVPRO rep SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is here for your business every step of the way, from ERPs to disaster recovery.

No one expects to suffer a disaster at work, but that is unfortunately a reality for thousands of businesses across the country every year.

Even though you don’t want to think about it, you have to have a plan in place for situations like these! SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is proud to help you navigate this uncertain time and will help you recover from start to finish.

Preparing Before the Disaster

You most likely already have some sort of emergency plan in place for common disasters, and that’s a really good start. When your team knows how to properly respond to minor storms, fires or floods, you can all move seamlessly together throughout the process to minimize disruption.

Be sure to create a clear line of communication amongst your staff so that everyone stays informed and knows what is coming next. You should also walk everyone through your building to show them where fire extinguishers, emergency exits and water valves are located.

Even if you have custodial staff on site that would normally handle situations like these, quick action from your employees can help keep things under control until authorities arrive.

You should also make sure your staff know what to do after a disaster situation. If your business has been damaged to the point where it is not safe to stay in while repairs are happening, have a work-from-home policy ready to use or have an alternate location that you can utilize to set up shop while you wait for your building to be restored.

Recovering Faster

When you have a plan, it can help you stay on track and avoid losing sight of the final goal. Don’t forget to call SERVPRO® while you are busy getting things done! Our team will be able to work alongside you to help you recover faster.

One of the most important things that you will need to do during this time period is to communicate with your customers during your recovery process. We all know how important brand loyalty and communication is nowadays, so informing them of the progress and tentative re-opening dates is crucial.

Keep an open mind while we work through your recovery. While we will have to be in your space in order to dry out, sanitize and rebuild the affected area, there’s a good chance that you will be able to operate in an adjusted capacity alongside us! We will work together to find the right balance.

When you plan ahead and work quickly after a disaster does strike, your outcome is going to look much brighter. We will help you recover no matter what kind of disaster situation impacts your otherwise thriving business.

Has your business experienced a disaster, or do you want help building an emergency plan? Contact us to find everything you need.

Tackling Compounding Damage With Confidence | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

2/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pounding down on a blacktop surface SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is Here to Help® when any disaster strikes!

The phrase “when it rains, it pours” can be relatable for many different parts of our lives. Life can get overwhelming at work, school and with personal relationships, and it can also get overwhelming when you are faced with emergency situations that were completely unexpected.

Natural disasters and home accidents are always frustrating because they must be dealt with right away to prevent the situation from getting worse. That can be stressful in its own right, because who plans for disasters in their weekly schedules?

Thankfully, that’s where SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda proudly comes in. With one simple phone call, your restoration and recovery will be taken care of by our talented and passionate team.

Various Disaster Situations

Disasters come in all shapes and sizes, and they can either be minor inconveniences or true emergencies that impact entire communities. No matter the scale, it is important for you to prioritize recovery as quickly as possible.

Heavy rain that infiltrates your home can cause flooding, which will quickly lead to home damage and eventual mold growth if not addressed right away. A house fire can quickly burn down sections of your home, leaving behind destruction, water damage and stubborn smoke odors.

The longer the damage is left to sit, the worse the situation can become. We want our community to overcome house disasters quickly and efficiently, so give us a call so we can get to work for you.

The Recovery Process

We know that disasters don’t just happen during the day or during the work week, which is why we are available 247 to respond to your call for help. Once we make the initial contact, we will pull together a team, gather supplies and get started on our way to your doorstep.

Our highly trained technicians have handled many different disaster scenarios in our community, and we are confident that we will help you recover no matter what type of emergency situation occurred in your home. We will follow the latest and most advanced recovery techniques, and we will be thorough to handle your entire restoration from start to finish.

For example, if your roof is damaged in a strong storm, we will secure it with tarps to prevent further damage to your possessions while also moving precious keepsakes out of the affected area. If you suffer from a flood, we will make sure to remove the standing water and seal up the leak right away before turning our attention to the repairs.

Another benefit about working with SERVPRO® is that we are a one-stop-shop for all of your restoration needs. There’s no need to be working with multiple different contractors, because we can do it all!

When the rain starts coming in or a house fire breaks out in the middle of the night, call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda for a quick and reliable restoration no matter what.

Have you experienced a disaster and need restorations? Make one call to our office to start recovery fast.

Tips for a Toasty and Fire-Safe Winter Season | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

1/16/2024 (Permalink)

brick chimney with lit fire logs Fire safety is a top priority for us at SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda this winter. Keep your home safe with these helpful tips!

The winter season in the Buffalo area sure is a dynamic one! We are always prepared for intense snowstorms, high winds and sub-zero temperatures, which means that all of us are spending much more time indoors as a result.

As you start fires or turn on space heaters in order to stay warm, your risk of suffering a house fire goes up. We want you to avoid starting a serious fire this winter, so check out our tips below for staying safe without sacrificing your comfort.

Taking Care of Your Fireplace

We can all appreciate the ambiance and warmth that a fireplace can bring, but they are also the source of hundreds of uncontrolled house fires. Properly cleaning and preparing your fireplace is key to your safety. Clean out ash buildup and creosote on your chimney walls and inspect the bricks for signs of wear-and-tear or cracking.

Reduce the amount of flammable materials in your room, especially near the fireplace opening and the mantle. The room that your fireplace is in should have a smoke detector, so check it regularly and replace the batteries as needed. If your fireplace is electric or gas, you need to be checking the lines regularly for leaks and consider installing a carbon monoxide alarm next to your fireplace.

Setting Up Space Heaters

Space heaters are a convenient way to stay warm, but that convenience is also what makes them dangerous from time to time. In fact, space heater mishaps cause 1,700 house fires every year.

Set yourself up for success by setting up your heater on a level, nonflammable surface that is far away from things like curtains or cushions.

You should also create a three-foot barrier around your heater to keep out kids and pets and be sure the cord is laying flat against the ground to avoid tripping hazards. Never leave your space heater on while it is unattended, and always turn it off and unplug it before going to bed.

Additional Safety Features

Not every space heater is a good choice for you. Just because one is on sale or you can get one for really cheap doesn’t necessarily mean it is a good deal! Do your research before buying anything and always read reviews.

First, focus on choosing a company that is reliable and that has passed all safety certifications. Newer models of space heaters can also come with emergency shutoff switches that are programmed to turn the heater off after a certain period of time. This switch can come in handy if you forget to turn yours off at the end of the night and is definitely a safety feature worth including in your requirements for purchase.

In addition, you should take some time to inspect the cord that would power the heater. It should be sturdy, well-made and at least six feet long. This distance allows you to set up your heater in a safe location away from walls or furniture.

Stay toasty warm out there, everyone! If you do end up suffering from fire damage this winter, call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda right away so we can handle your entire restoration.

A quick fire damage restoration is just a phone call away. Call SERVPRO for immediate assistance.

Top Places Moisture Likes to Hide in Your Home | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

1/2/2024 (Permalink)

close up of condensation on window pane and ledge Water damage can happen anywhere in your home. Call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda to restore water damage on your property 24/7, 365.

We need water in our lives, there’s no doubt about that. We use it to run the dishwasher, warm up a bath for our kids and even to hose down the family dog when he or she gets dirty. While having such easy access to water can be a blessing most of the time, a single leak anywhere along a water line or pipe can lead to serious issues. Mother Nature can also create watery messes for us from time to time.

Knowing where to look for water leaks and moisture can help you take action as soon as a problem is discovered. Check these spaces often so you can prevent serious water damage and issues caused by lingering moisture.

Under Your Sinks

Faucets, taps and your dishwasher all carry important roles in your home, and they all use water to function. This means that there are water lines coming to and from your appliances and fixtures that could leak at any time.

If a leak starts under your sink, it can easily seep into your cupboards, behind your walls and under your floors before you discover it. Check your water lines often, and run your hands along your pipes to check for moisture. Tighten any loose connections and replace worn seals promptly.

Beneath Appliances

We have so many appliances in our homes that are constantly running water through them to perform their necessary tasks. Our dishwashers, water heaters, washing machines and ice makers can leak at a moment’s notice and cause serious water damage.

Get in the habit of pulling them away from the wall regularly to check for signs of moisture like water stains, puddles or mold growth. This should be done every time you do a deep-clean of your space as water can leak for a while under your appliances before you are even alerted to the issue.

Behind Your Walls or Floors

When a leak starts somewhere in your home, chances are that it will get behind your walls or under your floors pretty quickly. That’s because water has the innate ability to seep into the tiniest of cracks and crevasses in your home.

If you start to smell a musty odor or one of your floorboards near an appliance is starting to squeak or give way under your feet, it is time to do some investigating.

Around Your Windows and Doors

Condensation can quickly build up around your window panes and doors as the temperature rises and falls around us. This condensation can linger on your windows and can cause structural damage without much warning.

Moisture can also easily get in through small gaps or cracks around these areas. Check them often by running a finger over your window panes and door seals to check for hidden or lingering moisture.

If you do discover water damage, don’t panic! Simply pick up the phone and call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda for a faster restoration. We will remove standing water and address any structural repairs right away to help you make a full recovery as quickly as possible.

Don’t ignore signs of water damage! Call SERVPRO® for a quick restoration.

The Benefits of Relying on Your Local Restoration Company | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

12/15/2023 (Permalink)

group of 3 SERVPRO reps standing near a green semi truck at a work site Our team of industry leading experts at SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda are ready to tackle any job, no matter the size!

If you live in your home long enough or have a well-established business in the area, the chances are pretty high that you will encounter at least some type of property damage along the way. Disasters can strike at any moment, even if you are prepared for the possibility.

It can be really emotional to discover that your home has been damaged, especially if the damage is widespread or causes you to be displaced for a while as the repairs are taking place.

You deserve a team that will help you clean up faster and recover more thoroughly! Call on SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda because we are local, reliable and great at what we do.

Getting It Right

Once the damage has occurred, your first priority should be locating and hiring a restoration company. The faster you can tackle repairs, the better chance you have of avoiding serious property damage and lingering issues like mold growth.

However, you don’t want to simply call upon the first restoration company you are presented with! Making an informed decision is crucial for the safety of your home. SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is here to ensure you recover the way you deserve to. Our team is friendly, reliable and knowledgeable about all things restoration.

We will be at your home faster because we are right down the street! Once we arrive, we will walk you through every step of the way to make sure you understand what is being done to your home and why.

Experience Is Key

While it is really important to have a local company handle your restoration, we are also proudly backed by a national brand that will help us along the way. If we need additional resources or staff, the other SERVPRO® branches in our area can assist us to ensure your home is taken care of the right way.

SERVPRO has been in business since 1967 and has grown to become an industry leader in the restoration business. In fact, our branch is only one of over 2,000 across the country.

Our crew is highly trained, and we are dedicated to continue our learning to ensure we are only using the latest and most advanced restoration techniques. We will also make sure that the team that shows up has the experience necessary to ensure a full recovery.

Rely on SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda for all of your home restoration needs! Call us 24/7 for immediate assistance.

Want to learn more about everything we can do for you? Contact us to be prepared for anything.

Steps for Tackling Standing Water at Your Business | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

12/1/2023 (Permalink)

concrete floor tiling with large cracks and water on it Has water damage infiltrated your business? Give SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda a call to get that resolved!

There is nothing worse than arriving at work, unlocking the doors and stepping into a puddle. You left the night before and everything was fine, so why is there water all over the floor?

It might be an unnerving situation or it could send you into a panic—and rightfully so! A single water disaster can create all kinds of damage to your business, and frankly, many businesses without a reliable recovery plan don’t reopen after something like this.

We don’t want that to happen to you! Plumbing failures or natural disasters can wreak havoc on your business, but having a plan and addressing the problem head-on can help you recover faster and more reliably.

Addressing the Problem

If you come upon a part of your business that has flooded or is now partially underwater, try to stay calm and follow a few easy steps in order to stay in control and to avoid extensive damage or even mold growth.

1. Staying safe. Your first priority is always safety. Avoid walking through the water if you are able, and then assess the situation from a dry spot. Contact us right away so we can start gathering information and organizing the right recovery team to suit your needs. Take a few photos of the damage while you wait for our professionals to arrive.

2. Control the disaster. Acting quickly is one of the most important parts of any water damage restoration. Locate the appropriate water valve and shut any connections or water lines to stop the flow of water. If you can’t locate the specific source of the leak, shut off the main water valve to the building just to be on the safe side.

3. Start the drying process. Floodwater can quickly become compromised with sewage, storm runoff or chemicals from your business operations, so stay out of the water and open a few windows to start the drying process. Close off the area as well so your employees and customers stay safe.

Working With Us

Once we arrive, our team will get started on water removal immediately. We will walk you through our entire restoration process so that you are informed and are confident about the entire process. We will even handle working with your insurance company directly!

While we tackle your recovery, you can keep your focus on finding ways to keep business going as usual. Depending on the severity of the flood or the location of it, you may still be able to operate in some capacity or have a section of your building that remains open.

As you ensure your crew is safe and taken care of, our crew will continue with the drying process. We will make it our goal to save as many of your business’ possessions as possible, and we will keep you in the loop the entire way.

You don’t have to stand for standing water! Take action right away, and call your friends at SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda. We will help you recover right away.

Do you need repairs after a water disaster in your commercial building? Contact us to get dried out quickly.

Home Damage Possibilities in the Buffalo Area | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

residentail home with roof destroyed and debris falling down If you discover damage in your residence, call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda right away.

Our homes put up with a lot on a daily basis. Severe weather, kitchen fires and even just structural aging as your home gets older can all be threats that cause significant damage to your home and property.

We don’t want the possibility of damage to overwhelm you, however! By understanding the risks in our area, you can better prepare yourself and your home to reduce the chances of experiencing serious damage.

SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda is here to help if you do suffer from damage! Check out our latest blog to learn more.

The Biggest Risks in the Buffalo Community

We see a lot of rain here in the Buffalo area, as well as serious storms throughout the entire year. Thunderstorms in the summer and winter storms in the winter season can cause all kinds of chaos. In addition, general damage from water or fire can cause structural damage or complete devastation.

Water damage can occur during any storm situation, but it can also occur when an appliance leaks or a pipe bursts in your home. That water can start to leak and seep into every part of your home. The same goes for fire, and fire can cause widespread damage in mere minutes.

Lingering Damage

It can be really frustrating to suffer through a disaster situation at your home, but the problem can actually be made worse even after the event is over. For example, a flood will soak your home, but it can also lead to mold growth that affects your home’s structural integrity.

Fire damage can be overwhelming in the area that the fire occurred, but the damage can also affect areas of your home that the fire never spread to. Smoke and soot can leave walls stains and a stubborn odor can linger in the air. You can also suffer water damage on top of the fire damage due to the water and chemical agents used to put out the flames.

No matter how the damage occurred, recovery is always a priority. That’s where we come in! We can handle everything from minor water leaks to full-scale house fires.

We can dry up residual moisture, remove stubborn odors and tackle any necessary repairs. That includes things like roof replacement, window repair and even document drying.

If your home suffers a fire, we will remove the damaged debris and simultaneously clean and sanitize to remove soot and smoke from your home. We will handle the water damage and the necessary repairs quickly and efficiently so you can get back into your home right away.

We are a full-service restoration company, which means you won’t have to work with multiple contractors or businesses to get the job done. Just call us and we will take care of everything!

Does your home need restoration and you don’t want to make more than one call? Contact us to get everything handled by one team.

The Importance of Planning for Emergencies | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

clip board with a disaster preparedness checklist and emergency supplies in the background Are you prepared for disaster? SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is here for you when disaster strikes!

It will probably be no surprise to you to learn that the number of natural disasters has significantly increased over the last five years in the United States. Statistically speaking, natural disasters are happening more frequently, but they are also getting stronger when they do occur, leaving behind more damage in their wakes.

Natural disasters can’t be prevented, but they can be planned for. Knowing what to do if disaster strikes your business can ensure your staff responds smoothly and more reliably to keep everyone safe.

Creating an emergency plan for the different scenarios you could encounter is vital! We explain more about the importance of creating a plan below.

What a Plan Matters

Natural disasters are occurring more frequently, so having a plan has become more important than ever. It can save lives and even control any damage situation. When you understand the different threats to your business, you can take action to minimize the impact of flooding, wind damage or fire damage.

Disasters could certainly cause extensive physical damage to your property, but they can also create financial struggles that impact you and the rest of your staff. Having a plan in place can also protect your finances and the livelihoods of your staff members.

A quick recovery means that your team can get back to work faster after a disaster strikes. If you aren’t prepared, a serious damage situation could force your business to close, only to never reopen again. We don’t want that to happen to you!

SERVPRO’s Emergency Ready Plan

SERVPRO® has the perfect solution when it comes to protecting your business. Our Emergency Ready Plan is offered to any business or commercial property in the Buffalo and Tonawanda area. It is a comprehensive guide to all of the different disaster scenarios that can occur in our community.

Our team will assess the different risks to your business and we will find the best course of action for each scenario. It will lay out what to do before, during and after each instance.

The details for planning before disasters may include steps like moving important paperwork to a waterproof part of your building or creating go-bags for your employees that they can quickly grab on their way out the door.

Communication during unexpected events is also crucial. Our team will help create a communication chain of command that will help lay out who is in charge of what during a disaster. For example, if you have someone designated to call 911 or someone to focus on getting staff to safety, you can increase your chances of everyone responding quickly and properly.

Our Emergency Ready Plan is the total package when it comes to the needs of your business. We can help you avoid financial losses and prevent a potential closure of your beloved business. Call us day or night, and we will be there for you.

Ready to create your Emergency Ready Plan for your business? Contact us for your free assessment to start the plan you need.

Prep for the Holidays in a Fire-Safe Way | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

pan on kitchen counter in residence ablaze while unattended Fire damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda on the case!

The holly jolly holiday season is here, and we are so excited about it! This time of year brings everyone together for family parties and events, and we are sure you gather around the dinner table to toast to another year well-lived.

Whether you are in charge of preparing all of the food for an upcoming party or you volunteered to bring your world-famous cranberry sauce, you will be in the kitchen cooking away.

Kitchen fires increase at this time of year, and a single accident or oversight could leave your entire home damaged quickly. Practicing fire-safe kitchen strategies can help reduce your risk of starting a fire while you are making your delicious food.

Preparing Your Space

You should always take the time to prepare your space before you even turn on a burner or preheat your oven. Many kitchen fires start because there are too many flammable objects near flames or heat, so clearing excess clutter can help reduce this risk.

Removing pot holders, oven mitts, wooden utensils and holiday decorations is essential. Even just a single spark or popped grease bubble can travel to a flammable object and start a blaze instantly.

In addition, you should also be aware of what you are wearing in the kitchen. Cute holiday outfits or decorative aprons may put you in a seasonal mood, but they can be dangerously flammable in the right circumstances. Keep loose clothing to a minimum, and roll up your sleeves before you get to work.

Stay Near Your Cooking Food

Don’t ever leave the kitchen while your food is cooking. Leaving the kitchen for any amount of time can cause a potential fire to catch and spread, resulting in your entire kitchen being in flames by the time you get back. Grilling, frying, boiling and baking can all be dangerous, so be aware of your surroundings no matter what kind of cooking you are doing.

If your family loves to deep-fry a turkey around the holidays, use extreme caution. Choose a flat, nonflammable surface to set up your fryer, and do not overfill it with oil.

Read all the directions and make sure to pull out your turkey to thaw days in advance so it is fully thawed all the way through. A partially frozen turkey can cause the oil to spatter and pop when it comes into contact with the turkey.

Check Your Smoke Detectors

Proper kitchen safety strategies can help reduce your risk of suffering a kitchen fire, but we all know that fire is unpredictable. This is why having protective measures in place is crucial!

Each level of your home should have a smoke alarm, and one should ideally be near or in your kitchen. Check the batteries every month and change them regularly as they expire.

You should also make sure a fire extinguisher is designated to stay in your kitchen. Being able to quickly extinguish a flame can stop a problem before it gets out of control. Note the expiration date on your extinguisher and replace it as necessary.

We want you to enjoy a safe and relaxing holiday season, but remember that we are always here for you if you do suffer a house fire. We will clean, sanitize and rebuild your home as quickly as possible so you can get back to the festivities right away.

House fires can happen in the blink of an eye. Contact us for a quick restoration day or night!

Safely Navigating Winter Storms | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

snowy highway with vehicles driving in a squall The winter season is almost upon us! SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda has your back with these helpful tips.

The power of winter storms is not lost on us around here. We are fully aware of how intense winter weather can be in the Buffalo community, and we know that a single storm system can dump feet of snow, knock out power, create slick roads and make the entire community dangerous to be in while the storm rages on.

While we can’t control the weather, we can be prepared for it. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for strong winter storms can help keep you and your family safe.

Prepping Inside Your Home

It is always recommended that you avoid traveling when a winter storm blows through. Ice and snow can easily create dangerous travel conditions and make roadways really slippery. Accidents skyrocket, and you could even be stranded on the side of the road.

Stay home and get your emergency kit restocked and prepped for the weather to come. Pull out your weather radio and make sure your kit has everything you need to stay comfortable for multiple days.

Locate your flashlights and extra batteries, first-aid supplies, safe drinking water, and some sort of reliable heat source. Blizzard conditions can knock out power for hours or even days, so having extra blankets on hand and extra firewood for your fireplace can help.

That said, there may come a time when you realize your home is simply too cold to stay in while you wait for the power to come back on. Have a backup location in mind like a friend’s house, library or warming center that you can easily get to if you need.

Addressing Any Damage

Winter storms can take a while to blow through, so be sure it is completely over before you head outside. Check your home thoroughly for signs of damage and then get to work clearing the excess snow.

Grab your roof rake or shovel and pull the heavy snow off the edges of your roof all around your home. This helps prevent damage from stubborn ice dam formation, but it can also help prevent your roof from collapsing. Heavy, wet snow can weigh up to 20 pounds per cubic foot, and that can add up over time to create some serious pressure on your roof.

If the storm brought strong wind, check all around your home for drafts that may have formed. Any covered vents can quickly build up ice around the grating, which can block carbon monoxide from safely exiting your home. Clear away the snow and chip away the ice right away.

How SERVPRO® Can Help

We are no strangers to winter storms, and we can help you overcome any sort of damage that you experience. If your roof suffers damage, we will quickly secure your home and tackle the repairs. If a gap in your home leads to a water leak that seeps throughout your kitchen, we can help with that, too!

Our goal is to return your home to its preloss condition as quickly as possible. While winter weather may be a pain, there is so much fun to be had at this time of year, too. Let us handle your repairs so you can focus on the fun.

Our team is always ready for anything! Contact us at SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda for a quick restoration after suffering damage from a winter storm.

Recovery Tips After the Storm Blows On | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

9/18/2023 (Permalink)

Dramatic night shot of a home with visible roof damage from a recently storm and fallen debris Summer storms affecting your property? Call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda to restore your space in no time!

We are no strangers to extreme and strong weather here in the Buffalo area. We all know how to prepare in advance of an incoming storm, but sometimes we don’t always get advanced warning of an impending situation.

Storms can quickly develop across Lake Erie and bring heavy rain, strong winds and really unsafe conditions in a moment’s notice. So even if you do everything right, you may still experience home damage in some form. Once you discover the damage, what do you do?

You call SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda, of course! Our team is trained to help you recover quickly and efficiently. In the meantime, follow these tips to navigate your home and to stay safe.

After the Storm Clears

Stay connected to the local authorities even when the storm passes on. We all know that one storm could mean another is on the way. Keep your weather radio handy and be sure that your safe shelter location is ready to use whenever you need it.

Connect with your loved ones to ensure their safety, especially if any of your household members were away when the storm hit. A simple text may be the most reliable way to connect if service is spotty.

Once your family is accounted for, check on your neighbors. Storms can have very distinct paths and while your home may have suffered small damages, your neighbors may not have fared so well.

Take as many photos as you can once you are back at your house. Fresh images of the destruction will help us work alongside your insurance company to ensure the claims process goes smoothly.

When Minutes Matter

Even though the storm has passed, you are not out of the woods when it comes to hazardous situations. Broken glass, loose boards and structural issues may be difficult to navigate, so just be extremely cautious while you are moving about your home. Keep your cell phone nearby and consider wearing sturdy boots and gloves while you get around the wreckage.

Do what you can to prevent further damage while you are waiting for us to arrive, like laying tarps over your belongings or boarding up broken windows. We will take care of this process when we arrive, but taking action quickly may be necessary if it is still raining or really windy.

SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda will get to work helping you restore and recover from the storm, and we will help make sure your insurance claim goes smoothly. We can even help you navigate any off-site living quarters if you need to live elsewhere during the repairs.

When we say full service, we mean it! We will do whatever we can to help you overcome storm damage and we won’t stop until your home is restored to its preloss condition.

If a storm leaves your home damaged, contact us for fast recovery. We’re here 247 when you need us.

Protecting Your Home From Intense Rain | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

9/18/2023 (Permalink)

image of a large body of water during a rain storm with ripples caused by the heavy downpour Water damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda on the case!

While we certainly enjoy the warm sunny days that are abundant in the summer time here in the Buffalo area, we also appreciate a little rain from time to time. A gently falling rain on a lazy weekend can be relaxing as well as beneficial for our plants and lawns.

Not all storms are calm and gentle, though. Severe weather can be dangerous to us and our homes. While our homes are gratefully sturdy and can withstand the elements, sometimes rain still finds a way to sneak in anyway.

Our SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda team wants you to stay cozy and dry while the rain falls outside, so we offer some tips for preparing for the rest of the summer storms below.

The Impact of Heavy Rain

Rain can cause all kinds of problems in a short amount of time. Some rain storms come fast and furious to bring heavy rain and strong winds that blow off Lake Erie. The lake effect usually affects winter storms, but it can stir up more intense thunderstorms as well. This heavy rain can flood roads, overflow drainage ditches and even cause landslides.

While we cannot prevent situations like this from occurring, preparing early can help you avoid more serious damages to your property. Watch the forecast every day and start making plans as soon as a flash flood watch is issued or heavy rain is predicted.

Preparing Your Family

As soon as a flash flood watch is issued, keeping your family safe should jump to your highest priority. If you are out running errands, pack up and head for home. Avoid any low-lying areas or roads that are notorious for flooding. If you are already home, start pulling whatever outdoor items you can into your garage and house. Lawn furniture, grilling equipment, child’s toys and even your car can be swept away with a minimal amount of water, so removing them from harm’s way is always ideal.

If your home is in a flood zone or you know that your property floods when it pours, move anything fragile or soft from the lowest levels of your home. Floods can ruin keepsakes, couches and chairs quickly. Seek higher ground and keep an eye on the developing situation. If water does make its way into your home, stay where you are until the water stops flowing in.

Future Water Prevention Steps

Mother Nature is unpredictable, and that’s what makes it hard to completely prepare for every weather situation. However, there are things to learn after every damage situation that you can use to prevent it from happening again in the future. For example, getting your lawn properly graded can help encourage any rain that does fall down and away from your foundation lines. This is helpful if you consistently find water in your basement after a storm.

Another investment we recommend is a sump pump. Sump pumps work by pulling water away from your basement and pumping it back up to the surface and away from your home. This can be a really helpful piece of equipment if you live in a low-lying area or near a marsh or pond.

Remember that our water damage restoration team is here 247 in case you run into trouble during the next summer storm. We will arrive quickly and will work on removing excess moisture, addressing repairs and sanitizing your space to prevent a mold infestation.

We are here for all of your water disasters. Contact us day or night for a quick recovery.

Staying Safe During Your Fall Bonfires | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

9/18/2023 (Permalink)

campfire-style fire pit with flames emerging from the top of the logs on the dark green grass Bonfire season is upon us! SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda has your back with these helpful fire safety tips.

Can you believe that we are already entering the fall season here in the Buffalo area? We are certainly glad to see the seasons changing, and we look forward to all of the fun holidays and family time ahead.

In addition to all of the fall decorations, apple orchards and pumpkin patches, one common fall activity is a good bonfire. While fall bonfires can be a cozy way to welcome in the changing seasons, the risk of starting an out-of-control fire is always there.

Our SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda team wants you to enjoy this time of year with a small, crackling fire, so read on to learn more about responsible bonfire practices.

Starting Up Your Blaze

Do choose a safe location for your fire pit. Portable pits can be moved around to find a level surface far away from buildings or garages, but permanent pits aren’t as mobile. Remove any brush or log piles that are too close, and trim any trees that are hanging over the pit.

Do have a water source nearby for emergencies. An unraveled hose or a bucket full of water can easily snuff out a quickly growing fire. A shovel and some dirt is also a reliable option if you aren’t near any water sources.

Do keep an eye on the conditions. Windy days or dry conditions can make it more dangerous to have a fire, so obey any local burn bans and choose another day to start a fire.

Tips for Managing a Fire

Don’t use any sort of accelerant to start your fire or keep it going. Gas and lighter fluid may be flammable, but they can be unpredictable and downright dangerous to use.

Don’t let your children play too close to the flames, and keep your pets away from the fire pit. Accidents can happen in seconds and either lead to serious injury or a quickly spreading fire.

Don’t let the flames get too high. Large fires are much harder to control, so keeping yours small allows you to quickly extinguish any fire situation that is getting out of hand.

Don’t go inside or leave your fire pit until the flames and embers are completely extinguished. Pour water over everything until the logs and ash are cold to the touch.

Wildfires and People

While wildfires can start by lightning strikes or other acts of nature, most wildfires are actually caused by humans. In order to reduce your risk, stay close to your fire, keep it small and maintained, and never burn on any days where the conditions aren’t right.

Remember, fire can be unpredictable and cause all kinds of damage even if you follow all these tips. Call us right away for a complete fire damage restoration.

Fire can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Contact us day or night for immediate assistance.

Your Response to a Water Disaster in Your Home | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

8/15/2023 (Permalink)

Pool of water sitting on top of a herringbone patterned wood floor with furniture nearby If you discover water damage in your home or business, call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda right away.

Water plays such a huge role in our lives, and we often take it for granted as we rush through our days making dinner, washing our clothes and running baths for our kids. While it is a vital resource in our lives, water also has the potential to cause significant damage if it ends up where it shouldn’t.

We are no strangers to the power of water in our community. From Lake Erie producing the lake effect and impacting our weather on a daily basis to the strong storms that push through our community no matter what season it is, we face a constant threat of experiencing water damage.

Taking steps to prevent water damage is always the most ideal situation, but sometimes that is just not possible. Thankfully, we are here to help ensure that your damage is reversed and your home is put back together quickly.

Controlling the Flow of Water

Timing is everything once a water leak begins in your home. Water has the innate ability to leak and seep below floorboards and behind walls easily and silently, so the longer you wait, the worse the damage will get.

Jump into action right away to shut off the water valve if you come home to a puddle near an appliance, and shut off electricity to the room to be on the safe side. If the leak is caused by storm damage and you have a constant drip or flow of water coming from your roof, contain it with a bucket until the storm has passed and it is safe to investigate.

If your home has standing water of an inch or more, it is vital that you do not walk through the water. Live wires could be lurking under the surface and could be really dangerous to you.

Once the situation is partially under control, it’s time for SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda to step up to the plate! We are highly trained in a wide variety of water damage restoration methods, and we will get to work right away to help dry up the water and repair your house.

How We Dry Out Your House Faster

We will start working on your recovery plan from the very first conversation we have with you. While we are talking, we will ask you to take some photos of the damage. This ensures that you have the freshest images of the situation that you can share with the insurance company. Trust us, this makes the claims process so much easier!

We will simultaneously work on a few different things when we arrive at your house. Our team will start setting up our drying equipment and blowers, but we will also remove your fragile possessions and soft materials like couches, curtains and chairs. When we say we dry out everything, we mean everything! Even a few drops of lingering moisture can lead to damage or even mold growth.

Once the water is gone and your possessions are ready to be returned, we will first address any and all repairs. Water can easily warp floors, ruin walls and create soggy ceilings, but we have the tools and knowledge to tackle it all for you.

Don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda when you experience water damage. We are here for you day and night, and we will work hard until you are 100% satisfied with the final product.

Do you have water damage in your home? Call us for fast and complete restoration.

Enjoying Your Backyard BBQ Without Starting a Fire | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

8/10/2023 (Permalink)

Man holding tongs above grill preparing food outdoors Have you had a barbeque gone wrong? Call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda to get your space back in shape.

Summertime in the Buffalo area is always a season to embrace with open arms. It’s warm, it’s sunny and there is so much to see and do around here. One of our favorite activities is dusting off our BBQ grills and enjoying an afternoon with family and friends, and we are sure it’s one of your favorite pastimes as well!

But before you fire up your own grill, you need to make sure you are setting yourself up for success. July is the peak month for grill fires, and we want you to be safe and enjoy your party without the risk of fire. Our SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda team explains some helpful fire prevention tips below.

Setting Up Your Space Safely

The first step is to find a space to put your grill that is both outside and away from anything combustible. That may sound obvious, but this also includes your garage even with the door open and any overhangs off of the roof. Your grill needs to vent safely as well as have a safe place for that heat and smoke to go.

It should also be at least 10 feet away from the side of your home or a deck railing. This barrier should be a kid-free and pet-free zone as well, as a single accident could lead to the grill tipping over or a severe burn.

Next, it is time for inspections! Charcoal grills should be clean and free of ash buildup, and don’t forget to check the basin for dents, cracks or deformities. Propane grills should be cleaned as well and you should be checking the gas lines to make sure they are secure. A leaky line could be causing a slow gas leak, which is a huge safety concern and fire hazard.

Controlling the Flames

Once you have lit your grill and are cooking away, stay close by to man the flames. You should have your hose or fire extinguisher ready to use at a moment’s notice, and consider keeping a spray bottle nearby to help knock down smaller flames or sparks.

After the food is grilled to perfection, start the process of shutting everything down. Scatter the coals of your charcoal grill and close the vents, or close gas lines and propane tanks on your propane grill. Remove any ash buildup and put it into a metal can. Before you retire for the night, go outside one more time to check that everything is cooled and the fire is completely out.

We hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and take advantage of the great weather here in the Buffalo area. Remember, accidents can happen at any time regardless if you do your best to avoid them, so call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda for a fast restoration day or night.

Don’t let fire damage linger in your home. Call us at SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda for a fast restoration.

The Steps to Get Ready for Summer Storms | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

7/19/2023 (Permalink)

Empty parking lot with lots of greenery shown during a heavy downpour of rain. Have you been impacted by the unusual summer storm season? SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda has your back when you experience flood and water damage.

Wind, rain, hail, tornadoes and flash flooding are all common threats when it comes to severe weather in the summer. While each situation can range in severity, you still need to prepare for them in order to avoid widespread home damage.

Taking steps to protect your home includes everyday maintenance and regular cleaning tasks, but it also includes storm preparation.

In the summertime, we need to be prepared for strong winds, heavy rain and the appearance of quickly developing tornadoes. The best way to weather through a storm is by ensuring the outside of your house and your property are ready for the weather!

Check out our tips below for preparing your home for incoming storms and incorporate them into your weekly routine.

Routine Maintenance

Protecting your home from storms doesn’t have to take a lot of extra work. You are already accomplishing many storm preparation tasks just by keeping up with your yard work and regular home maintenance tasks.

Trimming your trees and removing dead branches or limbs from your property can help reduce your risk of suffering an impact from a fallen tree or projectile. You should also make it a point to clean your gutters regularly so the rain that does fall has a place to go that is not on your roof or near your foundation.

You should also prioritize walking around your property to check for signs of water damage. Gaps or cracks along your window panes or deteriorating caulk lines should be fixed right away, and don’t ignore broken or missing shingles, as a single missing shingle can lead to widespread water issues.

Storm Preparation Purchases

Once your property is secured, your home is ready to be protected from severe weather. If you want to take it one step further, investing in certain products can help make your home even more resistant to storm damage.

Installing storm shutters in front of your windows can help protect them from breaking during high winds and from anything thrown about your yard. You can also invest in triple-pane windows to give you an added layer of protection. If you live in a heavily wooded area, consider installing gutter guards to help keep debris from clogging up your gutter system.

If you have a shed or outbuilding on your property, you could add reinforcements to the roof to help secure it in a storm or install gutters along the roof line to ensure everything stays dry inside.

Once you and your home are ready, tune in to the local weather forecast every day and follow all watches, warnings and alerts. Storm damage is unpredictable, so we are here to help you recover if the next storm causes damage to any part of your home.

Was your home damaged in a storm? Call us at SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda to start restoration, 247.

Keeping Your Staff Safe in a Weather Emergency | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

7/14/2023 (Permalink)

Business man holding an umbrella and briefcase with a dark thunderstorm behind him. If your home or business was damaged in a storm, call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda to get you back in action.

Owning and running your own business is no small feat. In addition to keeping up with your daily tasks, you are also responsible for the safety of everyone under your employment. Training your team properly for various emergency scenarios can help keep everyone safe and can make you confident that your team will react appropriately.

Extreme weather can become a dangerous situation if your team isn’t prepared for the potential possibilities. Read on as our team explains some easy ways to ensure your staff are ready for anything that comes their way.

Calculating the Risk

We know all about severe weather in our area. From the strongest tornadoes to the snowiest winters, we have to be prepared for just about anything here. Having a plan tailored to each scenario is critical because each threat comes with its own set of risks.

Another common problem is flooding, so understanding the flood risk for your business can help you make decisions on how to prepare and whether or not to invest in flood insurance. If flooding conditions are projected, take the time to prepare your business before the water starts flowing in.

Communicating the Plan

In this day and age, communicating is one of the easiest parts about storm preparation! You can text or email your entire staff with the click of a button. This can be particularly handy if there is a storm on the way or if you need to make an emergency announcement, like where your safe shelter location is or where your supplies are.

Communicating can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and has the same information. It can also help determine who is responsible for the roles of getting your staff and customers to safety.

Evacuating vs. Sheltering

If you have enough warning, sometimes an efficient evacuation is the best way to keep everyone safe. Take the time to show your employees your evacuation plan and label your emergency exits clearly. In a true emergency, their path should be clearly labeled as most people move fast in these situations.

On the other hand, sheltering in place might be the best option. That’s where your safe shelter location comes into play! Your staff should know where this is and how to get to it without the use of an elevator. You should also take the time to prep the space with food, water and an emergency kit so that everyone stays safe and comfortable.

Once you have these plans in place, it’s time to practice. Hold drills and mock emergency situations so that your team is confident in any severe weather scenario.

Don’t let extreme weather take control! If storms strike your business, SERVPRO® can help you restore your losses.

Introducing Fire Safety to Your Kids | SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda

6/14/2023 (Permalink)

Young boy staring at a lit match being held between his fingers SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is here for you and your family if you experience a fire in your home or business.

If you have children, you know just how much work it is to raise them right and teach them about the world around them. You also know just how many questions a little kid can ask in a day! Your kids are learning new things and concepts every day, and it is your responsibility to help keep them safe and informed as they grow.

One crucially important topic to discuss with your kids is fire safety. House fires are not only destructive, but they can be dangerous to everyone in your household.

By introducing fire safety in a fun and non-threatening manner, you can increase the likelihood of your children responding quickly and correctly in the event of a real emergency.

Teaching the Concept of Fire

Many kids learn through experience, and it can be hard for them to understand cause and effect until it is actually happening. This is especially true with fire! Discuss with them how different fires can start and how they spread, and take a walk through your home together and find the places that produce fire, like bonfire pits, your stove and the candles around the house, and discuss fire safety at each place.

It is also important for your children to understand the dangers of matches and lighters in the wrong hands. Explain that these items are tools for adults to use and are never toys. A curious child and a lighter can lead to devastating consequences.

Introduce Them to Authority

Many kids want to become police officers or firefighters when they grow up, but can be easily intimidated by these men and women in uniform. Try to expose your children to authority figures by reading books about them and consider attending local community events where they are present. Meet-and-greets can help reinforce the concept of friendly heroes and what these people would look like if they were to come to their home.

Explain to them what would happen in the event of a fire and how these people would show up to help everyone. In most cases, they would show up once everyone is outside, but in the small chance that your child is unable to get out on his or her own, needs to be comfortable with yelling for help. Make it fun by seeing who can yell their name the loudest in their rooms and practice army crawling through the house.

The Benefits of an Escape Plan

If you don’t already have an emergency exit plan, make it a priority to create one soon. Let your children lead this process, and make it fun! Challenge them to find all of the ways out of each room in your home and time them to see how fast they can get out. Then sit down and draw out the map together.

Your windows are often-overlooked exits because you normally don’t let your children play with them—for good reason. However, in a true emergency situation, your children need to know how to open them. Explain how they work, and reinforce the idea that the windows are never to be used as a toy and only for emergencies.

Lastly, practice running to your outdoor meeting place that is far enough away from your home. Put it all together and practice your entire plan at least twice a year, and be sure your children know how to call 911.

Fires can cause widespread damage. Call us for a thorough and efficient restoration.

Protect Your Home When the Wind Blows | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

6/5/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”storm” alt = "dense forest area with trees bending due to intense wind and rain ” > If you've suffered from storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda your first call.

Wind comes in all shapes and sizes. A gentle summer breeze on a hot day can feel like a gift, while a straight-line wind accompanying a severe thunderstorm can become a nightmare for your home and property.

It doesn’t even have to be stormy outside for winds to cause damage! A bright and sunny day could have high winds, which can be just as troublesome for you.

Learning about the different kinds of wind and the damage they cause can help you prepare your home and keep your family safe.

Different Wind Patterns

The majority of damaging winds come from thunderstorms—and even more from tornadoes. If a severe weather alert is issued, don’t ignore it.

The wind within a thunderstorm can easily reach up to 60 miles per hour. Debris and tree branches can easily be thrown around your yard.

Straight-line winds are another kind of wind that accompany thunderstorms. They can reach up to 100 miles per hour, and a single gust can cause widespread damage. This is because straight-line winds don’t have any sort of rotation in them and just occur in one solid burst.

When a tornado is present in the area, many different kinds of wind can occur all at once. Straight-line windows, downdrafts, and micro- or macro-bursts can occur, all of which can have disastrous effects.

We can experience every above-mentioned wind in the Buffalo area. Severe weather throughout the entire year can cause high wind warnings to be issued, and our location on the edge of Lake Erie can make even sunny days windy and dangerous. No matter what season we are in, always be aware of the current weather conditions.

Preventing Wind Damage

Wind can knock down trees, blow around debris and damage power lines. Strong winds can even topple mobile homes and lift cars off the ground.

The most reliable way to stay safe is to know what different wind alerts look like so you can take action quickly. If you have enough time, secure outdoor furniture and other loose objects that are outside, and try to move anything indoors that you can before the wind blows.

Keep your yard tidy by trimming trees and removing yard debris regularly. Even an unsuspecting branch in your front yard can become dangerous if it is picked up and thrown around by the wind.

Head inside and stay away from windows while the storm is in our area, and don’t go outside until you are confident that the winds have died down.

If you discover damage to your home or roof after the storm passes, call us right away. The faster our storm restoration team can arrive at your house, the quicker we can address your repairs and get your home back to normal.

Has your home been damaged by wind? Call us and get things cleaned up fast.

Understanding Water Leaks on Your Property | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

5/9/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”bucket” alt = " blue bucket in the middle of the living area catching water falling from the ceiling ” > Think you may have water damage in your home? Here are some tips from SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda to find the source.

We experience all kinds of wet weather in the Buffalo area. We are no strangers to snow and rain, which means we are no strangers to the potential for water damage in our homes. Water damage has the ability to cause widespread issues in a short amount of time or over many months, making it a tricky form of home damage.

In order to prevent these types of water issues from occurring on your property, you need to understand the most common places for them to originate.

Our SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda team explains the top three locations to keep an eye on this spring and summer below.

Your roof. Most people aren’t up on their roofs on a regular basis, so this part of your home can be tough to keep an eye on. However, you really should make it a priority to give your roof a thorough check after each severe storm and with the change in seasons.

Roof damage can occur in an obvious instance, like due to a falling tree, or it can happen slowly with a single cracked shingle that slowly leaks water into your home.

However it starts, roof damage can introduce water into your home quickly and it can spread and leak down your walls. When that happens, you need to be careful for mold growth because mold loves continually damp and dark spaces like behind your walls and beneath your floors.

Your bathroom spaces. Every home’s bathroom is used frequently. From brushing teeth to washing the dog in the tub, you are constantly running water through your fixtures. Any time you turn on a tap, you are increasing your risk of a water leak. This is why it is so important to check the water lines and pipes around your fixtures often!

Catching a puddle while it is forming or stopping a leak on its first or second drip can help you prevent water damage altogether. It is also important to address any lingering moisture issues in your bathroom and try to run vents or open a window to dry out this space between uses.

Other appliances. This one might also seem obvious, and that’s probably because you have dealt with an appliance malfunction or two over the course of your homeownership career. Leaky or malfunctioning appliances are a common cause of water damage.

This is due to the fact that dishwashers and washing machines are constantly filling up and draining water. Over time, hose lines and connectors can experience wear and tear and drains can get clogged. Do your best to keep them clean and maintained, and check beneath and behind them for signs of water damage or water spots often.

Another helpful tip is to try and replace your outdated appliances whenever you are financially able to do so. This increases your confidence that you have the most reliable equipment in your home.

Dealing with a water emergency? Our SERVPRO specialists can be on the scene of the disaster ASAP to restore your water-damaged home!

Our Team Has the Training You Can Trust | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

5/4/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”team” alt = " group of 3 SERVPRO reps standing near a green semi truck at a work site ” > Is your home or business in need of restoration? SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is ready to help you recover.around the clock.

When it comes down to it, being a homeowner involves making decisions every day. Simple decisions like what color to paint your front door may be minor and just for fun, while others can be life-changing, like choosing who to help you restore your fire-ravaged kitchen.

With those major decisions, it is important that you choose a provider that you can trust. Think about it—would you want a company that is well-established and fully trained, or would you be OK with letting a less experienced team handle your possessions and important spaces?

For us, we think the answer is easy. SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is here to serve you and your family! We are trained in the latest restoration techniques, and we are constantly learning through certifications and continuing education opportunities in order to serve you best.

We Incorporate All Industry Trainings

Our SERVPRO team understands the importance of a thorough restoration, so that is why we follow the IICRC standards when we approach our employee training. Our professionals are taught the correct methods for cleaning and restoration through classes like:

  • water damage restoration
  • fire damage restoration
  • mold remediation
  • carpet and upholstery and cleaning

In addition to formal training like this, we also offer specialized certification training to our staff. This training is self-paced, which gives our employees the flexibility they deserve in order to fully understand what is being taught.

We Keep Learning All the Time

Technology is changing and evolving all the time, so that means so are restoration and cleaning techniques. We encourage our staff to attend continuing education classes and e-learning courses to learn new methods and skills throughout their careers.

We know that each house damage scenario is different, so we work hard to understand as much as we can about each potential damage situation—and our training helps us do this.

As processes and procedures change with innovation, we can change as well. By adjusting our methods to align with current best practices, you know that your project will be completed thoroughly and efficiently.

How Our Training Benefits You and Your Family

Our training and certifications give us the confidence needed to tackle any project that you have for us. We know how to approach the situation, how to form a restoration plan and how to execute it with perfection. Our team is so confident in our abilities that we will not leave until you are completely satisfied with your end result.

Choosing how to care for your home can often feel like a full-time job, so let us make it a little easier for you the next time you need help. SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is the trusted and trained restoration team for you.

When you need help recovering from a disaster, SERVPRO is here for you. Get in touch 24/7 to start your disaster recovery.

Our customer Victor B wrote, “SERVPRO saved the day".

4/18/2022 (Permalink)

A photo of a certificate of satisfaction with high reviews. Customer satisfaction is our top priority.

The Buffalo - Tonawanda SERVPRO franchise did a tremendous job. Their estimator Geoff was truly knowledgeable and considerate. Sal and Dave who performed in my home were amazing. They were well trained and efficient. They cleaned up and made it look as if they were never in my home. Pleased”.

This is our why! Why we do what we do at SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda every day of our lives for 49 years. We are a family operated business; Team Sullivan and we just love what we do. At times things can be stressful micromanaging several jobs and at times we can receive sixty calls or more in one day after a rainstorm with flooded basements. Most customers understand as the storm makes the news. We do our best dispatching our crews, having them work late hours with weeks of no days off to help our customers. We develop a waiting list and reach out to the neighboring franchises to assist with the overflow of flooded basements. At times, a SERVPRO storm team will be dispatched from another state to help with local jobs.

SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda since 1972 has out lasted all competitors in Western New York with family trust.

A Fire Caused by a Space Heater in Buffalo, NY

4/18/2022 (Permalink)

A photo of smoke damage in a bathroom caused by a space heater, A space heater was left unattended and caused a small fire in a bathroom in Tonawanda, NY

Space heaters can be a fire hazard in fact according to the National Fire Protection Association, heating equipment is the leading cause of fires in the United States. Many residential fires are caused by space heater units and are responsible for several deaths every year. It is wise to replace old units with new models that have the automatic turn off feature, should it tip over.

Some other safety tips are:

-Check for frayed wires.

-Never use an extension plug or a power strip

-Keep all loose objects away from it and give it space

-Know how your space heater works

-Keep heaters away from children and pets

-Only use if you are staying in the room, never leave unattended

-Make sure your smoke detectors are working

Be safe and be smart. Every year SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda will clean a couple of homes that had a space heater fire causing structural damage, soot, and odor throughout a home.

Covid 19 and Disease Control

4/18/2022 (Permalink)

A photo of the shield used by SERVPRO for their covid 19 certified clean program What else would you expect from the experts at SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda.

When you see a SERVPRO Certified Clean shield in a business’s window, you can be sure it has been cleaned using the processes and procedures used by SERVPRO for biohazard remediation for more than 49 years.

As our lives changed with the pandemic it is important for employers to stay and feel safe in their place of work. SERVPRO knows that we all have a new sense of what it means to be clean, and that is why we have the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program. You can be sure it is a clean environment once SERVPRO uses our defensive and proactive pathogen cleaning janitorial practices.

SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda is dedicated to spreading confidence in communities across the country. Chose SERVPRO for your viral pathogen cleaning, you can trust us to bring a higher standard of clean to your local business.

Unexpected Accidents Can Occur at any Given Moment When You Least Expect It

4/18/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing the damage left behind after a car smashed through the concrete block of a building This damaged was a result of a vehicle that smashed into a building in Buffalo, NY

We hope this will never happen, but it does, a car through a building. According to statistics, there are 20,000 vehicle-into-building crashes every year in the United States. It is crazy to think that is 50-60 accidents a day and almost twenty of those are vehicles crashing into a convenience store. It’s scary to think about it and unfortunately, there has been injuries to the occupants of the property.

Over the last 49 years in business, SERVPRO of Buffalo -Tonawanda responds to at least two properties a year for glass and debris clean-up. The impact causes the glass and concrete dust to go everywhere, requiring detailed professional cleaning throughout the business.

If you need a professional cleaning company that can provide heavy duty cleaning services. That is when you can call the certified professionals at SERVPRO.

SERVPRO of Buffalo – Tonawanda, family owned and operated since 1972


3 Common Types of Flooding and Their Causes | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

4/18/2022 (Permalink)

a street completely submerged in water and a flood warning sign in roadway Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda has the team to help you recover from any disastrous event.

There are many types of natural disasters that can impact an area—often it will be tornadoes, hurricanes or severe thunderstorms that come to mind. However, flooding is actually the most common type of natural disaster in the United States, and it is the deadliest, too.

Floods can cause destruction over large areas of land, and as such, it is important to be aware of how they start.

There are many ways that floods can occur, but most often, they have three common types and four main causes, which is what we will be looking into today.

3 Types of Flooding

Flash floods can come about rather quickly, as evidenced by the name. Flash flooding is typically caused by heavy rainfall, either in a short amount of time or in a rapid period, which accumulates too quickly to be efficiently drained away. Flash floods are extremely dangerous due to their rapid nature and have been known to carry away vehicles or people caught in their path.

River floods happen when a riverbank cannot contain the water within the river—this is common after heavy rainfall or in the spring when snow begins to melt. River floods occur when the river overflows, flooding the surrounding area.

Coastal floods occur in similar ways to river floods, just in coastal bodies of water. This often happens due to hurricanes, other storm surges or cyclonic activity, which can lead to the area against the coast becoming flooded as the tides rise.

The 4 Frequent Causes of Natural Flooding

Heavy rainfall. If there is a storm with a large amount of rainfall, flash flooding becomes highly likely. When water is not able to drain away, it can quickly lead to flash flooding—and this is especially a concern in urban areas where there is a large number of paved areas that prevent moisture from being absorbed by the ground.

Oceanic activity. When ocean tides rise rapidly, especially due to large storm systems or hurricanes, a coastal flood can often be the result.

Dams and levees failing. The failing of a dam or a levee is devastating, as many will recall from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. These structures can often fail due to poor infrastructure, or just a large volume of water that becomes too great for them to hold back.

Snowmelts and ice dams. Snow and ice accumulation throughout the winter can lead to a lot of melting when spring arrives, which is often a cause of flooding. In areas with rivers, this can be exacerbated by ice dams or ice jams blocking the river from flowing on its course, causing riverbanks to overflow.

Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover from its disastrous effects. Contact us anytime when flooding or water damage makes a mess in your life.

Odors After a Fire

4/15/2022 (Permalink)

A photo of a fire that happened in a garage with damage to the dry wall and insulation Many times the insulation in attics can hold fire smoke odor.

During a home fire, there are so many troubles and worries that a homeowner will face. Knowing how troublesome home emergencies are was the inspiration for SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda to become a thing. SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda partners with homeowners and businesses to make fire damages "Like it never even happened®". But how do they take care of the aftermath of fire damages, like smoke damages?

Smoke damages are one branch of the different types of fire damages, but it is important to understand the behavior of smoke. Smoke rises to the upper levels of structures, so during the fire damage mitigation process, the technicians at SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda will inspect and examine all upper levels of a structure to inspect for soot and odor.  If the fire is on a second floor, attic insulation can trap smoke and allow the smell to linger, long past the fire. SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda’s team will remove the odorous insulation and then use special cleaning solutions and techniques to remove the smell from a home.

Grilling Safety

4/15/2022 (Permalink)

A photo of a grill with food on it Who else is excited for grilling season ?

Spring and warm temperatures are finally beginning here in Buffalo, NY and it’ll only be a manner of time before we start the grilling some tasty food. We at SERVPRO can’t wait to start grilling some steaks in the warm temperatures, but be sure to follow these fire safety tips to avoid any fire damage while grilling.

  1. Keep your grill at least 10 feet away from your home and avoid having any decorations near the grill. Keeping items clear of the grill will help ensure that the flame from the grill doesn’t spread.
  2. Clean grease and fat from your grill regularly. Giving your grill a regular cleaning will prevent buildup of these flammable materials.
  3. If your grill is a gas grill, check for gas leaks. Cover the gas hoses in soapy water and check for bubbles forming in the soap.
  4. Keep a fire extinguisher near your grill in case of an emergency.
  5. Never leave your grill unattended

These tips should help you have a safe grilling season. Enjoy those burgers and hot dogs! Should anything happen, SERVPRO is here for you.

SERVPRO of Buffalo – Tonawanda Supports Autism Awareness and Acceptance

4/14/2022 (Permalink)

A photo of a girl who has autism Meet Ashley. Ashley is the daughter of the owner who has autism. Ashley helps out at the office with paperwork and spreads kindness.

SERVPRO® is often recognized as the top leader in disaster restoration services but. SERVPRO® of Buffalo - Tonawanda and all SERVPRO® locations are locally owned and operated. As a local business, we enjoy getting involved in our community supporting many charities with a strong passion for autism awareness and pediatric cancer. We love getting to know each other, engaging in community events, and of course, working with other business owners in our area when called upon. We know our reputation is always on the line and for each job it is of the utmost importance for our team to maintain our great reputation, especially with our neighbors! We are family operated and have been in the business for 49 years!

Always during the month of April, we support autism awareness and acceptance. We donate to many charities in support of services for those in need.

SERVPRO® of Buffalo - Tonawanda always giving back to the community.

Content Removal Services After a Water Damage in Buffalo

4/12/2022 (Permalink)

A photo of stored contents in a basement. SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda can assist with your content inventory.

Most of us use our basements for storage. We store old books, clothing, photos, holiday decorations and whatever else we had to keep that we really did not need to.

When you have a water damage and when it is in your basement full of belongings, it is overwhelming. It is a challenge and time consuming to most homeowners. It is a challenging task to go through the saturated items to see what is damaged, what can be saved and depressing when you lost sentimental items that can never be replaced. SERVPRO can assist during this process if help is needed. A customer decides what they will be keeping vs discarding, SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda will haul out the damage items, clean the items that are going to be saved and proceed with the remaining cleaning throughout the basement. We also offer document drying through our corporate office in Tennessee. We also offer the services to re-packed content into new boxes. SERVPRO offers offsite disposal or can have a dumpster placed if there is a lot to remove. If you have a water damage, SERVPRO technicians will be there to help. Call us at 716-694-9949

Family operated since 1972

Sewage Concerns

4/12/2022 (Permalink)

A photo of a floor drain in a basement. Drain back up is a common cause of sewage damage during heavy rain storms.

One of the most hazardous jobs SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda deals with is a sewage backup. A sewer back up can occur through a toilet, sink, shower, and the drain in your basement. The most common reason for a sewer back up is caused by a clog. The blockage can be caused by feminine products, grease, hair, and children’s toys. The main drain from the house to the street can build up with debris or tree roots that disturbs the proper function of wastewater draining. The sewage material gets trapped builds up and has nowhere else to go but back into your home. The wastewater contains many water-borne diseases and must be cleaned and disinfected immediately. Some of the pathogens in sewage are E. Coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus, mycobacterium. SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda’s highly trained professionals are close by, sustainer focused and ready to help. Call us today at 716-694-9949

Commercial Restoration and Cleaning Services BUFFALO

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing a hallway in a commercial building under water A commercial property had a sprinkler head break. It causing hundreds of gallons of water to cover many offices. SERVPRO was there to save the day.

Whether your commercial property or business needs emergency restoration services or cleaning, SERVPRO professionals have all the training and experience to handle any situation your business might be in. From a major pipe break to a small overflow or a biohazard, we will help get you back in business.

After any water damage, safety is your primary focus. Follow these water damage emergency tips:

-Is it safe to stay in the home or business?

-Floors can be very slippery and can create a fall and injury.

-The electrical system can be compromised and is a major concern over safety.

-Wet materials can be very heavy and can cause back injury. Be careful and keep bagged debris light.

-Remove as much moisture as you can

-Wipe up standing water that is on tables and wood.

-Turn on air conditioner on max during the summer

-Place aluminum foil or wood blocks under furniture legs

-Remove expensive artwork

-Gather loose items from floors.

SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda is available 24/7 to assist with your home or business needs. 716-694-9949

Apartment Fire

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing A SERVPRO van in front of an apartment complex. SERVPRO of Buffalo -Tonawanda dispatched a crew to an apartment kitchen fire which affected several rooms and floors with water and smoke damage.

One late quiet night, the fire alarms went off for a stove fire in an apartment. The alarm activated the sprinkler system and the fire department arrive to put the fire out. Water and soot affected four levels affecting common hallways and twenty-two apartment units. Water was dripping from the ceilings and the flooring was saturated. An odor of fire and soot covered the fourth floor. SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda was dispatched and responded immediately. Crews extracted the standing water and released the water from the ceiling by creating openings. Water was removed from personal belongings and furniture was lifted on blocks and pads. Moisture testing was performed by our highly trained technicians, and drying equipment set up throughout. Crews returned daily to monitor and reposition the drying equipment to affectingly dry out the structure. Detailed cleaning and deodorizing were performed on the fourth-floor areas. Crews put in extra hours to make it, "Like it never even happened." ®

Easter Candle Safety

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing artificial plants and decorations to close to a candle. It only takes seconds for an accident to happen. Make sure all obstacles are away from candles that could catch on fire.

Easter is around the corner! When you are preparing for the holidays, keep in mind the dangers that can come along with it. Every Easter, SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda responds to several homes for fire related incidents. An unattended candle fire is one of main causes of a home fire during the holidays. They smell pretty, set a vibe, and look pretty but that can quickly turn into a disaster. Candles can catch curtains, paper, decorations, and tables cloths on fire. It is always a clever idea to blow the candle out when you leave the room and house. In addition to a fire hazard, candles can cause carbon deposits throughout your home. The carbon and soot will appear where nail heads and framing lay. Be sure to be safe this holiday season. Happy Easter from your friends at SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda.

Duct Cleaning Services

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing a dirt filled duct run Spring has sprung, but what's that lurking in your ducts?

Most people do not realize that if you do not get your air ducts cleaned regularly it can cause all kinds of issues. For example, it can bother a person’s allergies, cause them to get sick and push dirt and dust into your home. With over 49 years’ experience, SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda specializes in all types of duct cleaning. We can do residential, commercial, and small businesses. Springtime is the best time to clean ducts, when the weather is warming up and the dirt and dust can be easily pushed out of your home. But here at SERVPRO any time is a suitable time to clean your ducts. So, if you are finding yourself sneezing, continually getting sick it could be all the dirt and grim being spread through your ducts. Give SERVPRO a call, we are here 24/7 to help with any cleaning needs. With three locations in the area, we can service all of western New York.

The Questions SERVPRO Will Ask To Better Assist You With A Water Damage.

4/8/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing watewr damage to a floor in a kitchen with Servpro's drying equipment A sink line broke and luckily the customer caught it in time. It still affected a portion of the floor and required removal and drying of the floor.

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling overwhelmed, stressed, helpless and have no idea of what to do. Who knew a toilet line break could cause so much damage? You need a professional to guide you through this arduous time. SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda has the specific water damage training and knowledge to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration.

When you call, the receptionist will ask several questions regarding your emergency. These questions will help us plan the action needed. It will help with what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there standing water?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?
  • How many rooms and floors are affected?
  • Is there mold present?

SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke, or water damage event. Family operated since 1972.

SERVPRO Document Restoration Services

4/8/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing a book that is water damaged. Some books and papers are irreplaceable and at SERVPRO we know we can help dry and restore them.

After the fire is out and the brave first responders retreat back to the fire hall, SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda arrives to start fire mitigation services. A thorough walk through is performed given attention to the most important requirements in order to get that business up and running again. One of the most important items in a business can be the restoration of wet or smoked damage documents. SERVPRO can immediately arrange the document restoration process. Documents are loaded into a freezer truck and transported to our state-of-the-art document drying division at our SERVPRO headquarters in Gallatin, Tennessee. SERVPRO will help you recover your paper goods before it’s too late.

SERVPRO can restore:
-paper documents
-books and magazines
-manuscripts and files
-photographs, film, negatives and microfiche
-blueprints and map

Our vacuum freeze-drying process is the only method approved by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the General Services Administration (GSA)

Call us today for your document restoration needs.
SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda

Team Sullivan! Family Operated! Est 1972

4/7/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing the owners daughter standing next to a SERVPRO car. In the photo is the owners daughter, Ashley. Ashley has autism and often helps out at the office.

SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda is operated by the Sullivan family since 1972. Our staff is always ready to help!

Celebrating our 49th year in business. We know what to do and you know who to trust. Our franchise is the largest in Western New York covering multiple cities in Western New York.

Floods, fire, mold, and water emergencies do not wait for regular business hours and neither do we.

Our IICRC certified technicians at SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda are ready to provide emergency services and cleaning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week — including all holidays! We are there when disaster strikes! 

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home or business and rapidly absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more. Our SERVPRO arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage, lowers restoration costs, and lessens down time in your business.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 at (716) 694-9949

We are proud to serve our local communities:

Spring Winter Storms In Buffalo

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing the SERVPRO van in the snow. A late Spring snow storm in Buffalo, NY

There is no telling what weather Buffalo get day to day in the Spring. One day its seventy, birds chirping, people out walking, the flowers starting to peek out and then the next day you are making snow angels and a snowman. The ground is already soft and mushy from the winter and with the additional snow melting, many times it causes sump pump failures. A sump pump can completely stop working or it just malfunctions. Either way it can cause damage and you will need a plumber and SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda to assist with the water damage. To be safe, you will want to replace the sump pump. Do not just shake it and think because it went back on its fine. Several times, we have responded, and a customer will reflood after its all cleaned up and dry and will have to report a second claim. SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda has 24hr emergency service and is ready to help. 716-694-9949 Family owned and operated since 1972.

SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda Adds Another Van To Its Fleet

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing a new Servpro van SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda keeps growing by adding another van to be used for water damage clean up.

Ready To Help and growing. SERVPRO of Buffalo- Tonawanda just purchased another van to add to our fleet. SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda has been servicing and assisting the Buffalo area for almost 50 years! Family owned and operated by the Sullivan Team. A company you know you can trust. It’s not easy to start a business and to remain the top restoration company. It is a lot of challenging work and dedication. Many days we spend more time with our customers, than our own family. Why? It is our passion to help. We get satisfaction with a happy customer in a time of need. We are your hero! We put in long hours to clean up your water damage, smoke damage from a fire or mold. Our trained technicians are always there to walk you through the process and to make sure you are satisfied. If you have damaged caused by water, fire, or mold. Call us at 716-694-9949.

Safety Tips After A Water Damage Caused By Floodwaters

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

A photo showing a crawl space opening with standing water SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda responds to a home in Buffalo to assist with a flooded crawl space from a near by creek overflowing.

Staying safe after a water damage is especially important. Whether it is a basement flood caused by a creek overflow, a roof leak, or a toilet line break. There are many dangers lurking in several types of situations and staying safe is a must!

Tips to keep safe following a creek overflow flood:

Floodwaters in your basement contain many different hazards. The water is filled with contaminants that are not safe such as chemical hazards. There are many different strains of bacteria in flood waters that cause illness and disease. There could be electrical damage causing electrical currents in the water. Always check with local authorities if your home is safe to occupy it.

Once the home is deemed safe, call your insurance company to file a claim so they can determine the coverage. Even if you do not have insurance SERVPRO of Buffalo – Tonawanda can respond with the cleanup efforts. Acting quickly can help minimize damages.

Storm Approaching Safety

8/3/2021 (Permalink)

Photo shows drying equipment consisting of air movers and dehumidifiers drying out a building A property suffered water damage due to a leaking roof. SERVPRO of Buffalo -Tonawanda was called in to assist.

Rain and windstorms can happen with little warning. The local news will report bad weather approaching but it is still unpredictable, so we need to take steps to keep our homes safe from storm damage. An inspection of your home’s roof is a good idea to conduct before bad weather arrives. A leaky roof or windows can cause big problems during heavy rain conditions or a snowstorm. Make sure you don’t have loose or hanging gutters. Rain gutters can present a real problem in high winds and heavy rain.  You want the water to properly drain in the gutter system vs pooling on the side of your home. It’s also a good idea to trim back trees and bushes with large heavy branches that are not in good condition. Having a large branch fall on your home can cause significant damage to the structure and can cause water damage.

The SERVPRO team of SERVPRO of BUFFALO-TONAWANDA is ready to help in the event of storm damage, fire damage, or mold issues. You can give us a call today at 716-694-9949 or visit us on our website:


Summer Thunderstorm Preparedness

4/14/2021 (Permalink)

Lightning striking from dark clouds Lightning can strike even when it's not raining!

Summer is approaching fast here in Western New York and although summer brings nice weather, it also brings thunderstorms along with it. Here are some tips to be prepared for thunderstorms!

  • Make sure you are aware your local community’s warning system for severe thunderstorms.
  • Pick a safe place for you and your family to meet in case of a severe thunderstorm
  • Remove dead and damaged branches from trees and shrubs around your home to prevent them from breaking during a storm
  • Postpone any outdoor activities if a thunderstorm is likely to occur
  • If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be in danger of lightning. If thunder roars, go indoors!
  • Avoid electrical equipment and telephones during the storm
  • Be sure to shutter windows and close your doors securely, and stay away from windows!

If your home is damaged by stormy conditions, SERVPRO can help you repair the damage and clean your home!

How To Avoid Pipe Bursts!

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

Pipe leaking water Pipe bursts/leaks can cause detrimental water damage to your home!

Pipe bursts are some of the most common causes of water damage. Small changes can prevent a buildup of damage to your pipes over the years. Here are some tips to keep your pipes from getting damaged and to protect your home from water damage.

  1. Consider a water softening system. Hard water can cause significant damage to your pipes over time. Early signs of hard water in your home is if your coffee maker has clogs and gives out earlier than expected. This is due to a high mineral content in the water. A water softening system will lower the hardness in the water and reduce the amount of minerals that can adhere to your pipes.
  2. Install a pressure regulator. A pressure regulator will help you detect problems in your water supply before any serious damage can occur. High water pressure is one of the most common causes there is of pipe damage. Increased clogs or mineral adherence will cause the pressure to increase in your pipes and can lead to bursting. Contact your local plumber if your pressure appears to be high.
  3. Insulate your pipes. Insulated pipes will help prevent freezing in the winter. If water freezes in your pipes, the pressure builds up and can cause a pipe burst.

If a pipe burst does occur, SERVPRO is here to help! We will help clean up your water damage of any size!


3/24/2021 (Permalink)

A photo showing coastal flooding at Buffalo Harbor Heavy rains and wind can cause significant damage.


* WHAT...Significant lakeshore flooding possible.

* WHERE...Erie and Chautauqua Counties.

* WHEN...From Friday morning through Friday afternoon.

* IMPACTS...The rapid rise in water levels at the eastern end of Lake Erie may result in lakeshore flooding along the Lake Erie shore. Flooding is possible along Buffalo Harbor, Canalside and another flood prone locations. Very high wave action may also result in significant shoreline erosion.

In addition to lakeshore flooding, we will also have strong winds and heavy rain with the potential of knocking down trees, power lines, causing roof damage and can flood your home.

During storm events, you might loss power and your sump pump cannot work resulting in a water damage to your basement. Many times, sewer systems cannot handle the storm water and could back up in your basement. Should your basement flood, SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda is ready to help.  Family operated since 1972.

Be prepared!

SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda / Carpet Cleaning Services

3/23/2021 (Permalink)

A photo showing soiled carpets SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda has been cleaning carpets for over 48 years!

Did staying in most of 2020 take a toll on your carpets? How DIRTY are your carpets and floors?  Where your children play with their toys and lie down to watch their favorite cartoon.  Did your dog track in muddy footprints? The IICRC states that 70% of soil in carpet is dry soil.  Vacuuming is a key component to proper care and maintenance of carpet. Even the highest quality carpet and upholstery can show soiling over time and SERVPRO of Buffalo -Tonawanda can clean that for you.

In between carpet cleaning use these maintenance tips:

- Regular vacuuming

- Using walk-off matts to limit the amount of soil tracked onto the carpet

- Remove stains and spots immediately

- Moving furniture to change traffic patterns

A good rule of thumb would be to professionally clean your carpets every 12 months.

So, if you need your carpets clean, make sure you call SERVPRO of Buffalo – Tonawanda. 


Why SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda?

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

A photo of one of the owners, Jennifer Family operated since 1972! SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda. Pictured here is Jennifer Sullivan. Jennifer is a second generation owner.

Why ?

 That is easy.......family operated since 1972, still operating under the same family name. Outlasted all Buffalo competitors that were in business in the 70’s and 80’s. Why? It is our life; it is our passion; it is our commitment to you!  Helping customers is such an awarding feeling. We do feel like heroes! Our customers go through a horrible time in their life when a fire, flood, mold, or biohazard situation happens to them. From the first phone call into our office, we have the empathy and understanding for your needs. Our crews are highly trained to assist, communicate, mitigate, and clean your home so you get your life back. We work with all the insurance companies, contractors, building property managers, plumbers, electricians and heating and cooling experts. Our equipment inventory has built up over the decades and we are constantly purchasing additional state of the art drying equipment, carpet cleaning machines, drying tools and anything that helps our customers. If you ever have a fire damage, flood, discovery of mold, everyday cleaning needs, we are here to help. SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda. 716-694-9949

Know Your Electrical Hazards in Your Buffalo Home

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

A photo of an electrical socket. Always be safe!

Electrical Fire Safety

The thought of an electrical fire is scary. Not knowing what is going on inside your walls, ceiling, attic, or garage and not knowing if an appliance or something plugged into an outlet could overload and malfunction. Electrical safety in a home is a must. Always have a qualified electrician perform all electrical work done. If your wiring is outdated, consider getting it updated. Make sure your home is up to code. If you are buying a home, make sure the home inspector checks all the electric to make sure it is in accordance with local requirements. Limit your appliances in single outlets, do not overload, especially heat producing appliances. Do not use extension cords for large appliances such as refrigerators, dryers, washers, stoves, and air conditioners. Be sure to have GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupters) in the kitchen, bathroom, garages, basements and outdoors. You test the GFCIs once a month to ensure they are working. Always check chords for cuts or fraying. Never place your cell phone under your pillow or leave sitting on your bed while charging it. Many of these tips are brought to you by the NFPA- National Fire Protection Association. SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda has participated in many fire prevention meetings and open houses. The cleanup of a fire is no stranger to us.

Kitchen Fire Cleanup by SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda

3/20/2021 (Permalink)

A photo showing the SERVPRO logo with flames and water. SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda is just a phone call away!

Kitchen Fires

Kitchen fires are scary and can be prevented.  According to the NFPA, fire departments respond to 488 kitchen fires a day. 49% of house fires start in the kitchen. That is over 173,000 per year! 61% of fires in the kitchen were on cooktops or ranges. Kitchen fires are mostly caused by unattended cooking, combustibles too close to the heat source and unintentionally turning on or forgetting to turn off the stove.  These types of fires will cause significant and costly damage to your home. Follow these prevention tips to keep your kitchen safe:

-Call 911 always!

-Never leave your home while cooking or unattended.
Keep appliances clean and in good repair.

-Unplug appliances when not in use.

-Install a smoke detector near the kitchen,

-Use caution lighting pilot.

-Do not use metal in a microwave.

-Do not overfill pans and pots with water or grease.

-Always have a fire extinguisher nearby and have a fire safety plan.

-Never throw water on a grease fire. Have baking soda available next to your fire extinguisher.

-Always stay home when using the self-cleaning feature

-Keep clutter away from the stove.

SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda responds to several kitchen fires a year helping with the soot and odor removal.

Why PPE?

3/19/2021 (Permalink)

Photo shows an employee wearing PPE Protecting you and protecting them.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is an important part of a production technicians’ tools. Each SERVPRO production tech has their own PPE readily available for all situations. We use a variety of PPE to keep our workers safe such as gloves, hard hats, boots, full and half respirators, 3 different respirator cartridges, full Tyvek suits with hoods and n-95 masks. Crews will wear rubber boots for water and sewage damage.  Respirators are utilized for many situations such as sewage, animal feces, mold, odors, apply paints, Covid-19, and demolition work. Every job is unique, and we provide our crews with the protection they need to tackle any job, big or small.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Buffalo / Tonawanda is strategically located to respond quickly to your water or flood damage event. When a major flooding event occurs, we can call upon our national network of 1,700 SERVPRO Franchises and special Disaster Recovery Teams if we need additional resources or personnel.

You Can Make Your Home a Safer Place l SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

3/18/2021 (Permalink)

A photo of gray clouds and heavy rain. Heavy rains can cause major flooding affecting your home.

After a long winter, who does not look forward to spring? Especially as February turns to March and beyond, people start to long for warmer weather. For residents of the Buffalo area, where winters are cold and snowy, the reprieve of warm weather is usually welcome.

As we start to look forward to warmer days, we are ready for melting snow and the chance to spend some time outdoors without being bundled up against freezing temperatures.

When spring comes to Buffalo, it is worth celebrating. However, as with every season, spring brings different homeowner hazards to keep in mind and plan to mitigate. In the case of warmer spring weather, it is storms.

Spring can bring strong thunderstorms, including wind, rain, and hail.

With severe storms, homeowners can be put in dealing with damage to their homes these weather issues can cause.

There is nothing we can do to stop storms from hitting. After all, we cannot control the weather, can we? But we can always be prepared there to put our homes in the best position to weather the issues.

If you experience any spring flooding in your home, SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda is here to help!

Striving for Complete Customer Satisfaction

3/17/2021 (Permalink)

A photo of a customer satisfaction Just Another Happy Customer :)

Receiving an outstanding satisfaction is nothing new for SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda. We strive to be our best from the time the first call is received.   We understand the importance of empathy, understanding, communication and making our clients happy at all levels.  All SERVPRO franchises are individually owned and operated.  SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda has been serving the Western New York area since 1972 under the same family-owned name.  Year after year we receive the highest levels of customer satisfaction resulting in repeat customers and clients.  We built up the trust with the community and insurance industry with our honesty, service, and experience. 

As a trusted leader in the restoration industry, SERVPRO has over 1,700 Franchises in the U.S. and Canada that are ready to help. SERVPRO of Buffalo / Tonawanda professionals have the advanced training and equipment needed to clean or restore your home. We also have the resources to respond faster to any size disaster. Learn more about our residential services:

High Rise Apartment Complex Fire in Buffalo, NY

3/16/2021 (Permalink)

Photo shows a SERVPRO van parked outside of a high rise apartment complex to clean up soot and water. SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda parked outside of a high rise apartment complex to clean up soot and water after a fire on the 4th floor.

On a cold December night, the fire alarms went off for a stove fire in an apartment. The alarm activated the sprinkler system and the fire department arrived to put the fire out. Water and soot affected 4 levels consisting of the common hallways and 22 apartment units. Water was dripping from the ceilings and the flooring was saturated. An odor of fire and soot covered the 4th floor. SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda was dispatched and responded immediately. Crews extracted the standing water and released the water from the ceiling by creating openings. Water was removed from personal belongings and furniture was lifted on blocks and pads. Moisture testing was conducted, and drying equipment set up throughout. Crews returned daily to monitor and reposition the drying equipment to affectingly dry out the structure. Detailed cleaning and deodorizing were performed on the 4th floor areas. Crews put in extra hours to make it, "Like it never even happened." ®

Preparing for Spring and Summer Rain Storms

3/15/2021 (Permalink)

A photo showing rain and flooding Flooding occurring in Buffalo, NY

SERVPRO franchises are gearing up for the Spring/Summer 2021 season to serve you as a leader in the cleaning and restoration industry. Are you READY for what the year may bring your way? While we only hope to see good things come about this summer, it is always a good idea to plan for the not-so-good things—like fire or water damage— that is always an unexpected and unwelcome disasters. We never expected Covid-19 to happen.  What a difficult year it has been for so many.

if one of those disasters comes your way, SERVPRO has over 1,700 independently owned and operated franchises in the United States and Canada. You can trust the team in green to get your property back to normal. We are only a call away!

Whether you are a small business or homeowner facing minor fire or water damage, or a property manager dealing with a widespread disaster, SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda has the resources needed to respond quickly and efficiently. The sooner help arrives, the sooner restoration begins and the sooner you can resume business as usual.

Should a major disaster such as statewide flooding occurs, SERVPRO’s Disaster Recovery Team is always ready to go where they are needed.

If a fire, water or mold damage strikes, no matter the size, call us. Backed by a system of more than 1,700 franchises strong, we will help make your property disaster “Like it never even happened.”

Faster to any size disaster. This is not just another tag line for SERVPRO—it is a commitment to be there when you need us most.

SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda 716-694-9949

Can Your Business Survive A Disaster?

3/14/2021 (Permalink)

A photo showing three SERVPRO vans at a commercial water damage. SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda responding to a school water damage in Buffalo.

When disaster strikes, SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda is ready to respond. We know the importance of getting your business back up and running. With 24/7/365 services, our crews are always prepared to help. Loss of business affects your customers, your employees, your income, and every day that goes by, and can jeopardize you if the business cannot successfully stay in business. Forty percent of businesses do not reopen after a fire, major water damage or storm event, and 25% will fail within one year according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. No job is too large or too small. The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of the best of the best in restoration. They are strategically placed throughout the United States. The Large Loss Division has assisted with hurricane damage, tornado disasters, major state flooding events, The Pentagon and COVID 19 outbreaks and preventative cleaning. Call SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda if you need help. Servicing Western New York for 48 years. 716-694-9949

Duct Cleaning

3/12/2021 (Permalink)

A photo showing one interior duct dirty and one that is clean along with the SERVPRO logo and contact information Dirty vs SERVPRO Clean

What’s Lurking in Your Ducts?

Spring is one of the best times of the year to get your ventilation system cleaned.  All winter long you are cooped up in your home with the windows shut. The dirty air is recirculated and spreading around pet dander, dust, mold, bacteria, and dirt.  The duct system can serve as a way of distributing these contaminates in every room in your house.

 The benefits for duct cleaning and inspection your HVAC unit include:

*Helps to restore peak energy efficiency.

*May help to eliminate offensive odors.

*Helps reduce the potential for mold growth.

Whether you need emergency flood damage restoration or top-to-bottom home cleaning, you can trust SERVPRO franchise professionals to make your house feel like home again. They have the training, experience, and equipment to quickly get your home looking its best.  SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda has been serving Western New York since 1972.  Family operated and trusted by the community.


Spring Storms in Buffalo

3/11/2021 (Permalink)

Buffalo, New York has had its fair share of snow and ice damaging storms.  Knowing what type of storm is coming is the best way to be prepared. Did you know there are 10 different storm types? Most people think about winter storms when they think about storms. But in the spring and summer months, it is important to be prepared for effects of thunder and windstorms, too.

SERVPRO® of Buffalo-Tonawanda recognizes the importance of keeping homes or businesses safe before and after a storm.

  • Tornadoes
  • Flooding
  • Snowstorm
  • Hurricanes
  • Hailstorm
  • Thunderstorm
  • Lightning storm
  • Tropical storms
  • Ice storms
  • Derecho storms

Not Every state experiences the same type of storms. You might not even know what that last one is (a Derecho storm is one giant storm made of several large storms). More commonly, Buffalo is likely to experience the effects of a tropical storm, even hundreds of miles from the Atlantic Coast.

Damage caused by these storms can be far-reaching and unexpected. Thus, it is vital to take cautions like stocking an emergency preparedness kit, adding storm-resistant features to your home, and heeding any official warnings ahead of a storm.

Cleanup and restoration after a storm can be overwhelming. Call SERVPRO® of Buffalo-Tonawanda, the leading expert in storm damage restoration.

SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team

3/10/2021 (Permalink)

Photo shows tyhe orange SERVPRO house logo with several SERVPRO trucks responding to a large loss. Disaster Recovery Team

SERVPRO, No Job to Small and No Job to Big

The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team has responded to many tragic events in the United States.  The SERVPRO teams are equipment to handle the largest disasters with years of knowledge and training since 1967.

SERVPRO has STORM teams that travel all around the country to help local franchises when storm or large loss events occur!  The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned large loss storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you. Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals are always prepared and ready for the unpredictable.

Some of the losses SERVPRO has responded to: 

2021 Texas Winter Storm 2019 Bahamas, 2019 Wildfires, 2018 Hurricanes, 2017 Hurricane Maria (Florida), 2018 California Wildfires, 2015 Carolina floods
2014 Polar Vortex, 2012 Hurricane Sandy, 2010 Nashville floods,
2007 Chicago floods, 2007 Ohio floods, 2006 Buffalo October Storm, 2005 Katrina and many more.

Sewage Clean-Up

3/4/2021 (Permalink)

Sewer contaminate water on a basement floor. Call SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda if you experience a sewage mess.

Sewage Clean-Up

SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda offers many different commercial cleaning services. A sewage back-up is a common unwanted occurrence in the workplace.  There are many reasons for a sewer to back up.

  • Rainstorm: Heavy rain can cause the main sewers to be overburden with water. The city and town public sewers cannot handle the large amount of rainfall and can result in a backup in your basement.
  • Clogged Toilet: Never flush anything into the toilet besides toilet paper. Many times, home sewer lines can get clogged with feminine products, grease, a child’s toy, or hair.  The water will have no other place to go besides your home or office.
  • Tree Roots: The sewer line from your house to the street can get clogged from long tree roots which can grow into your pipe. They can crush the pipe or cause holes.  Eventually the water and sewage will back up in your home or business.

SERVPRO provides 24 Hour Emergency Service   

Water contaminated with sewage backup should be considered an emergency and dealt with as quickly as possible. SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are water damage restoration specialists with specialized training, equipment, and protective gear to safely restore your home or business.

SERVPRO A Company You Can Trust

3/2/2021 (Permalink)

A photo of a scenic mountain and creek with the Servpro logo above it. Enjoy your vacation and let SERVPRO handle the water damage.

A BROKEN PIPE, Is Your Vacation Ruined?

Do not worry, SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda is here to help. While on a weekend winter camping trip, enjoying skiing, warm bonfires, hiking through the woods, little did our customer know they had a frozen pipe burst back home. Their neighbor noticed water pouring out of the home and called the fire department. It was discovered that a copper pipe broke in the attic and caused flooding to all 3 levels of the home. With SERVPRO technology, we were able to FaceTime the customer to show them the extent of the damage, had them sign our SERVPRO authorization to perform services and got our heroes to work. The water was pumped out of the basement. SERVPRO extracted the water from the carpeting and flooring. The home was built after 1980, so there was no concern for asbestos, SERVPRO made openings in the ceilings to release water and removed the wet insulation from the attic. The affected square footage was calculated, and the proper amount of drying equipment was set up to quickly dry out the home. The customer finished his vacation and returned the following day. Our production manager Geoff did a walk through with the customer and made his recommendations.  SERVPRO got approval from the insurance company to remove the wet carpeting, remove additional dry wall and detached baseboards. The drying took 4 days, and we were able to save a lot of the affected areas and a customer’s headache.

Beware Ice Dams

2/25/2021 (Permalink)

A roof with snow showing how ice dams form from heat from your attic Don't wait to call when you notice water damage, it could be worse than it looks!

The snow is melting here in Buffalo and Tonawanda. Every homeowner should be aware of ice dams and the water damage that they can cause to your home. An ice dam occurs when snow on your roof melts and drips down to the gutter and then freezes again or becomes trapped by ice. The ice can buildup forming an ice dam. If your roof isn’t properly sealed, the water will start to get under your shingles and cause water damage. This is what will cause spots on your drywall ceiling or water leaks. If you can safely knock icicles off your gutter, it’ll bring weight off of your gutters and can help with the water buildup. One key way to prevent ice dams before they occur, is to keep your attic cool in the winter time. This will prevent the snow from melting and then refreezing again. Be sure to seal up your attic bypasses and check the insulation in your attic. If water damage does occur from an ice dam, your first call should be to SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda. We have expertly trained technicians and high-grade equipment to help clean up any size disaster. Call us at 716-694-9949.

Why does my home still smell after a fire?

2/25/2021 (Permalink)

A house on fire smoking Smoke odor will persist unless properly cleaned.

Fires of any size, big or small leave behind smoke damage. Homeowners who choose to cleanup on their own, often notice a persistent odor from the smoke. Soot is widespread after a fire and will encompass every inch of your home. Unless you are able to clean every single corner, the smell will continue to emanate. That’s why SERVPRO exists. We have a team of highly trained technicians and the proper equipment to deal with fire damage of any size. We can restore your property from any fire, soot, or smoke damage and return it to its pre-disaster condition. Our team will work to ensure that your home is clean and odor free. If you have experienced smoke damage, call SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda at 716-694-9949 and we’ll make it “Like it never even happened.”

No Job Too Large

2/25/2021 (Permalink)

Faster to any size disaster - SERVPRO van in the background We're here to help with disasters of any size!

There’s no job too big for SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda. Whether you’re a small business or large one, we can help assist you in the event of any size disaster. Our team of highly trained technicians are prepared for disasters of all kind. Our technicians are equipped with the best equipment and highly qualified. We understand that every hour spent cleaning is an hour of lost revenue and productivity, and that’s why when you give us a call, we will be there fast to help with whatever you need. We have resources to deal with commercial water and fire damage restoration, mold remediation, storm and major events restoration, and many other services. If your business suffers a major loss, your first call should be to SERVPRO of Buffalo/ Tonawanda at 716-694-9949.

40% of Businesses Do Not Survive a Disaster. Here's what you can do!

2/24/2021 (Permalink)

A team of business people bumping hands together Plan ahead now in case of a disaster! SERVPRO is here to help you respond!

According to a report by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 40% of businesses do not reopen after a disaster. To survive, businesses should plan ahead for any and all potential disasters so they can weather any storm. Whether it’s fire damage, water damage, storm damage, mold damage or any other general cleaning, SERVPRO has got you covered. Make us your first call in the event of a disaster and we’ll work with you to save and restore. With the assistance of SERVPRO, you’ll have the hard work and dedication of a team who are expertly equipped with the proper tools and knowledge to respond to any size disaster. We are available 24 hours a day to restore your property and get you back to business. Call us at 716-694-9949 to take the first step towards disaster recovery. We’re happy to help!

Finding and Fixing Leaky Pipes | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

metal water pipe with leaking water pouring out" Are you in need of repairs due to water damage? Contact SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda for quick and professional service.

“Ahh, geez!” That’s what you might say when you find a slowly-leaking pipe has damaged the wood under your floor tiles. Sadly, you didn’t notice it until the damage was done.

And because it was a slow leak, your insurance does not cover the bill. If you own a home or business, take this opportunity to find and fix leaky pipes.

If you’ve never done any plumbing, you might get nervous when you think about fixing a leaky pipe. But reaching the leak is actually the hardest part. Once you can see it, you can often fix it. This video and many others like it show you the basics of fixing a leaky pipe.

Identifying Leaks and Calling Help

Signs of leaky pipes. If you’re standing in water, chances are you have a leaky pipe. But leaking pipes can also be subtle. Signs include:

  • Ceiling stains
  • Damaged flooring
  • Loose, flaking caulking or grout
  • Looseness of your sink faucet or handles
  • Mold or mildew
  • Puddles (of course)
  • Tiles that keep coming up
  • Toilet that moves when you rock it

Finding the source of a leak. To find a leaking pipe, check under countertops and sinks. Open the access panel behind you tub. To identify a small leak, you might partly fill your tub or sink. As the water runs out, check all the joints you can see for moisture.

Do you need a plumber? Can you easily get to the leak? You can likely fix it yourself. But if you can’t see or reach it, call an expert. Employing a professional now can save you repair costs in future.

“I Did It!”

It’s a great feeling to know you’ve saved money by doing your own repair. But be sure to check you don’t have mold or other signs of damage.

If you need to follow up with a professional clean-up, call SERVPRO®. We’ve been in the business of cleaning up water damage more than 50 years. We’ll take your call at any hour, day or night.

Looking for help with water damage? Reach out any time for the rapid response we’re famed for.

The Dollars and Cents of Storm Damage | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

8/24/2020 (Permalink)

severe roof damage from a large tree landing on gray house SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda is here to provide you with a rapid response. Contact us if you experience any storm damage.

Storm damage hits you hard. In addition to losing beloved possessions, you may suddenly face expenses you weren’t ready for.

In fact, Americans experience as much as $34 billion in storm-related losses every year. Careful planning can help protect you and your family.

Looking Ahead

You’ve probably done a lot toward damage-proofing your house. You keep your gutters clean, replace large appliances like your hot water heater as they need to be updated, and maintain your house from roof to foundation. A few hours spent damage-proofing your insurance paperwork is also a sound investment.

Know Your Coverage. United Policyholders, a nonprofit group dedicated to informing and advocating for insurance policyholders, advises everyone to be familiar with their insurance policy before a storm hits. The specific wording on your coverage will help you understand exactly what’s protected from what kind of damage. Talk with your insurance agent if you need help understanding your coverage.

Perform Due Diligence. Your insurance claim may be weaker if your property already has damage, so take care of any problems as they occur. To help prove damage came from a recent storm, take “before” photos of your house in good repair.

Moving Forward

Get to Safety. After a storm, make sure you and your family are safe. Then check your house for safety hazards, such as downed power lines or standing water. You may need to move to a temporary shelter. Do what you can to limit ongoing damage. For example, you may need to board up broken windows or place a tarp over a hole in your roof.

Immediate Help. Sometimes you can get funding for urgent repairs from your local FEMA office.

Take Pictures, Take Notes. As you prepare your claim, document everything. Take pictures of all damage, superficial to structural.

Are You Ready to File? When you have your documentation prepared, reach out to your company. They will assign an agent to help you through the process. Be persistent and detailed in your claim. Keep careful records of each interaction with your insurance company. Soon, you should be feeling “home-sweet-home” again.

We have many years of experience working with insurance companies to get claims processed. If you experience storm damage, contact us at any hour for quick assistance.

How We Stand Out When it Comes to Storm Damage Restoration | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

8/11/2020 (Permalink)

large downed tree laying on top of light brown house Choosing the right restoration company is crucial to getting things back to normal. Call SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda to set up an appointment

The damage that storms can cause to buildings is serious. It can often lead to issues with moisture, structural considerations and electrical problems—and trends point to it becoming worse in recent years than it has been in the past.

Even for mild storm damage, leaving it unattended can lead to much bigger problems later on down the road, so picking a restoration company to work with right after you discover damage is important.

When you trust a restoration company to restore your home or commercial space, you are depending on them to do an impeccable job and treat your property with care. When you trust us to be your restoration company, you can plan on all that and then some every step of the way.

What Sets Our Storm Restoration Methods Apart

We have earned our reputation. We are proud to be not only a member of the local community, but also to be considered a leader in the restoration industry as a whole. We have worked hard to earn our reputation and we are proud of it. After disasters, there are many scams afoot that take advantage of those who are vulnerable, but when you trust us, you can be certain you are getting the best in the business.

We have extensive resources. When a storm impacts a large part of the community, the number of damages may seem like they would be overwhelming—but thanks to our national SERVPRO® partners, we are able to handle issues regardless of the size. We can scale up our resources and technician staffing to meet the demand, ensuring that everyone gets consistent and timely service from us every single time.

We will never tell you to call back in the morning. Storms do not follow a logical schedule, which is why storm damage is a problem that happens around the clock. No matter what hour you sustain damage, you can give us a call. We have a 24-hour emergency line just for that purpose, so you can always get in touch with us and have a crew be dispatched to your damage as quickly as possible.

When you have damage from a storm to your home or commercial building, you can always depend on us to handle it. Contact us at any hour to see our exceptional service in action.

Always Be Careful When It Is Time to Cook on the Grill | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

7/24/2020 (Permalink)

a person in grilling chicken and hot dogs on an outdoor grill SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda are the fire restoration experts. To learn more give us a call or contact us online.

Taking advantage of the nice weather and extra light of summer is fantastic, especially when a grilled dinner is involved. While you may love to break out the grill, it is important to remember that no matter how many times you do it, fire safety is still a vital habit to get into.

It is estimated by the U.S. Fire Administration that every year sees nearly 6,000 fires due to grilling accidents, which can add up to millions in household damages. By prioritizing safety every time you grill, you can be certain that you are not part of this scary statistic.

Prioritize Safety Every Time You Grill

Create a safe zone around your grill. It might be tempting to situate your grill in a spot that is convenient to your back door, but you should always remember the three-foot rule when placing it in your yard. A flare-up can be quite large, igniting any flammable materials that happen to be nearby.

Clean your grill grates often. After using your grill each time, taking a few minutes to brush down the grates can make a big difference. The bits of food that get left behind can build up and become a fire hazard, especially if you are cooking meats with a lot of grease on them. These flare-ups can happen suddenly and be quite dangerous, so a prevention strategy is the best approach.

Never leave the grill unattended. You may have seen people run back into the kitchen to grab something or take a break from manning the grill to play with the kids, but officials advise to never, ever do this. Grills can start fires even if their lids are closed, and it is best to act like that is always a possibility and keep a fire extinguisher within reach.

Inspect the grill regularly. An inspection on a charcoal grill is more straightforward, but for a gas grill, you have propane hookups to consider. The connectors and hoses of a propane tank can become worn with time, leading to leaking gas that can cause a serious fire hazard if you do not notice it in time.

If you have a grill fire do damage to your home, we are here to help. You can call us any time, day or night, to have a quick response from our restoration experts.

Prioritizing Safety From Summer Storms | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

7/14/2020 (Permalink)

lighting striking hillside during storm at night Have you been affected by a storm event? SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda is available 24/7 and ready to assist you with any storm damage.

Tips for Safety During Summer Storms

Know your options for shelter. When storms are on the way and you are at home, the best thing you can do is move to an interior room of the home to seek shelter. However, if a storm catches you while you are on the go, seeking shelter in your car with the windows up is a good secondary solution. Make sure the engine is off and that you refrain from touching any metals in the vehicle.

Practice electrical safety. When lightning hits a building, it is searching for the quickest way to get through to the ground—which often involves traveling through electrical wires. The wires in buildings are not equipped to handle the high charges that lightning presents, so they will transfer some of this energy through the outlets and into whatever is plugged into them, referred to as a power surge. If you are able, unplugging everything before a thunderstorm starts is wise—as is installing surge protectors in case you are caught off-guard.

Avoid direct contact with concrete. Concrete structures are extremely sturdy, but that does not necessarily make them the safest place to be. Many times concrete is poured around steel beams for reinforcement, which means when lightning strikes, a charge can be carried through the concrete itself. Avoid touching any concrete structures if lightning is nearby just in case.

Stay indoors for at least 30 minutes. Summer thunderstorms often pop up and disperse quickly, leaving people eager to resume their activities that have been interrupted. However, experts warn that lightning is able to strike at least 25 miles from the origin of the storm and recommend that you wait at least 30 minutes to go outside after the last clap of thunder.

If your home sustains damage due to a storm, you can count on us to help. Contact us at any hour to learn more about our storm restoration process.

Create Comprehensive Fire Evacuation Drills for Your Business | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

6/25/2020 (Permalink)

red fire alarm hanging on gray concrete wall If your business experiences any fire damage, you can count on us. SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda specializes in commercial fire restoration.

Planning for all possible scenarios is an important part of being a business owner, and that includes planning for emergencies such as fires. There are many commercial fire incidents annually, so it is something that is worthwhile to prepare for just in case.

Making sure your employees know what to do if a fire breaks out is of chief concern, and you can achieve this by planning out regular fire evacuation drills. This way everyone will rehearse what needs to be done in advance, so in a real fire situation, they will know what to do.

Preparing Your Staff for Fire Evacuation

Consult with your local fire officials. Your local fire officials are a great resource for your business in all aspects of fire safety. Consult with them regarding your business and they will be happy to discuss the best fire evacuation routes and any special considerations you may need to take into account as you plan ahead.

Communicate and mark fire evacuation routes. Once you have determined the best evacuation paths from various points in the building, involving your employees is the next step. Make sure to round everyone up before you host your first drill so everyone can be clear on what path to take and what the protocol will be once the drill begins.

Have fire drills frequently. Hosting regular drills is the best way to make sure that the evacuation plan is solidified in everyone’s mind and reduce the likelihood of panic if a real fire were to start. Make sure that everyone can exit the building safely within a few minutes’ time each time you do the drill.

Run different fire scenarios. Fires can break out in a myriad of ways, so your evacuation drills should be comprehensive by taking this into consideration. Run through a different fire scenario each time that features blocked exits and varying fire origin spots so you can be certain that everyone is ready for any fire situation that may arise.

If your business has experienced fire damage, you can count on us. We specialize in commercial fire restoration and will be here for you at any hour—contact us today at 716-694-9949

Firework season is now in full swing

6/17/2020 (Permalink)

Fireworks going off in the air This season enjoy your holiday and be safe.

It is getting really close to Independence day and that means backyard cookouts, family gatherings and of course fireworks. Here at SERVPRO we want you to have fun but also be safe and practice safety first when it comes to handling fireworks, With the country in the state it's in it is easy to get overwhelmed and excited about being able to get out of the house and celebrate with others. This being said please use caution when handling fireworks and flammable items in the summer heat. One good practice is keep fireworks in a shady non flammable area away from grills and fire pits. we all know it only takes one spark to ignite flammable fireworks. So please enjoy your summer, take care of each other and practice safety while enjoying the weather. If something should happen please give us here at SERVPRO a call. We can help with your fire restoration needs.

A How-To Guide for Handling Fire Damage to Your Home | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

woman with hands covering face upset with burnt house in background If your home is damaged in a house fire, SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda is here to help. Contact us for any fire restoration needs.

The process of surviving and recovering from a house fire is not something to be taken likely. Regardless of how big the fire was or how rapidly it was extinguished, damages can be extensive and the trauma of the experience can be significant.

Though recovering from a fire is also an overwhelming process, our how-to guide will help you handle it. Here are our tips for recovering from residential fire damage:

Our Tips to Recovering From Residential Fire Damage

Prepare yourself for what to expect. While it is easy to find pictures of fire-damaged buildings in the news, experiencing that with your own home is a different feeling entirely. The damage from a fire can be extensive and can spread to far reaches of the home that were nowhere near the initial flames. It is important to prepare yourself mentally for seeing this, as it can be an emotional experience.

Wait to enter your home. Though the fire-impacted area may take up a small portion of your home, hidden dangers can be lurking anywhere in the house due to structural or electrical damage a fire may have caused. Never enter your home before the firefighters provide guidance that it is safe to do so to avoid further complications.

Contact your insurance company. After you are able to access your home and take in the damage, you will want to call your insurance company quickly. Every homeowner policy is different, so you will want to be certain you get all the details regarding how to proceed with filing a claim before you do anything else.

Document the damages. Thorough documentation of the damage done to your home—including an inventory list with photos—will allow you to keep track of what has been damaged both for yourself and for your insurance company. Because it can be so overwhelming, staying organized can go a long way.

Contact your restoration company. The restoration company you decide to work with is one of the biggest factors in how quick and smooth your recovery process is. The lingering trauma from a fire can be persistent, so having a company that has your best interest in mind can do wonders for making the process as painless as possible.

If your home is damaged in a house fire, you can count on us to help you. Get in touch at any hour for a quick response.

Prioritize safety if severe storms are in the forecast

5/21/2020 (Permalink)

severe weather red sign with dark cloudy sky in background If your home has been impacted by storm damage, SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda will respond quickly to assist in any repairs.

When severe storms are possible in the area, prioritizing your safety is the best thing you can possibly do to prepare. In addition to receiving property damage, many people get injured or killed in storms every year—but by taking the proper precautions, you can significantly increase the likelihood that you will survive the storm unscathed.

Understanding the weather alert system, being prepared and well-stocked for emergencies at home and staying in touch with weather alerts are all measures you can take to increase your safety during a storm.

The Difference Between Watches and Warnings

When thunderstorms are a possibility, our area weather officials will release watches and warnings as it is appropriate to do so in order to keep the public informed. A severe weather watch is issued if the conditions point to a thunderstorm occurring—meaning one has not started yet, but there is a high possibility. For severe weather warnings, a thunderstorm has already moved into the area—meaning everyone should immediately seek shelter and listen for further information.

Household Emergency Preparedness

When a thunderstorm is possible, officials will generally alert people to stay in their homes and wait out the process, which means you should stock your house with everything you need. Not only should you have an emergency kit stocked with food, water and medical supplies, but you should also prepare for a power outage by having light sources and backup power sources stashed around the house. Additionally, have a plan for where to go in the home should things get serious—generally a hallway or bathtub is advised.

Have a Way to Tune Into Emergency Broadcasts

While many of us depend on our phones to receive updates online, this may not suffice when it comes to severe weather alerts. When batteries die or a storm upsets the cell reception network, it is important to have another way to receive these life-saving alerts, such as a NOAA Weather Radio that is powered without electricity just in case.

If your home has been impacted by storm damage, we are here for you. You can contact us 247 to get a quick response to your home’s damages.

How to stay safe in the aftermath of a flood

5/8/2020 (Permalink)

If your home has been involved in a flood, you are likely antsy to return to your household and begin the recovery process. If you’re experiencing any water damage from flooding, SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda is available 24/7 to assist you with any repairs.

While acting quickly in the aftermath of a flood is advised in most cases, it is important to make sure that you are holding safety in the utmost regard as you do so. There are many hazards that can be lurking in and around floodwaters, which can cause injury or further damage if not heeded.

Here are the top ways to keep safety in mind following a flood:

Staying Safe and Returning Home Following a Flood

Avoid further safety hazards. In the aftermath of a flood, never return home without first checking with local authorities and making sure it is safe. Floodwaters can harbor many dangers, including contaminants, electrical currents and other hazards that can make recovery more difficult in the long term.

Air out the home. If severe weather has cleared out of the area, airing out your home by opening doors and windows is a great place to start. If your home has been closed up for several days following the flood, it is wise to enter in order to open windows and doors and then allow air to circulate for a bit before you begin the cleanup. Though mold can begin growing within the first 24 hours following water damage, having adequate airflow can prevent damage from worsening.

Document the damages. While cleaning up is generally homeowners’ No. 1 priority, it is important to first document the damages the flood has caused to your home. Even if you do not have flood insurance, there may be some damages you can file with your insurance company to help you recover.

Contact your restoration and insurance companies right away. It is always wise to alert your insurance company regarding the damage as soon as possible so you can determine if you are eligible to file a claim for any of the damages. Once that is done, contact your restoration company in order to start the recovery process and prevent the damage from worsening. Untreated water damage can cause serious structural issues, so acting quickly is advised.

If your home has been damaged in a flood, we are here for you. You can contact us 247 to receive a quick response and set the restoration process in motion.

SERVPRO is here for our community

4/29/2020 (Permalink)

Cleaning and disinfecting Here at SERVPRO we are here for all your cleaning, sanitizing needs, please give us a call today 716-694-9949

In these unprecedented times SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is here to help the community. Whether it's disinfecting residential homes or disinfecting  fleet cars for our boys in blue, we are always here to help. So many worries and concerns right now SERVPRO wants to put your mind at ease. If you are concerned about infection or just want a deep clean to your home, give us at SERVPRO a call. With over 47 years in the business we are here to help our community and keep our residences safe. We take pride in our community and are here to help you to do the same. We help our local police disinfect their vehicles for infection and pathogens they might come in contact with. Just one more way to give back to our community. So if you are in need of disinfecting/ sanitizing services please give us here at SERVPRO a call to schedule a quote for cleaning.

Tis the rainy season

4/28/2020 (Permalink)

A sump pump failure in Tonawanda When this customers sump pump failed it left 6 inches of water in their basement. They gave SERVPRO a call and within hours the water was extracted.

Well we all know April showers are supposed to bring May flowers. But in some cases it can also bring flooded basements and sump pump failures. This is common with heavy rain fall and can be devastating if not taken care of immediately. If this rainy season catches you off guard or is too much for your sump pump to handle, give us at SERVPRO a call. We can come to your home, extract the standing water from both carpet and hard surfaces such as concrete or tile. We can also set up drying equipment to speed up the drying process to help avoid any microbial growth. We can also spray an antimicrobial spray to prevent any mold from growing due to a water loss. With three locations locally owned to serve our community, here at SERVPRO we are only a call away. Serving the Buffalo/Tonawanda area for over 47 years.

SERVPRO is part of the community

4/22/2020 (Permalink)

Give us a call at any of our 3 locations With 3 locations to serve our community we are always here to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Family owned and operated since 1972, we have outlasted all our competition. We are the longest trusted water and fire restoration company around. SERVPRO will make it "Like it never even happened." When it comes to water, fire and mold issues, our technicians are highly trained on what to do. LLCRC certified, NY mold certified and NY lead certified, we have a long standing history in the community. With 3 franchises to serve you we are available 24/7 for any of your water or fire restoration needs. With these unprecedented times in front of us , us here at SERVPRO want you to know we are here and in your corner. So if you have any mitigation or restoration that need to be done to your home due to fire or water damage, please give us a call at any of our 3 locations around WNY . We are here to serve our community. #SERVPROSTRONG

SERVPRO is here to help our essential workers.

4/21/2020 (Permalink)

Community is what's important At SERVPRO community is very important to us. Without our community there is no us. Let's all work together to curve the spread of Covid-19.

This is definitely a strange and unforeseen time we our experiencing here in Buffalo as well as all over the country. Here at SERVPRO we are open and ready to serve our community. Being locally owned and operated for over 47 years we have been a staple in this community for quite some time. We would like to remind everyone, please keep your distance from one another. Wash your hands frequently and for at least two minutes each time to prevent the spread of germs. Please remember we are all going through cabin fever being confined to our homes, away from our family and friends, but the more we can do individually to stop the curve will help us as a whole. This community is one of the strongest around lets keep it that way. SERVPRO is here to help and only a phone call away. Please stay safe and stay strong.

Windy weather here in Buffalo.

4/13/2020 (Permalink)

When wind causes damage to your home give SERPRO a call After a storm it can be devastating trying to clean up the mess. Give us here at SERVPRO a call for all your mitigation needs.

With the approaching storm that has already dropped significant rain fall,  we here at SERVPRO want you to be prepared. With high winds and rain , come power outages and sump pump failures. Here at SERVPRO we know you have enough to worry about right now and are here to help! The winds are scheduled to reach up to 60 MPH and with that comes falling trees , flooded basements and stress that our community just doesn't need right now. With social distancing and covid19 we are taking every precaution possible to keep you and your family safe, if you find yourself needing our services.So if you find yourself in need of water mitigation or clean up after this wind storm that is scheduled to last until at least tomorrow morning, give SERVPRO a call, we are here to make it like it never happened. Call us at our Buffalo/Tonawanda location at 716-694-9949

SERVPRO is Here to Help during this time of need

3/19/2020 (Permalink)

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda, 716-694-9949

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

Specialized Training

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis.

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

Being Prepared for Fires at Your Business | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

2/24/2020 (Permalink)

a green exit sign surrounded by flames For business owners, preparing for fires in the workplace is not something to take lightly.

Commercial fires are extremely common and can have a big impact on your livelihood, as well as the safety of your staff.

By increasing your preparedness measures, you can be sure you are doing everything you can to prevent a fire from starting and to stay safe if one does.

By being honest with yourself about your likely risks, checking your equipment regularly, and helping your staff be educated and prepared, you can easily reduce the risks of a fire at your workplace. Here are some of the top workplace fire preparedness tips to help you get started:

Fire Preparedness in the Workplace

Follow code guidelines and inspection schedules. Businesses have fire codes they must follow, set forth by the National Fire Protection Association. It is important to make sure you are up to code as an essential first step for fire preparedness and make sure you keep up with scheduled inspections to ensure your equipment is working properly.

Identify your specific risks. Every building has some level of fire risk, but certain businesses have specific qualities that might lead to a heightened danger level. Consider anything such as hazardous chemicals, cooking equipment or heavy machinery that might contribute to your risk so you can be better prepared for safety surrounding it.

Create (and practice) a fire evacuation plan. In the event of a fire, officials estimate you only have around two minutes to evacuate the building. Making sure your staff has several options for exits and practices a quick escape from the building before a fire starts will reduce panic in case a real fire occurs.

Have regular fire safety seminars with staff. Meeting with staff regularly to review fire safety tips will make sure that new hires, those who work irregular schedules and everyone else on the premises is aware of and prepared for the fire risks in the building. Be sure everyone knows what to do when the fire alarm sounds, where extinguishers are located and any other tips specific to your building that should be noted.

If your business has experienced a fire, we’re here 247 to respond and begin restoration. Call us today to learn how we can help you.

Fridged temps cause broken pipes.

2/14/2020 (Permalink)

Frozen pipes are a hassel and a headache When pipes freeze it can cause severe damage to your home and belongings. Be prepared and proactive to avoid this costly issues.

With the thermometer dipping into the teens the probability of frozen and broken pipes is super high. The fridged cold caused the water in your pipes to expand and crack or break causing water damage in your home.  When pipes crack or break it can cause massive damage to your home and belongings and in this kind of weather it can lead to further problems. It's always wise in this weather to follow a few helpful tips to avoid any costly damage to your home due to the cold temperature. First tip would be to leave your water drip just a little. This will keep the water flowing instead of just sitting in the pipes. Second, try to keep your heat between 62 and above. If you keep the heat in your home above 62 it will help to keep the pipes in your walls warm and help avoid freezing and cracking. You can also use heat blankets to wrap around your pipes to keep them from freezing. We are due for a warm up next week so that also brings flooding to the area. It is wise to make sure any sump pumps are working properly to avoid any back ups or flooding.

Winter Storm Update for this Weekend

1/23/2020 (Permalink)

A street covered in snow during a winter storm Use extra caution on the roads during and after a winter storm

Storms on are on the horizon this weekend in Buffalo. Winter storms have been hitting us left and right it seems, and this weekend is no different. There’s a chance for precipitation on Friday that may freeze over in the night. Be especially cautious on the roads, because black ice will form right above the pavement, creating hazardous driving conditions. Saturday is predicated to have both rain and snow throughout the day. Another day to be careful for icy conditions. Monitor your sidewalks and driveways and make sure to salt them to avoid any ice forming. On Sunday, look for snow showers throughout the day and a flurry or two throughout the night. It’s important during these winter storms to use extra caution outside and while driving. Also be sure to keep your home safe by taking preventative measures to mitigate any storm damage. Pruning dead branches and salting your driveway are two great ways to prevent storm damage. If any storm damage occurs, SERVPRO has a highly trained team that can help you clean up any and all messes.

Water damage to commercial office building

1/8/2020 (Permalink)

Faulty Sump pump in Buffalo business A faulty sump pump can cause your business many issues, give SERVPRO a call today.

When a sump pump fails in your business it can be devastating to your day to day operations. It can cause a decrease in sales, production and cause hazards for your employees in the work environment. some jobs are just to big to handle on your own, if this happens give SERVPRO of BUffalo/Tonawanda a call we can handle any commercial job. From small drain clean up, to broken or frozen pipes and faulty sump pumps. Let SERVPRO make it like it never happen. Give our offices a call and will can help in almost any situations and get your business back up and running. No one likes to loss money so when your business experiences a water loss give us a call our 24/7 service is always here to help. Call us today for your free estimate an consultation. We have many locations to serve our community.

SERVPRO Can Help Clean Your Business

1/8/2020 (Permalink)

Dehumidifiers dry a commercial business floor No mess is too big for SERVPRO

While SERVPRO specializes in fire and water restoration, we also offer many other services including commercial cleaning. Sometimes your business needs a good cleaning, beyond the usual cleanup. Unknown odors, stained carpets, and dust buildup are all problems SERVPRO is equipped to deal with. Our trained teams and custom equipment can help remove odors, deep clean carpets, flooring and much more. SERVPRO responds promptly and will make your workplace look its very best! Our crew is well equipped to handle a commercial cleaning of any size, big or small!

Other services include:

  • Air ducts and HVAC - Drapes and Blinds
  • Biohazard Cleanup - Odor Removal
  • Carpet and Upholstery - Sewage
  • Ceilings, Floors, and Walls - Trauma and Crime Scene
  • Vandalism

SERVPRO professionals have the expertise to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Prevent Frozen Pipes at your Business

1/8/2020 (Permalink)

A pipe covered in ice Don't let frozen pipes slow down your business

The weather has been chillingly cold lately. It’s seasons like this winter that we must be proactive about preventing frozen pipes. Frozen pipes can be disastrous for your business and can bring the whole building to a standstill. Frozen pipes will rupture from the pressure buildup due to the ice blockage. It’s most important to check the insulation around your business, including attics, basements, and crawl spaces. An insulated building will keep the water in the pipes at a consistent temperature. Next, keep the thermostat the same temperature night and day. During extreme weather, drip water from your faucets, to keep water circulating. Make sure you have a backup source of power or heat to keep temperatures above freezing. These tips should help prevent water from freezing within your pipes during these cold months. If the worst does occur however, SERVPRO is actively ready to help clean up the mess and make it “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Can Restore Damaged Belongings

1/8/2020 (Permalink)

A home on fire SERVPRO can restore belongings from fire, water, or mold

Water and fire damage can damage much more than your home or businesses structure. It also can damage your belongings. SERVPRO is equipped to help restore your objects and contents that are damaged by water and fire. Restoration can save you money in the long run, rather than replacing everything that has been damaged. Some objects can’t be replaced and we at SERVPRO understand this. That is why we take great care to restore and clean. Our team can quickly move-out your objects from the fire or water, to our facility where they will be properly handled. Here, our specialized team decides the best method to restore each individual item and then cleans it. All objects are neatly wrapped in plastic and stored until the building restoration is complete. SERVPRO is well equipped to handle any type of object and restore it “Like it never even happened”.

Common Causes of Home Fires

1/5/2020 (Permalink)

A house on fire. It takes less than 5 minutes for an entire house to be engulfed in flames.

A disastrous house fire can start easily by misuse of heating equipment and household appliances. Here are some common causes of house fires and how to reduce risk.

  1. Although candles make a room smell good, they should never be left unattended. Always blow out a candle when leaving a room. Keep flammable objects away from the candle to avoid spreading the flame.
  2. Heating Equipment. Keep all objects clear of your heaters and vents. Curtains, blankets, and laundry can easily catch fire if they are too close.
  3. Be sure to smoke outside, if you smoke. A cigarette butt not properly put out can remain lit for hours!
  4. Electrical Equipment. Be aware of faulty or frayed wires on your appliances. Get them repaired as soon as possible, and unplug them and avoid using them. Overloading a power point can also cause an electrical fire, so be sure to check your adapters.

These are of course only some of the causes of house fires and other situations may put you at risk. It’s always good to check with your local fire marshal code to ensure your home is safe.

The Season of Freezing Rain

1/5/2020 (Permalink)

Icicles begin to form on a branch Be cautious of icicles falling from branches

The weather in Buffalo has been all over the place these past few weeks. Ranging from the high forties to the single digits in temperature. During times of unpredictable weather like this, it’s always a good idea to prepare for freezing rain. This occurs when the ground temperatures are freezing, but the air temperature is above freezing. Precipitation hits the ground and instantly freezes creating ice on the sidewalks and roads. During storms like these, it’s important to be extra cautious when walking outside and driving. This ice may also form across your roofline and drip to create icicles. Be careful avoiding any hanging ice above. To best prepare yourself for a freezing rain storm, be aware of the upcoming weather. This will allow you to plan your day accordingly and make informed decisions. You can also purchase salt for your driveway and sidewalks to help melt the ice. Be sure to take extra caution during storm times to ensure your safety and your neighbors. If your home or business is affected by freezing rain, SERVPRO has trained professionals who can assist you in cleaning up the damage!

What can a Blizzard do to my home?

1/5/2020 (Permalink)

Snow buildup to the second story of a home. Kids sled down A picture from the Blizzard of 77 in Buffalo - There was as much as 199 inches of snow that season

Buffalo has seen a pretty tame winter so far in terms of snowfall, but last year was the roughest January in over twenty years. We had as much as 63.4 inches of snowfall in January alone! To prepare for the snow, it’s best to know what damage a snowstorm could cause to your home. Snow is one of the biggest causes of home damage during blizzard storms. If enough accumulates on a roof or other structure, it can collapse under the weight. Snow can also buildup on tree branches causing them to collapse. It’s best to prune your trees to help keep your home safe. Ice can form on your sidewalks and driveways, creating a dangerous walkway. Make sure to salt these areas after a storm. High winds can also cause a great deal of damage to your home. Objects caught in the wind can strike your home causing damage to your siding or even shattering your windows. With all these forces combined, a lot of damage can occur to your home. However, SERVPRO can help cleanup any damage to your home and make it “Like it never even happened.”

The Importance of Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

1/5/2020 (Permalink)

A smoke detector on the ceiling. Smoke rises towards it Check your smoke detectors regularly

Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are important safety devices for every home. It’s absolutely necessary to have both in your home or place of business. Smoke detectors will detect and warn you about the presence of smoke. Carbon monoxide detectors will detect and warn you about the presence of carbon monoxide gas. These sirens will help you quickly become aware of the issue and hopefully ensure that you are able to get out safely or prevent damage. Make sure that you have detectors on each floor of your home. Make sure your detectors are properly installed by regularly testing them. It is recommended to test your detectors once a month to ensure the batteries have not drained. To test a detector, hold the test button until you hear a loud alert sound. These simple tools will make your home much safer. Fire and carbon monoxide poisoning are both serious issues that you should be aware of. And of course this cannot be said enough but be sure to check your detectors regularly.

The Dangers of Water Damage

1/5/2020 (Permalink)

A living room flooded with water and a floating couch Water damage puts you and your family at risk

Water damage to your home can pose more than just property damage, it also poses a health risk to you and your family. It is important to get things dried as soon as possible if your home has recently been flooded. Water damage is often accompanied by contaminated water. This is most likely if a sewer pipe has busted or a natural body of water has overflowed. Contaminated water puts you at risk of the bacteria and micro-organisms that are in the water. The dampness of the water is also the perfect environment for mold to grow. Mold spreads rapidly across surfaces and is very contagious. When dealing with water damage, the first step is to remove the water. This allows the SERVPRO team to disinfect and sanitize the affected area. Our team is equipped to handle the drying process from start to finish. SERVPRO will work rapidly and tirelessly to ensure that your home is free of water damage in as little time as possible.

Storm Update for Western New York and Buffalo

12/9/2019 (Permalink)

A woman walks on a street during a snowstorm Get ready for the snow in Buffalo!

The upcoming week looks to be full of stormy weather here in Buffalo! Rain showers will hit the area Monday and Tuesday. The steady rain showers however are only going to last the beginning the week, a cold front is approaching Tuesday night into Wednesday. We’ll be looking at snow showers and freezing rain and possible lake-effect snow throughout the Southtowns. Travel with caution throughout the week and be sure to check the weather report before you go out so you can best prepare for the weather. If any damage should occur whether it be storm, water, or any other kind, SERVPRO is ready to help you clean it up! Stay warm this week.

Tips to Reduce Home Fire Risk

12/8/2019 (Permalink)

A pan has caught fire in a residential kitchen Always watch your food when cooking to avoid a fire

Fire departments across the United States respond to an average of 358,500 home fires every year! These fires caused billions in damage and resulted in several thousand civilian injuries. To avoid being part of a disaster like that, take the time to reduce your risk of a home fire. Check your smoke alarms and make sure that they have the proper battery life. You can easily test your smoke alarms by pressing the button on the surface. If it beeps weakly or not at all, it’s time to immediately change the batteries. Keep household items clear of your heating sources. Avoid having curtains or blankets directly touching these sources. Always keep an eye on any lit candles. If you are going to a different part of the house, blow out the candle. Watch what you are cooking in the kitchen! It’s possible for old food particles in the stove to set on fire or even the food you are cooking. Lastly, keep a fire extinguisher handy in case of the worst. However, if the worst does occur SERVPRO will speedily clean your home to leave it good as new.

Best Ways to Avoid Ice Dams

12/8/2019 (Permalink)

Ice dam forming on the side of a home Ice dams are very easy to spot, but can be tricky to deal with

Here in Buffalo we get a lot a snow! While it may make the city seem a winter wonderland, the cold also brings ice dams. Ice dams are large pieces of ice that form across your roof. Snow from the roof that melts is refrozen on the roof edges. While frozen, they present little to no danger, but once it begins to melt, the water can seep under your shingles and drip through your roof, causing water damage to your ceiling and floors. One solution is to maintain a constant outdoor temperature across all of your roof to avoid the unfreezing and refreezing of the snow. Make sure you have proper insulation in your attic ceiling. You’ll want to block up any unwanted air escapes. Also ensure your attic has proper ventilation. The best offense is a good defense, so be sure to defend your home from ice dams. If you encounter water damage, SERVPRO is prepared to quickly clean it and restore your home to new.

Prepare for Winter Storms in Buffalo

12/2/2019 (Permalink)

A house buried in snow Buffalo sometimes gets over 100 inches of snowfall in a year!

The winter storms have begun here in Buffalo, New York and once again it’s shaping up to be a snowy winter. If it’s anything like last year, the area could see as much as one hundred inches of snow throughout the season. It’s always good to take some precautions at the beginning of the season to prevent as much storm damage as possible. Make sure your heating sources are working and up to our local code. The last thing you want is for your heating to fail, during a winter blizzard! Also consider purchasing a generator in case the power goes out. Get your fireplace and chimney cleaned out yearly to avoid a chimney fire during a storm. Outside, make sure to remove any dead or cracked tree limbs, so they won’t collapse onto your house under the weight of the snow. Storms aren’t just limited to damage from the wind or snow, many times they can lead to water or fire damage. Protecting your home is very important in the event of a storm. However, SERVPRO is here to help and eager to help you cleanup any damage in the event of a storm.

Be Aware of Lake-Effect Snow

12/2/2019 (Permalink)

Lake effect snow gathers in the air above Buffalo Storm clouds caused by lake-effect over Buffalo

One of the most brutal parts of Buffalo winters is “lake-effect snow”. We hear about it all the time during the winter, but what exactly is it? Lake-effect snow forms when cold air blows across the warm water of Lake Erie. This causes the warm air to rise and form clouds. As these clouds pass over land and cool again, it causes heavier snowfall. One of the most recent notable lake-effect storms was the “October Surprise” here in Buffalo. The storm brought down trees and power lines, brought two feet of snow in a matter of hours, and left 380,000 Buffalo citizens without power! Be aware of the possibilities of lake-effect snow and stay safe. If you are affected, SERVPRO will help clean-up storm damage that may occur from lake-effect snow.

What to do about the Flu?

12/2/2019 (Permalink)

A woman sneezes into a tissue Don't let the flu affect your business or home!

Flu season occurs from the fall to the winter and it can be quite a handful for your commercial business or home. The flu can spread quickly when it’s isolated in a space. It’s important to wash your hands with soap and water often throughout flu season, because you never know when the contagions are on your hands. The flu is often spread when an infected person touches a commonly used surface or object that is shared by another person. The flu virus can stay active on a surface for up to 24 hours! That’s a long time for the virus to spread. SERVPRO can provide cleaning for your business or home to disinfect the area and administer a thorough cleaning. SERVPRO has a specialized team to ensure your business or home is properly cleaned, disinfected, and deodorized.

Avoid Christmas Tree Fires

11/28/2019 (Permalink)

A Christmas Tree surrounded by presents Take the necessary actions to avoid Christmas tree fires

We have a lot on our minds during the holiday season, between wrapping gifts, sending out cards, and spending time with the family, the dangers of un-watered Christmas tree can completely slip our minds! A well-watered Christmas tree is a must for the season because a dry tree can be quite flammable. Eliminating or mitigating the chance of a fire hazard is very important. Christmas tree fires can be very deadly too. According to the National Fire Protection Association(NFPA), one in thirty-two fires results in a death, making them even more deadly than house fires. Here are some quick tips to help in Christmas tree fire prevention.

  1. Keep the tree at least three feet away from heat sources
  2. Water the tree everyday with up to one gallon of water a day – the National Christmas Tree Association states one quart per inch of the trunks diameter
  3. Avoid any flickering candles or open flame sources too close to the tree
  4. Replace worn cords and loose bulbs
  5. Consider switching to an artificial tree

The Christmas tree is a fun tradition that has existed for generations and brings the family together, but be sure to keep an eye on your tree and take the necessary precautions to avoid the worst. However, if the worst does occur SERVPRO is there to help clean up and make it "Like it never even happened." Happy Holidays!

Skunk Season is Coming!

11/28/2019 (Permalink)

A skunk hiding underneath a log Skunks will make their homes in the woods or even underneath your home

As we approach the winter months, it often slips our minds that skunk mating season is right around the corner. February to March marks the skunk season here in Western New York. During this time skunks will be more aggressive and won’t hesitate to spray. While we try our best to avoid skunks at all times, our pets are a little less careful! Often a sprayed dog or cat can stink up your home and leave a persistent smell even after a cleanup. SERVPRO will work swiftly to remove any and all odors from your home, place of work, or any other place these pesky skunks’ smell gets into. Our specialized equipment and cleaning product dig deep to eliminate the odor at the source and leaves your home smelling fresh once more. The pungent smell of skunks can be quite a handful, but leave it to SERVPRO to take care of!

Avoiding costly fire damage.

11/25/2019 (Permalink)

Garage fire in Buffalo An unwatched heater caused extensive damage to this customers garage, but SERVPRO was there to help.

Here in Buffalo when the weather gets cold it is imperative to maintain your heating appliances properly. Always keep heaters and any flammable items away from flames. A lot of people here in Buffalo like to spend our Sundays watching football enjoying the company of friends and family. Please just remember to keep an eye on your heaters, they can cause costly fire damage and put a huge damper on your holiday season. Here at SERVPRO we are always here to help in case of any mishap. Please do not hesitate to call in the event something happens to your home, we are available 24/7. Here at SERVPRO we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season, and would like to thank you for choosing SERVPRO for all your fire restoration needs.

Possible mold after a water loss

11/20/2019 (Permalink)

mold growth after a water loss This is how mold can spread after a water loss. It can spread fast in the proper environment.

When you find mold growing in your home, It’s imperative you get rid of it as soon as possible. Delay can mean extensive and costly remediation and repairs. On average, professional mold remediation costs $500 to $15,000 but the price can run well into the tens of thousands if the problem is severe.If you find mold growing on drywall, trim, unfinished wood surfaces, or carpets, and especially if the affected area is more than 10 square feet, hire a mold investigator to discover the root and extent of the problem. Not every mold issue requires Testing. If you can see mold, testing is necessary only if you must identify the actual mold species for medical or legal reasons. However, if you think mold is present but can’t actually see it, samples can confirm your suspicions. Sampling typically is used after cleanup to verify successful removal. Do not try to diagnose your mold problems with a home testing kit. They don’t work as well as profession testing. They’ll probably reveal some mold, but only because spores are always flying through the air. These kits can’t:

  • Confirm the presence of dead mold spores (which also cause health problems).
  • Determine baseline levels of mold in your home in order to compare results with other non-mold-infected areas.

Mold remediation companies will clean up your mold in a few days if just some washing and removing carpetisinvolved, or in a few weeks if demolition and rebuildingisrequired.

SERVPRO’s cleanup process entails:

  • Removing water-damaged, mold-infested materials.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting walls, carpet, and personal items.
  • Removing drywall and studs if mold damage is extensive.
  • Vacuuming with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filtration.

If mold infestation is severe and you are mold-sensitive, you may have to live elsewhere during cleanup. Remediation costs vary depending on how much and where mold exists. To remove mold from ducts, crawl spaces, walls and attics, can range upwards from $500 to $20,000, which is why it’s important to act right away to prevent mold from spreading.

If your house has been in a flood there's a good chance you will end up with a mold problem. However there are steps you can take to try to prevent mold growing in your home after it's been flooded.
After a flood the best thing you can do is contact a mold remediation company or water mitigation company such as SERVPRO to come access any damages and possibility of mold growth.
This way you can be sure that all mold problems will be properly taken care of. You will also have the peace of mind of knowing that your home will be completely safe to continue living in after it's been professionally remediated.

Mold can start to grow after just a day or two so it's important to act as quickly as possible if your home has been flooded. Make sure you only enter your home once it's safe though. If you're going to perform the flood clean up yourself then you should begin my moving things outside that didn't get wet. This is to protect them while you clean up the rest of the house.

SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE MOLD: If you are having a problem with allergies then there's a good chance there could be mold growing somewhere in your home. Common allergic reactions to mold include sneezing, sore eyes and a runny nose or nasal congestion. Do you notice your allergic reactions are worse when you're at home but you feel better when you go out? If so then it's especially likely you could have mold. When you have mold growing that may not be visible often a moldy smell will be the only clue that it's there. Don't ignore mold odors if you can't see any mold. You should thoroughly inspect your home before any mold problems get worse

Visible mold growth might seem like an obvious sign of mold. However many people don't notice small amounts of mold growth or they think it's just soot or dirt. Sometimes people simply ignore visible mold in their house, they don’t think its that important.

If you can see mold growth, even if it's only small, you should take action immediately. Small mold patches can spread and the fact that there is any mold shows that the conditions in your home are right for mold to grow.

If you don't take care of mold it will soon become a bigger problem. Visible mold growth could also be a sign that there is a much larger mold colony growing hidden away from view.

Sometimes you might not realize there is mold in your house, especially if it is unusual looking mold. Some mold growth looks white and thread-like. Other mold appears as clusters of small black spots. Mold can be black, gray-brown, gray-green or white in color. Mold growing behind wallpaper made of vinyl can even appear orange, pink or purple.

Keep your business proactive

11/20/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial water damage SERVPRO was called out to do some remediation to a buffalo business due to water damage.

Water damage can occur more likely during the cold season here in Buffalo.

Water to your home is stressful, but water damage to your business can be devastating and life altering. When your business experiences flooding, It’s a possibility you’ll have to close your doors or stop operating in order to clean up the damage. For some businesses this can be a dividing factor in whether you ever open your doors again.

You shouldn’t just react to water damage you should be proactive to avoid any potential issues.

Electronics and inventory should be kept at least 1inch if not more off the ground. In rooms that are lower such as basements or crawl spaces you want to increase this amount of space between the ground and your inventory. For the most part, most floods aren’t going to rise more than a few inches but its always a possibility they can.

Not only should electronics be off the ground, but any power cords or anything leading to electrical devices. Many businesses rely on their electronics to run the day to day operations, if you can save your electronic equipment you are able to recover more quickly from a flood.

Another good proactive tip is to maintain the sealants of your business. Sealants can degrade over time and can cause water damage to your business. Always check the areas around your window frames and doorways periodically to ensure no leaking is happening. If leaking is found, make sure to address the issue promptly to avoid any water or wind damage to your business.

It is also good practice to keep a list of emergency contacts in case a water issues should occur. It is very important to contact the right people to address any water damage issues immediately. This is where SERVPRO Buffalo Tonawanda would come into play. Our team would respond to the water loss and help you address any concerns you might have.

Commercial Fire causes

11/20/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Buffalo Tonawanda responds to a commercial fire loss No matter day or night SERVPRO is here to help. SERVPRO responded in the middle of the night and the customer couldn't of be happier.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the five most common causes of fires in commercial buildings are cooking equipment, heating equipment, electrical and lighting equipment, smoking materials, and intentional fire setting. Being able to Identify any possible causes could be quite beneficial this winter season.

  Commercial fires happen more often than you might think. Being prepared and having information to possibly avoid commercial fires can be quite helpful. By knowing what may cause a commercial fire, your business can take proper precautions to prevent damage to your property.

  Cooking Equipment causes a majority of commercial fires, Hospitals, restaurants, and healthcare facilities are just a few to name. Because of high cooking temperatures, flammable oils and grease, and the hectic nature of commercial kitchens, this is the single most common cause of commercial fires.

  Here in Buffalo most commercial buildings require heat to stay comfortable and functional for many months of the year. As with other mechanical equipment, furnaces, boilers, and radiators are at risk of overheating. This, in turn, can lead to a fire. It is important to maintenance this equipment regularly to avoid any accidents.

  All buildings are riddled with electrical wiring behind the wall for light and power. Unfortunately, electricity carries inherent fire risk. Old or defective wiring, overloaded circuits, loose connections, faulty fuses, imbalanced electrical loads, are a few electrical causes for fire in your building.

 Being prepared is always key, but if a fire should occur, SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda is always available to help.

Storm Season is upon us Buffalo!!

11/20/2019 (Permalink)

Storm water damage Customer from Kenmore had severe water damage, but SERVPRO Tonawanda was on site quick to help, another happy customer.

Here in Buffalo we are know for some not so nice weather and some pretty crazy storms. So far this season we had a Halloween rain storm that caused tons of water damage throughout the city and suburbs.  Between sump pump failures and sewage drains, it caused quite a mess for us Buffalonians. During this time of year its always a good rule of thumb to stay protected against the elements. Here at SERVPRO we are committed in helping the community avoid any storm issues if possible. If ever you have a question or need water remediation SERVPRO is only a phone call away. We vary in services from water extraction and removal, to drying equipment and floor removal. If the weather gets to you this year, get to SERVPRO we'll make it like it never happened.

Winter Has Arrived in Buffalo, NY: Cold Weather Tips

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

The snow has begun to fall. SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda is ready to help!

The snow has arrived in Buffalo, New York. Cold temperatures are on the way, and SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda says it’s time to prep for winter. It’s always important to be prepared.
Some tips:
-Protect Indoor Pipes
Avoid frozen and broken pipes that could cause major water damage to your home. A burst pipe can cost thousands of dollars to fix the damage.
-Look for Ailing Tree Limbs
Avoid a tree limb from damaging your roof causing water to enter your attic that could cause a potential mold issue.
-Clean out your Gutters
Allow water to travel correctly to the down spout to avoid water build up that could leak into your home.
-Insulate your Attic or Crawl Space
Keep the heat where it belongs in your living quarters. Keeping the attic cooler which may help prevent damaging ice dams from forming on your roof that can cause water damage to ceiling and walls.
-Put your Storm Windows In
Helps insulate by adding a double layer of protect against heavy rain.
-Repair Loose Roofing Shingles
The snow build up on your roof is heavy and can cause additional damage to loose shingles leading to water and moisture penetration into your home.
-Service your Furnace and Chimney
Chimneys and furnace malfunctions cause many home fires. Have them cleaned, inspected and serviced.
Get your ducts cleaned by SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda and breathe clean air.
-Secure Outdoor Water Sources
Turn off your exterior water sticker at the main shut off valve to prevent a frozen pipe.
-Set your Thermostat at 65 if you are a Snow Bird and have a family member check on your house.
Setting your heat will prevent pipe breaks during extreme cold temperatures.

If you should experience a water damage or fire, SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda is ready to help. Call us at 716-694-9949

Removing smoke odor

6/19/2019 (Permalink)

After a home fire, SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda came in to perform fire mitigation services.

During a home fire, there are about a million troubles and worries that a homeowner face. Knowing how troublesome home emergencies are was the inspiration for SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda to become a thing. SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda partners with homeowners (and business owners too) to make fire damages “Like it never even happened.”  But how do they take care of the aftermath of fire damages, like smoke damages?

Smoke damages are one branch of the different types of fire damages, but it is important to understand the behavior of smoke. Smoke rises to the upper levels of structures, so during the fire damage mitigation process, the SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda will examine upper levels of a structure to inspect the insulation. Insulation can trap smoke and allow the smell to linger, long past the fire. SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda’s team will remove the odorous insulation and then use special chemicals and cleaning techniques to remove the smell from a home. They partner with their clients through the whole process to alleviate all of their clients worries.

Restoring Your Collectibles After A Fire

6/19/2019 (Permalink)

Finding your pristine collection of 1950’s dolls or once-colorful beer steins covered in a dense layer of dark soot while inspecting your Buffalo residence after a fire can make you feel like the fire, and its effects invaded every aspect of your home. Even glass cabinets and other enclosures often permit smoke to find its way in and settle on the contents’ surfaces.

At SERVPRO, we take pride in helping our customers reclaiming their homes and their possessions. We lessen its effects by using approved methods we learn through our Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) training. Before, we cleaned such items by hand, which could produce excellent results, although taking an enormous amount of time to accomplish.

Instead, we now use ultrasonic technology to remove soot and other grime from your most prized possessions. Small imperfections can grip onto soot and make an unsightly, ugly mark that diminishes the beauty of such pieces in a collection. Cleaning by hand often left these defects marred. A short period in our ultrasonic water bath, however, cleans soot from every surface, including in between tightly abutted surfaces that face each other. This ability to clean blemishes and hairline cracks makes a tremendous difference in how your collection appears when you receive it back from us.

While still at your property, we carefully pack each item in its own piece of plain paper and place it inside a clean box. Taking these boxes to our facility also includes inventory sheets that correspond to each box. These sheets follow your items through the entire process. After the water bath, we place them in a drying chamber.

Although the cleaning method eliminates the soot that causes collectible items to smell like smoke, we still provide further deodorization. We do this inside the drying chamber without moving them. Handling them as little as possible reduces the chances of breakage. We then re-wrap each item and place it into a new box so we can return these items to you, along with their inventory sheets.

Fire Kitchen Damage

6/14/2019 (Permalink)

An oven door is open with an orange glow of flames and smoke coming out. A kitchen fire

Every day at every 90 seconds a residential or commercial fire occurs in the United States.  A kitchen fire and smoke damage has hidden damage and odors.  

 If you have a cooking fire here are some tips from National Fire Protection Association:
  • Just get out! When you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the fire.
  • Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number after you leave.
  • If you try to fight the fire, be sure others are getting out and you have a clear way out.
  • Keep a lid nearby when you’re cooking to smother small grease fires. Smother the fire by sliding the lid over the pan and turn off the stovetop. Leave the pan covered until it is completely cooled.
  • For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed.

Our Fire specialists here at SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda have the experience and expertise to take care of any smoke or fire damage you may have no matter how big or small it might be.  Special losses require special care, and we understand that caring for them is your first priority. 

April Showers Bring May Flowers? | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda Can Help!

4/25/2019 (Permalink)

April Showers Bring May Flowers... AND FLOODING

April Showers do bring May flowers but they also bring flooding. Taking precautions can help minimize the damage that occurs at your home.

The first thing you need to do is check with your insurance to make sure that you are covered. Coverage options vary depending on the insurance company so it is always a good idea to check and see what is available to you.

Second, have your sump pump and chimney checks yearly and make sure your gutters are clean and attached properly. If water does get into your home it needs to be removed quickly and dried out properly so you do not have mold growth in the future. 

SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda will respond to the problem and extract the water and start the remediation process to prevent mold growth at all affected levels!

We hope you do not need us, but are here if you do!  Contact us Today (716) 694-9949

Unpredictable Spring Weather, Are You Prepared? | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda Can Help!

4/19/2019 (Permalink)

Finally! Spring is showing itself! We can now enjoy that weather…but we must also buckle up for whatever Mother Nature may choose to throw at us.

Thunderstorms in the Spring

Spring brings longer days and more sunshine, but it also brings the threat of severe weather throughout the country. It’s dealer’s choice this time of year, which means the weather may change at moment’s notice.

The changing weather is caused by the unstable temperatures that can go from warm to cold even in the same day. That temperature change can result in extreme weather changes as well.

Thunderstorms are often common throughout spring and are the main cause of severe weather. A thunderstorm can occur whenever warm, moist air collides with cool, dry air, which is most common in the spring and summer.

Severe thunderstorms were the most common and costliest natural catastrophe losses in the U.S. for 2017. Out of 50 events, there were 85 fatalities and an estimated total of $25.4 billion in overall losses.

The threat of flooding, high winds and even tornadoes can result from these storms if the conditions are right. It has been found that in modern history, 10% of all violent tornadoes have occurred in March, with April, May and June.

Best to Be Prepared

Even though we may not be able to predict the weather with 100% accuracy, forecasters have the tools available to at least give us an idea of severe weather that could be coming. Advanced warnings, along with the right preparation, can greatly improve overall safety for your family.

Here are some things you can do to your home to prepare for the chance of severe weather:

  1. Clear out your home’s gutters, drains and downspouts.
  2. Trim trees of precarious limbs or branches that could break off in a storm.
  3. Secure or store outdoor belongings if severe weather is in the forecast.

Having an emergency kit on hand is always advised. Your emergency kit should include the following:

  • Battery-operated flashlight and NOAA weather radio, with extra batteries for both
  • Emergency evacuation or shelter plans
  • Important personal info, like telephone numbers of neighbors, family and friends, insurance and property info, numbers for the utility companies, and medical info
  • A first aid kit with things like non-latex gloves, adhesive bandages, tweezers, sterile gauze pads, aspirin packets, adhesive cloth tape and scissors
  • 3–5 day supply of bottled water and nonperishable food
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Blankets or sleeping bag

Despite its unpredictability, there is one thing that always remains true of the spring weather season: It always happens. If your home or business is damaged in a storm, you can depend on SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda to get the cleanup and restoration process started fast.

We Will Get to Your Disaster Faster | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

4/19/2019 (Permalink)

When disaster strikes your home, time becomes an even more precious commodity. There’s no time to waste, Call SERVPRO

When disaster strikes your home, time becomes an even more precious commodity. There’s no time to waste when your home or livelihood is on the line—you need help right away.

We know how crucial a fast response is, which is why responding faster to any size disaster is more than just a slogan in our world.

The Importance of a Fast Response

Time is not a luxury you have regarding disaster cleanup when it’s your belongings or business on the line. This is especially true where water damage has come into play, which can be through various means such as flooding, appliance and/or plumbing failures, storm damage and fire damage, as water is used to put out the fires.

It can only take minutes for water to spread throughout your property, where it saturates everything in its path. Things like the walls, floors, upholstery and your belongings are all fast casualties of water.

The effects of water damage within the first 24 hours include:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper items spread and stain
  • The arrival of a musty odor

The damage will worsen as time goes on. Between 48 hours and a week later, you could begin to see:

  • The growth and spreading of mold and mildew
  • Swelling and warping of doors, windows and studs
  • Metal beginning to rust and corrode
  • Paint beginning to blister
  • Wood flooring swelling and warping
  • The possibilities of serious biohazard contamination

If left unchecked for over a week, the damage done can dramatically increase the restoration time and costs and can also impact structural safety.

Ways We Can Help

Providing an immediate response to any size disaster is what we are here for! Our fast response times can help minimize the damage and keep the cleaning and restoration costs manageable.

It doesn’t matter what day or time it is, our trained cleanup and restoration specialists will quickly be dispatched to your property or business.

Being a locally owned and operated franchise helps us be close by and ready to respond whenever the call comes in. A major perk of being part of a national network of over 1,700 franchises is that we have access to more resources for the cleanup and restoration projects that may be larger or stem from major storm situations.

Remember, if you need us, we’ll be there—no matter the time or day. The team of highly trained restoration experts at SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda are available for emergency cleanup and restoration services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Tips for Your Business: Fire Safety Edition | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

4/19/2019 (Permalink)

If a fire has damaged your business, SERVPRO® of Buffalo - Tonawanda is available to help make it “Like it never even happened.”

As a business owner, you have a responsibility to take safety factors into consideration regarding risks to your business, staff and visitors. One of those risks you need to consider and create a plan for is fire prevention.

What Can Cause Commercial Structure Fires?

According to research conducted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) the leading causes of structure fires in office properties from 2007–2011 were (in order):

  1. Cooking equipment, 29% of fires
  2. Electrical distribution and lighting equipment, 12% of fires
  3. Heating equipment, 11% of fires
  4. Intentional, 10% of fires
  5. Smoking materials, 9% of fires
  6. Exposure, 4% of fires
  7. Electronic, office or entertainment equipment, 3% of fires

Of those causes, intentional, exposure and electrical distribution, and lighting equipment accounted for the most property damage with 20%, 18% and 15% respectively.

In 2007, The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that fires and explosions accounted for 3% of all workplace fatalities.

In studying more recent numbers, the NFPA estimates that during the period from 2007–2011, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 3,340 fires involving office properties per year. Those fires were responsible for an annual average of four deaths, 44 injuries and $112 million in direct property damage.

How to Protect Your Business

There are certain steps you can take to protect your business from fire risk. By focusing on fire risk assessment, fire prevention and staff education, you can help reduce the chance of a fire breaking out.

The first step to take is to assess the fire hazard risks. Local governments in some areas often offer a visit from the local fire marshal to assist in identifying fire risks and offering guidance and suggestions on your fire prevention plan.

Make sure that you have the right fire protection equipment in place. Items to include are an automatic sprinkler system, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers for each floor.

Finally, you must make provision for your employees and visitors. By creating a fire plan and reviewing it with your staff, you’ll be making sure everyone knows what to do in the case of a fire. Conduct fire drills at least once a year to keep the fire safety protocol fresh and make time to review evacuation plans and where the first-aid kits are located.

Despite best efforts with fire prevention and safety tips, the worst could always happen at your business. If a fire has damaged your business, SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda is available to help make it like it never even happened.

Familiarizing Yourself With the 3 Classifications of Floodwaters | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

4/19/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Buffalo - Tonawanda is here to help get the situation under control and make it like it never even happened.

Not all water is created equal when it comes to water damage as there are three classifications for it: clean, gray and black. By gaining a better understanding of the different types of water, you will understand how to better handle a water damage situation.

You will always have a cleanup and restoration process to go through no matter what type of water has caused damage. However, before cleanup can begin, the most important aspect is removing all of the moisture and damp items quickly, so as not to enable mold to flourish in an ideal environment.

The Least Dangerous: Clean Water

Obviously, much like its name states, this water is considered “clean” and should not be the type to pose an immediate threat to your health. This water is free of contaminants and can come from:

  • Broken water lines
  • Malfunctioning appliances
  • Toilet holding tanks
  • Snow melt and rainwater

This type of water damage is the easiest type of water damage to deal with, as there will be fewer microbes living in the water, but it can become gray water after 48 hours and after contact with the surfaces of a building, moving it up to category two.

Middle of the Road Danger: Gray Water

Gray water is where water damage cleanup and restoration can become a bit more tricky. It may be water that could pose a health risk, due to it containing chemical or biological contamination. The slight contamination involved with gray water means that it would need to be thoroughly treated before being safe to consume.

Gray water is water that comes from dishwashers, aquariums, showers, etc. and, as always, the 48-hour exposure time applies here as well, with gray water turning into black water if not treated.

The Most Dangerous: Black Water

Black water is the most dangerous of the three classifications and is considered to be highly contaminated with harmful chemicals and biological matter. This would include floodwaters containing soil and all sewage waters.

Sewage is contaminated with microbes, including bacteria, protozoans, molds, fungi and more—many of which are harmful to humans and create a health hazard.

Diseases that can be transmitted by black water are:

  • Cholera
  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis
  • Gastroenteritis-type illnesses

Remember, whenever there is a flood, all waters should be assumed to be black water since it will pick up contaminants along its path.

These three classifications of floodwater are recognized by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Remediation Certification (IICRC), which is an organization that certifies and sets the standards for the cleaning and restoration industry. Our technicians have all studied IICRC standards, have learned the best practices in water restoration and are available to help determine the steps to take to get your home back to normal.

It doesn’t matter what type of water has caused damage to your home or business, SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda is here to help get the situation under control and make it "Like it never even happened." Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need emergency cleanup and restoration services!

Ways to Ensure Your Home Is Protected From Water Damage | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

4/19/2019 (Permalink)

You can call on the highly trained experts at SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda, who are here to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Water damage is one of the most common and costliest disasters your home may experience. Anything from malfunctioning appliances like dishwashers or washing machines to a burst pipe or storm damage can be the cause of water damage in your home.

There are plenty of steps to take to protect your home from some trying common water damage scenarios that homeowners deal with.

Protecting Your Home

Dealing with water damage is enough of problem, but it can have a long-term impact on your home. Mold usually follows water damage as mold can begin to grow and flourish within 24–48 hours after moisture exposure.

When looking for solutions and ways to protect your home from water damage, it can be helpful to break it down by areas of impact, such as basements, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring and ceilings.

A way to prevent water damage in the basement is to ensure there is no water seeping in. Do this by resealing vulnerable areas of the basement, making sure water drains away from your home and installing a backwater valve.

Plumbing issues in the kitchen and bathroom are your usual main causes of water damage, as well as appliance failures.

Look at and check the following items:

  • Inspect all appliances regularly, looking for any issues with hoses and faucets
  • Check all seals and caulking around your showers and tubs to make sure there are no leaks
  • Know where the main shut-off valve is in your home
  • Never leave the house while the washing machine or dishwasher are running

While it’s not always possible to protect your personal possessions from water damage, there are things you can do to at least decrease the amount of destruction. Using waterproof bins and storing items up off of the floor is always recommended when using the basement or garage for storage purposes.

<h4to-begin-on-cleanup">Where to Begin on Cleanup

If you have suffered water damage to your home, there is a good chance you can salvage items that can be dried out within 48 hours.

The first step is to contact your insurance provider immediately and evaluate the extent of damage to your home and possessions as well as identify the type of water that is involved.

There are three types of water that cause damage:

  1. “Clean” water such as from rain, condensation, leaky pipes, etc.

  2. Gray water like dirty water from dishwashers, washing machines, clean toilets, etc.

  3. Black water, which would be water from sewage or serious flooding from nearby rivers, etc. This water can cause serious health problems.

Following a water damage disaster, it is important to dry your home out and dehumidify the area, removing wet objects and disinfecting remaining materials as soon as is safely possible.

Here’s an interesting pro tip: You can freeze wet books, photos and papers in a frost-free freezer to give you some extra time. This prevents mold and mildew from developing, causing more deterioration. Once you are able, you can remove them from the freezer and air-dry or fan-dry the pages.

It may seem like recovering from water damage is an overwhelming and slightly impossible task, but it doesn’t have to be. You can call on the highly trained experts at SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda, who are here to make it “Like it never even happened.” 

Tips to Get Your Family Prepared for Severe Weather | SERVPRO® of Buffalo/Tonawanda

4/19/2019 (Permalink)

If a storm does cause damage to your home or business, don’t hesitate to call your friends at SERVPRO® of Buffalo/ Tonawanda.

There are times when we can be caught by surprise when severe weather strikes even though there are warning systems in place.

Fortunately, when Mother Nature manages to catch us off-guard, there are steps you can take and safety tips to follow that will ensure your family is prepared for various severe weather occurrences.

Establishing a Family Severe Weather Plan

One of the best ways to stay safe during dangerous weather situations is to have an established family emergency plan ready.

It is important to discuss and practice your family emergency plan if your family does have one in place. Also, be sure to discuss and review it at the beginning of various weather seasons so everyone knows exactly what to do.

If you’ve not yet put together a family emergency plan, take a look at some things to take into consideration when creating one:

1. How Are You Receiving Emergency Alerts?

We are fortunate to have technology available to us where it is easy to receive emergency alerts and warnings on our smartphones that are equipped with a weather app or Google for alerts and warnings to quickly receive emergency alerts, allowing you precious time to react in severe weather situations.

But cell phones need a signal and power, and herein lies the problem. Storms can wreak havoc with cell towers, and cell phone batteries will eventually die and with no power you will not be able to charge them. Warnings and alerts are also still broadcast over radio and TV.

2. What Are Your Storm Shelter Options?

In areas where tornadoes are common, you’ll want to be in the lowest part of your home, preferably a basement if you have one. If that is not possible, find an interior room on the lowest level out of the way from corners, windows, doors and outside walls.

Tornadoes aren’t the circumstance that call for sheltering. You can learn more about other situations that call for shelters by visiting ready.gov.

3. What Are Your Evacuation Routes?

Make a map that has multiple routes mapped out that will serve as an evacuation route, keeping in mind that hurricanes, flooding and fires can force you from your home in a hurry. Why multiple routes? That would be just in case one is impassible.

Also check for places to stay with your pets along the way for your furry family members that will be evacuating with you.

4. How Will Everyone Stay in Touch?

During storms, cell towers can sustain damage, rendering them useless, so it is not the best idea to rely solely on cell phones to keep in touch with your family. In some circumstances, cell phones could be lost or left behind, and you will be unable to charge the batteries when there is no power to recharge them.

You will need an emergency communication plan in place for your family, as well as a safe meeting place for your family to meet if separated.

If a storm does cause damage to your home or business, don’t hesitate to call your friends at SERVPRO® of Buffalo/ Tonawanda to get the cleanup and restoration process started.

Don't let your Buffalo home become infested with mold, act now!

10/12/2018 (Permalink)

Don't let your Buffalo home become infested with mold, act now!

How often do you move your dishwasher out to inspect behind it for possible water damage? Not to often, right. This photo illustrates what could be larking behind your appliances that had a small leak for a period of time. For most cases when a dishwasher begins to have a leak it will be a slow drip beneath or behind the unit causing the floor to become saturate, rotting or mold to develop. What to do when you discover a leak in your dishwasher that caused possible water damage? 

  • Turn off the source of the water
  • Turn off the power to the dishwasher
  • Contact a plumber 
  • Contact your insurance office to assess information about filing a claim or coverage. 

Contact SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda 716-694-9949

Commercial Water Damage In Buffalo, NY

10/12/2018 (Permalink)

A water damage in Buffalo, NY

Commercial Water Damage In Buffalo, NY

Commercial water damage surprises Buffalo business owners every time it happens. Everyone knows that the sprinkler system is there to stop fire damage, but no one understands the damage that happens when it engages. Fortunately, SERVPRO has the experience, training, and equipment to restore an office or a kitchen back to their original state.

Sprinklers soak everything, that is what they are supposed to do to prevent the spread of fire. Paper documents, cardboard storage boxes, and books quickly turn to a mush and must be thrown out. If the final condition is not an issue and the business owner needs to keep original contracts, we can preserve the legibility of our technicians can get them spread out on a dry surface. We use air movers to blow warm, dry air over the paper gently and while we cannot return the items to their original condition or look, we can preserve the image in many cases.

The item that usually catches the most damage next is the carpet. SERVPRO technicians use extraction wands to draw out water without damaging the nape of the carpet. If there is a carpet pad, we remove and dispose of it. Pads quickly deteriorate when they become wet, and they are cheaper to replace rather than attempt to restore. Once we remove the water, crew members use the air movers again to force warm, dry air across the surface to dry it out while preventing mold.

SERVPRO can make your life easier and get you back in your home or business faster. “Like it never even happened.”
If you would like more information on hiring a team experienced in Commercial Restoration, call SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda at 716-694-9949

Mold in your business

10/9/2018 (Permalink)

The very idea of mold can make any home or business owner cringe. Yes, mold can be beneficial, used in making brie or penicillin, but it can also be a really big problem when it is growing undetected somewhere on your property or belongings.

It can grow just about anywhere: on clothing, food, paper, carpet and the backside of drywall, just to name a few spots. It can produce allergens and irritants, and in some cases, toxins that are dangerous to your health.

Here are four steps you can take to protect your business and employees from a mold issue:

  • Do an audit of your property. Are there any areas that are full of moisture much of the time? Seepage into storage areas or accumulation from leaky pipes should be dried within 48 hours to avoid mold damage. Encourage workers to keep wet items picked up, hanging wet coats up and keeping rain boots and wet shoes in an area that won’t soak up moisture. Take steps to keep floors and windows dry at all times, but especially during wet weather.
  • Proper ventilation is a good way to keep mold at bay. Keeping bathroom and kitchen doors open can help, increasing air circulation and aiding in the drying process. Using dehumidifiers keeps areas dry and pleasant, and always keep an eye on them to make sure they are in good repair and not contributing any moisture themselves; the manufacturer’s information provided will give directions on cleaning and care of your unit.
  • Many products today contain mold-resistant materials, such as dry wall or paint. Shop around for helpful products when doing any renovation or repair to your Belle Meade business, especially in areas that will experience moisture, such as kitchens, break rooms, and bathrooms.
  • Monitoring the humidity indoors in your  business can go a long way to mold prevention. The EPA recommends keeping indoor humidity between 30 and 60 percent; you can measure this with a moisture meter easily found at your local hardware store.

Call SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda for all your water or fire damage needs, or if you need assistance with mold prevention or remediation! We’re here for you! 716-694-9949.

Restoration after a fire.

10/5/2018 (Permalink)

We’re not going to kid you. Fire damage restoration is tough work. People call SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda frequently to ask for advice on how to clean up after a fire.  Here are seven of the best tips we give people who ask about fire damage restoration. 

Most people can put these tips into practice. But remember that fire damage restoration takes time, work, and skill. Realistically consider whether you want to try these ideas on your own or whether you’d be better off hiring highly trained restoration specialists who will guarantee their work.

  1. Remove Smoke Damage

With any fire you’ll have a degree of smoke damage to your walls, wall paper, and paint. If the smoke damage is not too serious, you should be able to scrub it clean with detergents and bleach. Soot from smoke damage is greasy stuff, so always try to dust as much of it off from a surface before trying to scrub the surface clean. Often, you’ll want to repaint, but make sure all surfaces are clean and dry before you paint.

  1. Limit Activity & Other Simple Fire Damage Restoration Steps

Until your house is restored, limit your activity and movement in the house. This helps prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets. Keep people’s hands clean so you don’t further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork. Protect your things by placing clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas. Before you clean know the best cleaning method for that particular cleaning job (one example: Clean and protect chrome with a light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.) Wash both sides of the leaves on your houseplants. Change your HVAC filter and tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

  1. Get Rid of Mold & Mildew

Firefighters are great. They save many a live and many a home. But they do introduce mold and mildew into houses when they must use water to extinguish the fire. SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda highly recommends you hire fire damage restoration professionals to deal with mold and mildew. Mold and mildew can cause serious health problems. It’s difficult for a nonprofessional to know for certain if he’s clean up all the areas affected by the mold and mildew. And mold and mildew can contaminate your furniture, carpets, clothing, mattresses, walls, and vents. The best thing you can do immediately is to air out every room and clean out all vents and filters.

  1. Replace Carpets. Clean And Dry Your Floors

Your floors and carpets end up absorbing the worst of the damage from all the water used to put out a fire. In almost every case, SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda recommends that you pull up any carpets that have water damage and replace them. Water can also seep underneath vinyl flooring and into the cracks in hardwood. You must address this. If you have experience with flooring, you can lift it up and clean under it. But you may want to call a professional fire damage restoration company to assist you.

  1. Avoid Smearing Soot Into Clothing

Cleaning smoke damage from clothing is one of the biggest jobs you’ll have after a fire. Make sure you don’t smear the greasy soot into the clothing or just throw the smoky clothes into the wash. Often times dry cleaning is the best bet, and you should ask around local dry cleaners to see if any have experience with post-fire laundry. Removing smoke odor is another issue and we’ve covered it in another blog post.

  1. Scrub, Soak, And Cleaning Dishes

Dishes are also important items to clean thoroughly after a fire because they will be in contact with your food. Scrub all dishes well, let them soak in a solution of bleach and water (2 tablespoons of bleach per gallon) for at least 20 minutes and scrub some more for safety. When in doubt, if a dish, pot, or pan won’t come clean, cut your losses and throw it out – especially rubber or wooden dishes that absorb smoke.

Help Is Here

The team at SERVPRO of Eastern Niagara County also has specialized training and experience in fire restoration services, natural disaster prevention, water damage, chemical cleanup, and natural disaster cleanup. Call SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda at 716-694-9949

Frozen Pipe Prevention

10/5/2018 (Permalink)

Cold temperatures can cause pipes to freeze. Frozen Pipes can result in costly repairs to you as a home or business owner. The good news is there are ways to prevent pipes from freezing. Here are some tips for this winter.

Frozen Pipes Can Burst

Frozen pipes are a problem by themselves, because they prevent water flow, but even worse, frozen pipes can eventually burst, causing damage and potential flooding. There are ways to protect your pipes from freezing. These include:

Keep your house warm

If you are leaving for a period of time, make sure that the heat is kept on at your property. You should inform them that the heat can help prevent pipes from freezing, and if pipes freeze and burst, it can cause a lot of water damage to the property and to their possessions. The heat doesn’t have to be kept as high as you normally would keep it if you were home but keeping it set above 50 degrees Fahrenheit at all times is a good idea. This should provide enough heat to keep the pipes warm and to prevent any water inside from freezing.

Open Faucets

When temps hit the freezing level it is a good idea to allow faucets to drip. Allowing the faucet to be open like this will relieve pressure in the pipe. If a pipe freezes, it is actually the pressure that is created between the blockage and the faucet that will cause the pipe to burst. With the faucet open you avoid blockage in the pipes.

Insulation in key

Pipes can be fitted with foam rubber or fiberglass sleeves to help decrease the chances of freezing. This can be an easy solution for pipes that are exposed, but can get expensive if walls, floors or ceilings have to be opened in order to properly insulate the pipe. Additional insulation can also be added to walls and ceilings to keep the pipes warm.

SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us at 716-694-9949.

Why Professional Water Removal Is More Effective Than Doing It Yourself.

10/5/2018 (Permalink)

After a water emergency that floods a home or business, the last thing that most people want to deal with is a bill for cleaning up the damage. This is what leads many homeowners to attempt water extraction on their own instead of calling a professional.

If you're in need of water removal, you may be tempted to save money by trying to get rid of the excess water on your own. However, going this route typically has more consequences than benefits and will result in greater losses of time, money, and your possessions in the long run. Here's why calling SERVPRO for professional water removalis a smart move.

Professional water extraction works extremely well.
While some homeowners resort to opening windows and doors, turning on ceiling fans, and blotting towels around the house, SERVPRO has powerful equipment that ensures efficient and thorough water removal. We're also often able to restore documents, books, furnishings, and electronic devices affected by water damage, plus we'll get your home's humidity back to an appropriate level.

Many water emergenciesare hazardous.
If your house has been flooded with gray or black water, such as that from a natural disaster, backed up sewer line, or a leaky toilet, expert attention to the problem is best. These types of water are risky for untrained persons to handle because it involves disease causing waste and debris. This is the type of material that can't simply be put out with the week's garbage and needs proper and safe disposal. We're knowledgeable about how to get rid of contaminated waste during water extraction, so there are no lingering health risks to your family or pets.

It's important to consider mold and mildew.
One reason that so many homeowners who attempt DIY water removal eventually end up calling a pro is unseen damage caused by mold and mildew. While your flooring and possessions may look and feel dry, without proper water extraction and controlling humidity mold and mildew will thrive, cause off odors, and ruin your home's structure along with your possessions and furniture. SERVPRO technicians are skilled at protecting against the growth of mold and mildew and have effective strategies to combat it.

At SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda, we know how important it is to get your home back in order as quickly as possible. We'll help you mitigate the costs of any water emergency by restoring your possessions and preventing future damage to your home. For more information about our water removal services or to receive a quote, call us 24/7 at (716) 694-9949

The Water That You Do Not See Is The Biggest Risk.

10/5/2018 (Permalink)

Even small water damages have the potential to cause serious structural and indoor air quality issues over time. 

The key to avoiding costly future restoration is to handle every water problem as a serious problem that will affect your property. Our service technicians have the training and equipment to find and dry unseen water before secondary damage occurs. The proper equipment makes a measurable difference in reducing the damage and expense during a fire or water damage event. 

When time matters, technology and equipment must be counted on to work, here are just a few of the tools our technicians use to do their job and restore your property.  

Moisture sensors are used to detect moisture in carpets, baseboards and walls. 

Moisture Meters are used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials. The moisture tester provides accurate reading, allowing technicians to monitor the drying process. 

Thermohygrometers measure temperature and relative humidity. When armed with this information, technicians can calculate and create an environment most conducive to drying. When facing a contaminated water loss, it is not only important to dry the structure, but  also to disinfect and deodorize. 

Ultra Low-Volume Foggers will atomize liquid deodorizing agents, producing a fine mist that can easily penetrate the site where odor-causing residues may accumulate. This device can also be used to inject fungicides and disinfectants into wall cavities and other hard to reach areas. 

Thermal Foggers dispense solvent-based products by creating a dense fog. The fog consists of tiny particles of deodorant solution that attach to and neutralize odor causing particles. 

These are just a few pieces of the professional grade equipment that each SERVPRO technician is trained to use to help ensure your property is completely restored

Fire Damage

9/28/2018 (Permalink)

Kitchen fire in Buffalo, NY

Damage caused by fire is varied. Different surfaces, textures, and materials react in different ways to the extreme temperature which makes restoration a nuanced and complex job. Using the wrong cleaning materials can at best, spread soot and smoke residues. At worst, it can cause further damage and require expensive replacement. After a blaze has been contained, there is the added risk of secondary water damage.
Properties that have fallen victim to fire damage should be pre-tested before any work begins. A pretestcan be carried out by a qualified SERVPRO fire technician who can measure affected areas for smoke damage. Although, smoke damage is visible, there are many different types which depend on the materials that burned.
Wet smoke, for example, burns at a low temperature and comes from synthetic materials that could be in appliances, lampshades or fabrics. This smoke, produced from melting plastics, has a pungent smell leaving behind thick, oily markings on walls and ceilings. Dry smoke, on the other hand, comes from natural materials like wood and paper leaving behind a powdery soot like texture.
A SERVPRO technician can conduct a pre-test that looks for different types of smoke residue. A pretest allows us to decide on the correct method of restoration as well as products that we should use to restore your items to pre-fire standards. Using a combination of wet cleaning and dry cleaning allows us to provide a professional focus to each affected area and guarantee the best results.
A fire restoration service by SERVPRO is two-fold. The first is your contents which can be removed,
tested and restored. The second is the structure itself, which involves removing soot and smoke
residue from your walls, ceilings, and permanent fittings. We can restore your walls, so they are
ready for repainting, as well as your floors, windows and, where possible, fabrics.
The final step is to deodorize. Burning materials leave thick smells that are not cleanable with
regular fresheners. Our equipment neutralizes the odor particles rather than merely covering the
smell. This approach is especially important when tackling synthetics which can release toxins when
subjected to fire. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. CALL SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda, 716-694-9949.

Water Dry Out Services

9/28/2018 (Permalink)

Buffalo has many options for consumers seeking quality products at a reasonable price. National
and local chains compete, and the customer wins. The large warehouse-type stores are just as
vulnerable as a smaller store boutique when suffering water damage and flooding if plumbing fails or
torrential rains overwhelm a flat roof’s drainage system. We have the crews and equipment to
respond to a significant water loss.
When water pours through your store, you need fast, and the water removal technicians of
SERVPRO Buffalo-Tonawanda are the ones that can do it. Even with much of the merchandise up
off the floor on steel shelving or pallets, the water must be evacuated for the safety of your staff and
your customers. With floors that extend hundreds of thousands of square feet, the removal task is
best left to professionals.
SERVPRO is a local business with a national network to fall back upon if the scale of a job requires
supplemental equipment and technicians. Sizeable commercial water losses need just as swift a
resolution as those affecting a smaller shop or office. Water that lingers in the property for more than
24 or 48 hours exposes your business to the risk of microbial infestation that might even damage
your inventory.
Our commercial loss team works with you to devise a plan where at least a portion of your business
remains open during the restoration. SERVPRO understands how devastating closing your doors
can be, particularly in the face of the robust competition of other Buffalo area companies engage in
to tempt your customers.
The water removal begins with pumps, moving vast amounts of water quickly out of all areas of your
store. As the water level dips below 2 inches, technicians switch out pumps for extractors. Your
flooring choice of poured concrete seems impervious to water, but it is a porous material that
benefits from rapid water extraction. The floor edges get targeted attention to prevent water from
wicking up the drywall or settling in the cells of cinder block construction.
This water emergency might lead to your development of an Emergency Ready Plan and Profile (ERP)
through SERVPRO in anticipation of future crises. The ERP allows us to collaborate in devising a
concise plan to help both our crews and you and your staff to plan for another loss.
SERVPRO Buffalo-Tonawanda is ready for your water removal challenge, regardless of the extent of

Post Fire Cleanup Importance

9/28/2018 (Permalink)

After a fire damage incident, it is understandable for any homeowner to be stressed. Such traumatic
events disrupt your professional or personal lives, and there is need to work closely with a
restoration service provider as you work towards returning your Minneapolis property to its earlier
state. It all starts by identifying what is able to be restored, and performing emergency services to limit further
Cleaning is one of the services that our SERVPRO team offers when attending to fire damaged
property. One of our goals is to reduce the fire damage claims. Remember, if you do not act quickly,
you might end up with expensive options such as replacing restorable items and resurfacing parts of
your structure. We are going to look at some of the principles of cleaning that we use when restoring
your materials.
Starting from the location where the fire originated from, our SERVPRO technicians carefully inspect
the site. During the inspection, we identify the various kinds of residues, and this helps us to come
up with an effective cleaning method. The cleaning process we choose should remove the smoke
residues efficiently and not cause any damage to the surface.
There are four essential elements we take into consideration to suspend and remove the smoke
residues: : temperature, agitation, time and chemical action. Our SERVPRO technicians understand
that chemical reactions increase as the temperature increases and thus we are keen to select an
appropriate degree of heat that corresponds well with our cleaning solution of choice. If we want to
dislodge smoke particles and distribute cleaning product on areas, we can use agitation. In this
process, we can use sonic vibrations, water and air pressure, brushes and towels.
Digesting, changing pH, oxidizing, dissolving, bleaching and emulsifying are some of the chemical
actions we take into consideration when cleaning your property. Depending on the action we desire,
we select a proper cleaning product. Time is also critical during restoration, and it is dependent on
the type of cleaning solutions we use and residues at the site.
WEEK. LET US HELP YOU! We can be reached at 716-694-9949.

Leaking Bathroom Pipes Can Cause Mold

9/28/2018 (Permalink)

Mold forming on painted drywall

One of the first signs that you may have mold damage in your home is continually detecting a musty odor. Catching the odor anywhere in your home is never a good thing, but it is particularly
unfortunate when you come across it in your bathroom. It usually indicates that there is a leak in your plumbing and it has caused a mold colony to grow. It is vital to deal with the mold in your
washroom as quickly as possible because it can cause health effects. Fortunately, there is qualified help close to your home that you can rely on.
Many people misunderstand the nature of mold spores and how they come to cause mold damage in your home. The truth is that mold spores are not entirely dangerous, and they are everywhere. You can never truly be completely rid of them. However, if they come in contact with moisture, they can rapidly grow and multiply. As they grow, they end up creating a mold colony that can damage the structure of your home.
SERVPRO understands that the longer that mold is in your home, the more damage it can do to the structure of it. We strive to arrive at your residence after your phone call as quickly as possible.
Once our technicians get there, we can begin the remediation right away.
The first thing that SERVPRO can do is section off the entrance to your bathroom and any vents
inside of it. Creating a quarantine allows us to agitate the mold without giving it the freedom to
spread to other parts of your home. As we investigate and find that the mold is building behind your sink, we can begin to disinfect the area and clean the mold from the surface of your walls.
While we work, our SERVPRO techs can set up an air scrubber that will remove odors and
impurities from the air. Not only does it neutralize the smell that mold creates, but it can also capture airborne mold spores. Once the mold has been cleaned away from your walls, we can use an antifungal spray to ensure regrowth is less likely. Finally, our technicians can make sure to remove any excess moisture from the area. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A
WEEK. LET US HELP YOU!  SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda, 716-694-9949.

Lingering Dampness After Storms Can Cause Mold

9/28/2018 (Permalink)

Harsh winters can take their toll on the structural integrity of homes and businesses. Most often,
home and business owners do not even realize the full extent of damage that their home suffered
throughout the hardest of winter months until the temperatures return to favorable conditions and
snowfall gets replaced with steadier rains. Even worse, the unfortunate way that most people learn
about these vulnerable water penetration points in their roof or siding is when water can pour into
their houses unabated.
Unfortunately, by the time that you begin to recognize that something is amiss, flood waters have
damaged your property. With the far reaches of water damage, this is not something that even a
skilled homeowner can adequately handle on their own. There are risks associated with failing to
remove all the moisture and dampness common to flood damages, and the only way to ensure you
do is to hire professional restorers.
Our SERVPRO professionals can respond quickly to your call and work to start removing the
present water in your home right away. From portable pumps and wet-vacs with extraction wands to
gigantic pumps from our fleet, we have multiple options when it comes to removing the water
quickly. While extraction is a critical component of this restoration process, drying efforts hold an
equally valuable place in the procedure.
When it comes to ensuring that the affected areas of your home get thoroughly dried, several pieces
of equipment often get used. This process is so essential because lingering moisture and dampness
are natural breeding grounds for mold and microbial growth. Through devices like our SERVPRO
injectory system, cavities and hard to reach areas get the air they need to dry entirely.
As challenging as flooding in your home might be, especially when it comes from the attic space,
there is nothing that SERVPRO water restoration professionals cannot help you to overcome. We
can respond quickly with the tools and personnel to get the job done right. WE ARE HERE WHEN
YOU NEED US! Reach SERVPRO Buffalo-Tonawanda at 716-694-9949.

Flooding And Water Removal In Home After Water Main Break

9/28/2018 (Permalink)

Pipe breaks and leaks happen very often

Significant water incidents which require extraction services and restoration in your Buffalo
home can happen with little warning. While many might attribute this kind of situation to flooding or
some other natural disaster, the truth is, something as simple as a water break on the main line running near your property could leave you with much water to contend with in your home. Many homeowners do not think about the water line intended to distribute potable water throughout the community. This buried line is just a connection between a water treatment facility and your residence, though when there is a break on this line, it could cause significant issues with homes near the issue. There are a few paths that lead to a need for water removal after a line rupture on the main water line servicing your street.
The first of these considerations is backflow incidents. While many meters offer a last-minute failsafe to prevent an influx in back pressure to your service lines, these designs are not always able to withstand significant force. With back pressure strong enough, water can get forced through your service lines at a pressure your indoor plumbing cannot contain. At a breach, you need SERVPRO water restoration specialists to help you clean up the mess quickly.
Another possibility is a flood-like incident from water pouring (or shooting) out of the ground and
running into your property. This sudden rush of high volumes of water can quickly overcome
vulnerabilities in your home's exterior and allow water to flow into lower levels unabated. This
problem persists until the municipality can reach the appropriate isolation valves to stop the supply
of water to the damaged section of the main line. Our SERVPRO technicians can respond quickly in
these situations to help mitigate the damages your residence might experience.
As you can see, your home can experience significant water loss situations with no warning. Having the right professional assistance to help you clean up the mess and restore the damage once the water line gets repaired can save you time and irreparable disaster to structural components and contents of your home. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU WHENEVER YOU NEED US! CALL SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda AT 716-


9/27/2018 (Permalink)

Mold growing on a basement wood wall.

In the 90’s mold became a news headline across the country. The strain of “Black” Mold, Stachybotrys, struck fear in the hearts of thousands of Americans.  Even though that hysteria has passed, it is no joking matter to have mold growing in your home.  It is true that mold spores are everywhere, but for mold to grow you have to have two things: 1) food; 2) dark moist conditions.  There is very little you can do to remove all “food” sources in a house, but you can eliminate the water factor.  When you have a water loss, it is incredibly important to completely dry the area affected so mold will not grow. If you try to take care of it yourself, you run the risk of giving mold a chance to infiltrate your house.  Why would you do that when you can call SERVPRO® of Buffalo-Tonawanda at 716-694-9949 and make sure your house is dry. 

Proudly Serving Buffalo for 45 Years!

9/27/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda 716-694-9949

Proudly Serving Buffalo

SERVPRO® is often recognized as a nation-wide leader in disaster restoration services but, it is important to note that SERVPRO® of Buffalo Tonawanda and all SERVPRO® locations are locally owned and operated. As a local business, we enjoy getting involved in our community; getting to know each other, engaging in community events, and of course, working with other business owners in our area when called upon. We know that working locally means our reputation is always on the line and for each and every job it is of the utmost importance for our team to maintain our great reputation, especially with our neighbors! We are family operated and have been in the business for 45 years!

In addition to our restoration services, we also provide carpet and upholstery cleaning!

SERVPRO® of Buffalo-Tonawanda is ready 24/7 365 to help, call us at 716-694-9949

Is Your Business Prepared For a Water Damage? Let SERVPRO help you with a PLAN.

9/27/2018 (Permalink)

Let SERVPRO prepare a plan for your business.

Buffalo has many options for consumers seeking quality products at a reasonable price. National and local chains compete, and the customer wins. The large warehouse-type stores are just as vulnerable as a smaller store boutique when suffering water damage and flooding if plumbing fails or torrential rains overwhelm a flat roof’s drainage system. We have the crews and equipment to respond to a significant water loss. When water pours through your store, you need fast, and the water removal technicians of SERVPRO Buffalo-Tonawanda are the ones that can do it. Even with much of the merchandise up off the floor on steel shelving or pallets, the water must be evacuated for the safety of your staff and your customers. With floors that extend hundreds of thousands of square feet, the removal task is best left to professionals.

SERVPRO is a local business with a national network to fall back upon if the scale of a job requires supplemental equipment and technicians. Sizeable commercial water losses need just as swift a resolution as those affecting a smaller shop or office. Water that lingers in the property for more than 24 or 48 hours exposes your business to the risk of microbial infestation that might even damage your inventory.

Our commercial loss team works with you to devise a plan where at least a portion of your business remains open during the restoration.

The water removal begins with pumps, moving vast amounts of water quickly out of all areas of your store. As the water level dips below 2 inches, technicians switch out pumps for extractors. Your flooring choice of poured concrete seems impervious to water, but it is a porous material that benefits from rapid water extraction. The floor edges get targeted attention to prevent water from wicking up the drywall or settling in the cells of cinder block construction.

This water emergency might lead to your development of an Emergency Ready Plan and Profile (ERP) through SERVPRO in anticipation of future crises. The ERP allows us to collaborate in devising a concise plan to help both our crews and you and your staff to plan for another loss.

SERVPRO Buffalo-Tonawanda is ready for your water removal challenge, regardless of the extent of the damage. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU 24 HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. CALL 694-9949.

Restoring Your Buffalo Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

9/26/2018 (Permalink)

Commercial Water Damage Events Present Unique Challenges

Flooding and water damage events at Buffalo commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda

SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

New York has had its fair share of damaging storms, and Buffalo is no exception

9/26/2018 (Permalink)

Hail Storm

New York has had its fair share of damaging storms, and Buffalo is no exception. Knowing what type of storm is coming is the best way to be prepared. Did you know there are 10 different storm types? This far north, most people think about winter storms when they think about storms. But in the summer months, it’s important to be prepared for effects of tropical storms, too.

SERVPRO® of Buffalo Tonawanda recognizes the importance of keeping homes or businesses safe before and after a storm.

10 common storms are:
  • Hurricanes
  • Tornadoes
  • Flooding
  • Snow storm
  • Hail storm
  • Thunderstorm
  • Lightning storm
  • Tropical storms
  • Ice storms
  • Derecho storms

Not every geographic location in the United States will experience the same type of storms. You might not even know what that last one is (a Derecho storm is one giant storm made of several large storms). More commonly, Buffalo is likely to experience the effects of a tropical storm, even hundreds of miles from the Atlantic Coast.

Storm damage from hail or lightning are familiar, but not everyone is informed about the specific damage a hurricane can cause.

Because hurricanes have far reaching effects (Hurricane Sandy affected 24 states), it’s very important to be informed on the damage they cause. This blog in particular will focus on hurricane - whether you experience a hurricane’s immediate damage or the aftermath.

Common Storm Damage from Hurricanes1. Storm Surge

Storm surge directly affects the coast but can cause widespread damage. Storm surge occurs when wind drives water to the shore to the point that water piles up past the predicted tide level. The power of this water is so forceful that it can destroy structures and buildings.

2. Flooding

Floods from a hurricane are often caused directly by storm surge. The extra water from storm surge is pushed far inland since it has nowhere else to go. The heavy rainfall that accompanies a hurricane also contributes heavily to flooding. Hurricanes can cause rainfall as far as 100 miles from its landing point, causing widespread flooding. A tropical storm doesn’t even have to reach hurricane classification to cause heavy rain and floods.

3. Wind

Wind from hurricanes can reach speeds as fast as 74 - 155 miles per hour. These powerful winds can uproot trees, down power lines, and fling debris. This debris can cause even more damage as it flies around. Winds during a storm can also be so powerful as to lift the roof on a house. Tornadoes can even form within hurricanes.

Damage caused by these hurricane effects can be far-reaching and unexpected. Thus, it is vital to take cautions like stocking an emergency preparedness kit, adding storm-resistant features to your home, and heeding any official warnings ahead of a storm.

Cleanup and restoration after a storm can be overwhelming. Call SERVPRO® of Buffalo Tonawanda, the leading expert in storm damage restoration.

Mold In The Bathroom? SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda can help.

9/26/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda is ready to help!

One of the first signs that you may have mold damage in your home is continually detecting a musty odor. Catching the odor anywhere in your home is never a good thing, but it is particularly unfortunate when you come across it in your bathroom. It usually indicates that there is a leak in your plumbing and it has caused a mold colony to grow. It is vital to deal with the mold in your washroom as quickly as possible because it can cause health effects. Fortunately, there is qualified help close to your home that you can rely on. 
Many people misunderstand the nature of mold spores and how they come to cause mold in your Buffalo home. The truth is that mold spores are not dangerous and they are everywhere. You can never truly be completely rid of them. However, if they come into contact with moisture, they can rapidly grow and multiply. As they grow, they end up creating a mold colony that can damage the structure of your home. 
SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda understands that the longer that mold is in your home, the more damage it can do to the structure of it. We strive to arrive at your residence after your phone call as quickly as possible. Once our technicians get there, we can begin the remediation right away. 
The first thing that SERVPRO can do is section off the entrance to your bathroom and any vents inside of it. Creating a quarantine allows us to agitate the mold without giving it the freedom to spread to other parts of your home. As we investigate and find that the mold is building behind your sink, we can begin to disinfect the area and clean the mold from the surface of your walls. 
While we work, our SERVPRO techs can set up an air scrubber with a HEPA filter. Not only does it neutralize the smell that mold creates, but it can also capture airborne mold spores. Once the mold has been cleaned away from your walls, we can use an antifungal spray to ensure regrowth is less likely. Finally, our technicians can make sure to remove any excess moisture from the area. 
If you come across a musty smell in your home, do not delay. Call 716-694-9949 and contact SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda. We're open 24/7 and always ready to take your call. 

Flooding Preparedness in Buffalo

9/6/2018 (Permalink)

At anytime it can happen. Be prepared!

The likelihood of flooding, even if you live in an area where excess water is unusual, has increased thanks to climate change. If there is a chance for rain, floods are possible.

A flood is defined as when two or more acres or properties are completely or partially submerged by water.

But if flooding happens, the legal definition might be the least of your worries. Instead, you will be worried about cleanup and restoration. Continue reading this blog for helpful information on how to prepare for a flood: no ark necessary.

###1. Electricity In the case of an emergency, you always need to have a generator on hand. It is impossible to know if power lines will still be working after a flood or if the usual electric resources will be available and working. Plenty of variables will determine the type of generator you need.

Don’t forget that water conducts electricity, and a flood means lots of excess water. When flooding is imminent, appliances should immediately be moved to higher ground.

###2. Risk Become familiar with the risk of flooding in your area, using FEMA or your local government’s website. You will be more prepared if you know when floods are likely and what causes them. For the Buffalo Tonawanda area, start here.

It’s also smart to purchase a weather radio and become adept at using it so that you will be forewarned of severe weather events that are on the way.

###3. Emergency Prep Is your emergency kit properly prepped for a flood? Your prep kit should include extra water since flooding can contaminate water sources, important documents sealed in waterproof storage, plus extra food supplies. For more information on how to pack an emergency kit, read this guide.

###4. Evacuation Planning for evacuation includes two steps. Start by researching your local government’s official evacuation plan. Then, create a personal evacuation plan with your family that includes emergency communication modes. Practice the evacuation route until everyone is familiar and comfortable with it.

Once the floor waters recede, you’ll want to have a plan in place for clean up. SERVPRO® of Buffalo Tonawanda is ready to help and make it like it never even happened.

When to Hire Professional Mold Remediation Services

8/17/2018 (Permalink)

If mold is in your home, act now and call for professional remediation services. SERVPRO® of Buffalo Tonawanda is always ready to help.

What experienced homeowners - and even renters - know is that, no matter how clean your home is, mold is the number one enemy to the health of your house. It’s an unfortunate side effect of homeownership - but you don’t have to deal with it alone.

Sometimes, ridding your home of mold is an easy fix and just needs a little DIY cleanup. But othertimes, a professional touch is required for mold remediation.

Not sure if you can handle the mold yourself? Read on to learn more.

  1. Mold likes water

Mold is a common household pest because all it really needs to grow is water or humidity.

You probably know that this is why the bathroom is a favorite mold hangout - especially in tile creases or along the bottom of the shower liner.

But what about the other humid spaces in your home? A poorly ventilated attic or basement can also become mold hideouts. Be sure to check these spots regularly for mold growth or increase their ventilation.

  1. Mold likes to hide

Bathroom, basement, attic: check, check, check. But mold also likes to hide, which means there is another common culprit for mold growth: the walls.

In particular, mold likes to hide inside the walls. Especially inside porous walls like untreated drywall. If a mold colony goes unnoticed for too long and grows larger than 10 square feet, the infected wall section has to be cut out. If this is the case in your home, then it’s time for an expert.

  1. Mold likes to spread

Mold needs water to grow, but it only needs air to travel. Yes, mold spores travel through the air. Mold spores can also travel via water, animal fur, or fabric.

Unfortunately, many people have mold allergies that are agitated by airborne mold spores. Even for people without allergies, mold has been known to cause serious respiratory issues or even skin reactions. The health dangers of mold are one of the most important reasons for swift remediation services.

If mold is in your home, act now and call for professional remediation services. SERVPRO® of Buffalo Tonawanda is always ready to help.


Flooding within your home or business

7/9/2018 (Permalink)

Water leaks within a home or business can seep into carpet, flooring, baseboards, and walls while moving throughout the structure.  SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda understands how disruptive water damages can be for a family. Water leaks in a business can not only disrupt the facility, but also can interrupt day to day business functions, which could possibly close the business and affect revenues. 

Timely mitigation is key to the restoration process.  Quick response time helps ensure that damage is contained and the restoration process begins promptly. This saves on the amount of damage, cost of claims, and assists in reducing losses from business interruption due to a loss.  Timely and proper water mitigation will also help keep mold from developing which could cause people to become ill!  SERVPRO Professionals will be able to identify water regardless of where it hides. Your local SERVPRO Franchise Professionals cover the Buffalo and other surrounding areas.  We offer 24-hour emergency response from our trained professionals to help make it "Like it never even happened." We are here for you! Contact us at 716-694-9949

Mold Cleanup in NYS

6/18/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage in your home or office? You could be at risk for mold growth - this topic is actually a lot more complex than you might think. So let the SERVPRO Professionals break it down a bit. 

"Last January 29th - Governor Andrew Cuomo signed NYS Senate Bill S3667D-2013 which will create Article 32 to the Labor Law. This article will establish the licensing of mold inspection, assessment, and remediation specialists and minimum work standards. According to the bill - the law goes (went into effect) 180 days of Jan 29th - which if calculated correctly would be July 28th 2015."

Now that this law is in effect - mold remediation specialists are required to have much more certification on their ends. The specifics about requirements to become a licensed assessor or remediator have been left to New York State Department Of Labor. But for homeowners, all you need to know is that any contractor that performs mold remediation/abatement services must be certified.

When should you hire a mold remediation company?

  • New York State has set fourth a guideline that whenever 10 sq ft or more of mold is found you should consult a mold remediation specialist.

Need a few more tips?

  • Request proof of pollution insurance
  • Request proof of workers compensation and liability insurance
  • Request employee and company certification.
  • Obtain a written contract for all work to be done and costs to be incurred.

Or you could just call our Team, our employees are certified mold remediators and stay up to date on all certifications and requirements set forth by New York State. Our team will continue to advance in mold remediation techniques as the industry advances each year.

Mold is a serious threat to home and office owners, so having professionals who know how to handle the job is crucial. We're just down the road. Give us a call and read on to learn more. SERVPRO Buffalo/Tonawanda, 716-694-9949

Storm Flooding

6/18/2018 (Permalink)

Flooding is the number #1 weather related cause of death, with majority of those deaths caused by flash flooding. Flash flooding is when there is a large amount of rain that comes down within minutes or hours. Other causes can be heavy rain associated with a severe thunderstorm, hurricane, tropical storm, or melt water from ice or snow flowing over ice sheets or snowfields.

If flooding does occur in your area, please remember

  • Listen to NOAA Weather Radio for current and forecasted conditions in your area.
  • If flooding begins in your area, go to higher ground immediately.
  • When driving, always be aware that the road bed under flood waters may be severely damaged. NEVER drive through flooded roadways. Remember that it takes only two feet of water to carry away a vehicle, including pickups and SUVs.
  • When walking, do not attempt to cross flowing streams. Remember that it takes only six inches of rushing water to knock an adult off his feet.
  • If your vehicle stalls, get out immediately and go to higher ground.
  • Be extra cautious at night, when it is harder to see possible flood dangers.
  • These four words could save your life: TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN.

When it comes to water damage from flooding, safety is the number one priority. When you can insure the safety of your family and conditions have improved, that is when to call in the professionals and assess damage. Our SERVPRO Team is Ready for Whatever Happens.

If flooding does occur in your area, listen to and adhere to weather alerts and warnings and know your risk!

We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! SERVPRO Buffalo/Tonawanda, 716-694-9949

Drying out after water damage

6/18/2018 (Permalink)

A water disaster in your home, such as an overflowing toilet or bathtub, can cause damage to other parts of your home, especially if it happened in an upstairs bathroom. Your home is the most significant investment you have made, and you want to keep it looking great and in the best shape. When carpeting in your home becomes saturated from a leak or overflow, you have massive cleanup on your hands. 
It is essential when you have water damage that you seek the help of the professional staff at SERVPRO for water removal. Our certified restoration experts are trained to deal with these situations, and we waste no time in getting to your home to help you. There are also steps you can take to help lessen the damage from the water until we can get there to help. 
If you can, stop the water at its source and turn off electricity to the area. Do not walk on the carpeting while it is wet, and take small furnishings from the area or place aluminum foil under furniture legs. If possible, you should hang up draperies and take skirts on furniture and pin them, so they do not touch the wet floors. Do not attempt to use a shop vacuum or home vacuum to remove the water and avoid the temptation to turn on heating or fans since they can spread contamination if the event is sewage-related. 
When SERPVRO arrives, we assess the situation and the damage. We bring in extraction equipment to physically remove any freestanding water, such as truck-mounted pumps. Water is extracted from the carpeting padding, and any upholstery affected as well. If needed, the carpet and padding could be removed for proper drying. 
We also use drying and dehumidifying equipment which is of professional grade to dry the area and get the humidity levels in your home back to normal. We utilize specialized instruments to help find hidden pockets of water. Our techniques for drying and the right extraction help to lower the chance of secondary damage, mold mildew growth and lower costs. 
After your carpeting and home are dry, we place everything back where it was. We even work directly with you and your insurance company if necessary, so your insurance claim is processed correctly.

We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. SERVPRO Buffalo/Tonawanda, 716-694-9949

Storm Damage Experts

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

When heavy rains and high winds hit hard, property destruction and loss can be devastating to you as a homeowner. Structural damage to the exterior of your home is followed by interior devastation from water and winds. Storm damage is rarely isolated to just a few buildings in an area adding the challenge of finding a restoration company that can respond swiftly to your needs to an already anxiety provoking situation. SERVPRO delivers the help you need swiftly even when a local disaster is widespread as we are able to call upon a network of over 1,650 franchises nationwide to respond if the need is great. 
Storm damage can feel overwhelming, but your fear and panic will disappear when our team of professionals responds to your water, wind and flooding repair and restoration needs. Your particular situation is of paramount importance to us, and you need not worry that your repairs and restoration will take a back seat even when many in your area are struggling to recover from the same issues you face. Choosing our company puts in motion a vast support system, but our local ownership means you will receive a personalized approach to your particular situation, efficiently returning your home back to its pre-storm condition just “Like it never even happened.” 
Placing your trust in SERVPRO for your storm damage needs will reap you benefits that less qualified companies simply cannot deliver. We use state of the art equipment to clean, repair and restore your home and in the process, we also restore your and your family’s peace of mind. Our technicians are highly trained for any procedure needed to bring your home back to the comfortable and comforting refuge you deserve. We also work closely with your insurance company, ensuring that all the work necessary is approved and compensated according to the terms of your policy. Our high standards and relentless drive to do the job on time while meeting local specifications means you and your family will quickly return to the quiet enjoyment of your house and neighborhood. We are not satisfied until you are happily back in your restored dwelling. 
We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Call 694-9949

Biohazard Cleanup

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda is fully trained and specialized in the cleaning and disposal of biohazard contents and affected materials. 

When it comes to a biohazard situation, protection is the name of the game. Protection for our employees, protection for the home or business owner and protection of the environment during the disposal process. We never know what type of call we might get so our crews are always ready with Tyvek suits, industrial-grade gloves and full face respirators.

An Buffalo resident knew to call the experts at SERVPRO of Buffalo/ Tonawanda, and that they would be able to properly clean his home with chemicals that cannot be purchased in your local hardware store for biohazard cleanup. We were able to restore his home back to it's original state and make it "Like it never even happened."

We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Call 694-9949.

Mold remediation

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

When a home suffers a water damage event, a mold infestation can quickly arise and spread throughout a home in 48-72 hours. Because mold can produce allergens and irritants, you will want a professional that has training and experience to properly resolve the mold infestation. If you suspect that your home or business has a mold problem, SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda can inspect, assess and restore your property.

Some restoration companies advertise “mold removal” and may even guarantee to remove all mold. This is false, because removing all mold from a house or business is impossible; microscopic mold spores exist almost everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. Here are the facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water.These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Call us at 716-694-9949

Smoke and Soot Clean up in WNY

5/25/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Buffalo / Tonawanda , Amherst/Clarence and East Erie County will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 716-694-9949

We are here for you : 24 hours/ 7 days a week

Mold Remediation

5/25/2018 (Permalink)

What You Should Know About Mold Remediation and Removal

Mold is found under the fungi classification. It is a soft green or at times grey growth which develops on objects or old food left for a lengthy period in warm, wet air. It can be found in outdoor and indoor places, thus, it is important for the indoor humidity to be kept below forty-five percent because a higher humidity supports the growth of this class of fungus. Floods and high humidity levels often lead to microbial growth and fungus. Microbial growth can be present in an area, but that does not classify it as mold. The most efficient method of controlling microbial growth is by the moderation of temperature. When the temperature is lowered, the rate of microbial growth decreases rapidly. 
Mold and mildew are two fungi that people often tend to confuse. Mildew appears to be powdery and white in color then later turns to brown, black or yellow. The other fungus seems fuzzy but can appear in similar colors as the mildew. Mildew damages crops while molds damage the structural foundations of homes. Both fungi are usually accompanied by a musty odor which can lead to more health issues. It likes to thrive in moisturized areas and grows quickly into colonies with water exposure. These colonies are responsible for the production of irritants and allergens that affect the health of people. 

For mitigation of molds to take place, all sources of moisture and water need to be addressed otherwise it may regrow. The first step is to remove all traces of moldy growth immediately. Five fundamental principles must be applied by homeowners and employers to ensure successful mitigation of this fungus. They should focus on the source and moisture removal, safety, contamination control and assessment. Proper mitigation is essential once the fungi is removed because areas must be monitored to prevent it from occurring again.

It is important to determine the party that will be in charge of the mold cleanup. An environmental hygienist can determine what treatment can be used for this fungus. These hygienists mitigate the problem by sealing off the affected areas with plastic sheets to stop dispersion of the spores. Fungus should be dealt with by the wearing a face mask with high filtration and neoprene gloves. Once the mold cleanup is finished, the air around it needs to be cleaned using air exchange and scrubbers. 

It is essential for the environmental hygienist to have a protective suit because harsh chemicals are used for the mold cleanup. Hard surfaces with moldy growth have to be scrubbed with water and detergent and left to dry completely. Porous materials like carpets and ceiling tiles need to be disposed of by the environmental hygienists if they get moldy. The crevices of these porous materials are prone to mold growth, and painting can only happen once the environmental hygienists complete the mold cleanup otherwise the paint peels off. The correct mitigation strategies need to be employed for effective cleanup.

We are here for you 24 hours/7 days a week! 716-694-9949

Storm Damage in WNY

5/25/2018 (Permalink)

What You Need to Know About Storm Damage Restoration

With rising global temperatures, different areas across the world have experienced devastating storms that leave vast tracts of land under water, millions of people displaced, and property worth billions destroyed. Recently, Puerto Rico experienced an apocalyptic storm, dubbed Hurricane Irma in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, which dumped over 50 inches of rain in the eastern part of Texas USA.

However, it is not always that you will experience devastating storms with the magnitude of a hurricane Irma or Harvey, but you might experience smaller storms with minimal damage to your building. Storm damage rarely affects one building in a neighborhood, and so it is necessary to have a storm damage expert on speed dial for immediate repairs following a storm. A storm damage expert can help in the restoration of your residential as well as commercial buildings affected by the resulting losses.

Wind Damage

Storms are accompanied by strong winds that can cause severe wind damage including, roof damage and felling trees. Ensure that your storm damage expert can handle wind damage situations. They should be in a position to offer roof damage solutions and reinforce your buildings against the effects of wind damage in the future. Home restoration for wind damage is easier with a resourceful storm restoration expert.

River Flooding

In the wake of a storm, flooding is inevitable. If you live near a large mass of water, be sure that you will experience river flooding that can weaken the foundation of buildings. Flooding causes unimaginable havoc including disruption of transport routes and means of communications. River flooding also deposits garbage swept from up-river, and it is detrimental. Water restoration is the first step in the river flooding scenario. It is necessary to ensure you get a storm remediation. expert as a neighborhood to clean up the mess after the river recedes.

Ground Water

In the wake of a storm, the soil loses its ability to drain water, and you should have a storm remediation. expert to check the extent of ground water damage. It makes it hard for floods to flow, leaving it stagnant. This can be a breeding ground for disease carrying insects such as mosquitoes. For faster drainage of the ground water, invest in a flood pump to remove flood water from the basement and other rooms in your building. Consider a company that specializes in clean water restoration and follow it up with home restoration experts.

Hail Damage

One of the worst accompaniments of a storm is hail. News items are showing severe hail damage leading to a roof leak that gets worse over time. Following severe hail damage, most of the affected items will need replacement. It is necessary that you go through the insurance coverage on your property to ensure it includes hail damage, roof damage; otherwise, you will have a hefty repair bill for frozen pipes, roof damage, ice damage, ice damming, and flood pump hire.

Ice Damming and Ice Damage

The worst storms are those that come in winter. They leave residential and commercial buildings with severe ice damage and flooding from ice dam. A more severe scenario is having frozen pipes, which could mean that you will not have water. You could also get an ice dam forming on your roof, and it will prevent water from draining from your roof. The water that stagnates behind the dam can lead to a roof leak at first but get worse with time if you do not get the ice dam thawed. Only a storm remediation. expert can carry out roof repair to get rid of the ice dam. Frozen pipes because of ice damage can block all your pipes, leading to flooding because of a roof leak.

You can prevent ice damming before winter comes. Make sure to include plenty of ceiling insulation evenly to create a temperature exchanges between the underside of your roof and the inside of your rooms. This will ensure even melting of the ice preventing frozen pipes, a roof leak, which manifest as water stains on your ceilings. A storm remediation. expert can undertake the roof repair if ice damming catches you unawares. The roof repair needs to be handled immediately to avoid structural damage.

Hurricane Damage

In the recent past, there have been devastating hurricanes, most recently, Hurricane Irma and Harvey. Hurricane damage is more widespread; causing river flooding, stagnation of ground water and flood water, hail damage. The task of rectifying hurricane damage rests on the community, and this makes the process of home restoration an easier one. Due to the heavy rainfall, a flood pump is a necessary equipment to get rid of the flood water.

Home and storm Restoration

After the ground water recedes, home restoration should be the first step of storm restoration. Water restoration is the most important aspect of the home restoration process. This will prevent the spread of water borne diseases by providing clean water for essential use. A flood pump will ensure that all the flood water is drained away. Ensure to get an experienced roof repair expert for proper restoration work.

In conclusion, ensure that you have the sufficient building insurance, to cater for ice damming, storm damage, hurricane damage, storm restoration, as well as water restoration. Ensure that you have the number of a storm remediation. company with an excellent reputation.

We are here for you 24 hours/ 7 days a week! 716-694-9949

Memorial Day

5/25/2018 (Permalink)


With Memorial Day coming up, we know many of your are going to be grilling or sitting by a fire. It is very important to use all safety precautions to prevent your home catching on fire. SERVPRO of Collinsville/Troy has trained crews to clean and restore fire damaged homes and contents. Our crew will work around the clock to restore your home and belongings back to original condition. We are available 24/7 for calls and services. SERVPRO understands how important and stressful it is to go through any sort of disaster. We assure you our crew will work hard to make it look "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawabda, Amherst/Clarence and East Erie County wants to wish everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend.

Grilling Safety

5/25/2018 (Permalink)

Warm spring days are upon us, and maybe you grill all year long or maybe you wait for these wonderful warm times of the year. Either way make sure you are following safety guidelines when firing up your grill so you can prevent a fire elsewhere. SERVPRO of Hayward wants you to have a safe summer!

Nearly 9,000 home fires a year involve grills, according to a National Fire Protection Association report. Of all the home fires involving grills, gas-fueled grills accounted for four out of five fires, while 16% involved charcoal or other solid-fueled grills.

A leak or break was the leading factor contributing to gas grill-related fires, according to the NFPA report.

  • Check the gas cylinder hose for leaks before using it for the first time each year.
  • Apply a light soap and water solution to the hose, which will quickly reveal escaping gas by releasing bubbles.
  • If you smell or otherwise suspect a gas leak, and there is no flame, turn off the gas tank and grill. If the leak stops, get a professional to service it before using it again. Call the fire department if the leak does not stop.
  • If you smell gas while cooking, get away from the grill immediately and call the fire department. Do not attempt to move the grill.
  • Never turn on the gas when the lid is closed. The gas may build up inside, and when ignited, the lid could blow off and cause injuries or burns.
  • After cooking, make sure you completely close the valve on your gas grill.
  • Always store gas grills – and propane tanks – outside and away from your house.
  • The leading cause of structure fires from use of charcoal grills was leaving or placing an object that could burn too close to the grill, according to the NFPA study.
  • Charcoal grills can continue to remain hot for many hours after the flames extinguish. Avoid placing any burnable objects near the grill or moving the grill while the coals are hot. Keep combustible items that may be blown by the wind away from the grill.
  • Check for rust damage in metal grills, which may make it possible for charcoal to fall through onto surfaces below and cause a fire.
  • Purchase the proper starter fluid. Store out of reach from children and away from heat sources.
  • Do not add charcoal starter fluid when coals or kindling have already been ignited. Never use any other flammable or combustible liquid to get the fire started.
  • If the fire is too low, rekindle with dry kindling and more charcoal if needed. Avoid adding liquid fuel because it can cause a flash fire.
  • Do not leave the grill unattended.
  • SERVPRO is here to help you if you need us! 716-694-9949

Grilling Safety

5/25/2018 (Permalink)

Warm spring days are upon us, and maybe you grill all year long or maybe you wait for these wonderful warm times of the year. Either way make sure you are following safety guidelines when firing up your grill so you can prevent a fire elsewhere. SERVPRO of Hayward wants you to have a safe summer!

Nearly 9,000 home fires a year involve grills, according to a National Fire Protection Association report. Of all the home fires involving grills, gas-fueled grills accounted for four out of five fires, while 16% involved charcoal or other solid-fueled grills.

A leak or break was the leading factor contributing to gas grill-related fires, according to the NFPA report.

  • Check the gas cylinder hose for leaks before using it for the first time each year.
  • Apply a light soap and water solution to the hose, which will quickly reveal escaping gas by releasing bubbles.
  • If you smell or otherwise suspect a gas leak, and there is no flame, turn off the gas tank and grill. If the leak stops, get a professional to service it before using it again. Call the fire department if the leak does not stop.
  • If you smell gas while cooking, get away from the grill immediately and call the fire department. Do not attempt to move the grill.
  • Never turn on the gas when the lid is closed. The gas may build up inside, and when ignited, the lid could blow off and cause injuries or burns.
  • After cooking, make sure you completely close the valve on your gas grill.
  • Always store gas grills – and propane tanks – outside and away from your house.
  • The leading cause of structure fires from use of charcoal grills was leaving or placing an object that could burn too close to the grill, according to the NFPA study.
  • Charcoal grills can continue to remain hot for many hours after the flames extinguish. Avoid placing any burnable objects near the grill or moving the grill while the coals are hot. Keep combustible items that may be blown by the wind away from the grill.
  • Check for rust damage in metal grills, which may make it possible for charcoal to fall through onto surfaces below and cause a fire.
  • Purchase the proper starter fluid. Store out of reach from children and away from heat sources.
  • Do not add charcoal starter fluid when coals or kindling have already been ignited. Never use any other flammable or combustible liquid to get the fire started.
  • If the fire is too low, rekindle with dry kindling and more charcoal if needed. Avoid adding liquid fuel because it can cause a flash fire.
  • Do not leave the grill unattended.
  • SERVPRO is here to help you if you need us! 716-694-9949

Commercial Water Damage Restoration in BUFFALO, NY

2/21/2018 (Permalink)

When it comes to your commercial property, we mean business. You need a company that can minimize the disruption to your clients.

When it comes to your commercial property, we mean business. You need a company that can minimize the disruption to your clients while delivering superior results. Whether you need professional cleaning to make your business shine, or emergency water restoration services, SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda has the training and expertise to help make it “Like it never even happened.”

  • Small Office Buildings
  • Large Office/High-Rise Office Buildings
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel/Motels
  • Small Retail Stores
  • Large Retail/Big-Box Stores
  • High-Rise Residential
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Government/Military

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of Buffalo/Tonawanda can respond immediately to your commercial water damage emergency regardless of the size or scope of the damage. We are part of a national network of over 1,600 Franchises with special Disaster Recovery Teams placed strategically throughout the country to respond to large scale events and disasters.

We are proud to serve our local communities


Carpet Cleaning

2/20/2018 (Permalink)

Carpet cleaning by SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda 716-694-9949

How DIRTY are your carpets and floors?  Where your children play with their toys and lie down to watch their favorite cartoon.  Even the highest quality carpet and upholstery can show soiling over time.  IICRC states that 70% of soil in carpet is dry soil.  Vacuuming is a key component to proper care and maintenance of carpet.

Preventative maintenance actions include:

- Regular vacuuming

- Spot removal

- Pilating the carpet to prevent matting

- Moving furniture to change traffic patterns

- Using walk-off matts to limit the amount of soil tracked onto the carpet

A good rule of thumb would be to professionally clean your carpets every 12 months.

So, If you need your carpets clean, make sure you call SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda 716-694-9949.  When calling be sure to have the estimated room sizes so they can calculate a price for you.


2/20/2018 (Permalink)

A wall injection unit use by SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda assisting with drying a school with fast, efficient and professional after a water damage.

SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage. 

Here are some helpful tips:

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging


2/20/2018 (Permalink)

A commercial property had a malfunction in the sprinkler system and SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda was READY to help in Buffalo, NY. 716-694-9949

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help
Call Today - 716-694-9949

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of BUFFALO TONAWANDA has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?


SERVPRO of BUFFALO-TONAWANDA specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Are you MOVING? Too much CLUTTER? SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda provides content removal.

2/20/2018 (Permalink)

Time to go through the basement.

Are you moving out or moving in?  You might have discovered that you have accumulated quite a bit of junk over the years.  The time has come to clean up the clutter.  Whatever the reason for cleaning up, SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda is here to help you.  We understand your time is valuable and you have better things to do.  Let SERVPRO do the dirty work for you so that you can finally reclaim your space.  After that we can go one step further and clean all the surfaces of the home.

Home Make Over?? Take the final step to truly transform your property by having SERVPRO of Buffalo - Tonawanda clean up your construction project.  Reduce STRESS and maximize the beauty of your property.



Pipe Break Water Damage In Buffalo, New York: SERVPRO OF BUFFALO TONAWANDA TO THE RESCUE

2/20/2018 (Permalink)

Pipe Break Water Damage In Buffalo, New York: SERVPRO OF BUFFALO TONAWANDA TO THE RESCUE

Winter is always so brutal and cold in Buffalo, NY. Some days we just want to stay in, sit by the fireplace and sip hot cocoa. The cold temperatures keep SERVPRO busy cleaning up pipe breaks in homes. It commonly happens when your heat low is to low or in an uninsulated  attic. The water damage from pipe breaks are quiet tricky for the homeowner to know where exactly the water traveled. You don’t always see water stains. The water can can run along a interior wire or pipe traveling to an area you might not be aware of. SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda IICRC certified technicians will check all possible affected areas with our high tech moisture detecting tools. We will map out the wet areas and make a decision if it can be dried in place or if we have to remove dry wall or plaster. Maybe factors contribute to that. How long has the water sat? How is the construction of the home?  What’s the age of the home? Certain building materials in older homes can contain asbestos. If that’s the case we will ask your insurance if there is coverage to have it tested for removal. Not all policy’s have asbestos testing coverage. After the decision of in place drying or removal. We stage our work area with protective tarps, perform the necessary work, clean, apply an antimicrobial if required and set up drying equipment. The drying can take anywhere from 2-5 days average. After 24-48 hours of drying, we will send a SERVPRO technician back to your home to moisture test all areas and will continue testing until it is dry per areas standards. Don’t try to handle a water damage on your own, call SERVPRO of Buffalo Tonawanda for assistance.  716-694-9949

Storm Warning!

2/19/2018 (Permalink)

Snow Storm in Buffalo

Storms can come upon us without much warning. Yes, we watch the news, but bad weather is still unpredictable, so we need to take steps to keep our homes safe from storm damage.

An inspection of your home’s premises is a really good idea to conduct before inclement weather hits. A leaky roof or windows can cause big problems during extreme conditions such as a snow storm or heavy rains. Do all your exterior doors and windows fit correctly? When’s the last time you took a look at your roof to see how things are looking up there? These are all great questions to ask yourself.

Loose shutters and rain gutters can present a real problem in high winds, as can unstable large trees. It might be a good idea to trim back trees and bushes with large heavy branches that are not in good condition, so that windows and vehicles are not in danger of storm damage in windy conditions.

Take time to inspect areas around your home and street and remove debris or dirt that might obstruct the flow of water from a heavy rain. A clogged drainage ditch can cause a lot of damage by flooding your property during, or even after, a storm.

Your family is very precious to you. In the event of a storm, do you have a system in place that will help you to get information to everyone in case of a weather emergency? Most of us use our cell phones to communicate these days, but in the case of a bad storm, your cell phone service could be at risk. You might consider installing a good old-fashioned landline, just in case. If you or a family member gets stuck at work or out doing errands, families will worry, so it’s vital that lines of communication stay open.

The SERVPRO team of SERVPRO of BUFFALO-TONAWANDA has your back in the event of storm damage, fire damage, or mold issues. You can give us a call today at 716-694-9949 or visit us on our website:


Mold Remediation and Mold Removal

2/19/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Discovered in an attic. SERVPRO of BUFFALO-TONAWANDA 716-694-9949

Mold is found under the fungi classification.  It can be a soft green, pink, black or at times a gray growth which develops on objects or old food left out for a lengthy period in warm, wet air.  It can be found in outdoor and indoor.  It is important for the indoor humidity to be kept below 45%. Floods and high humidity levels often lead to microbial growth and fungus. The most efficient method of controlling microbial growth is by moderation temperature. During a floor mold can start to form in 72 hours in perfect conditions.  When the temperature is lowered, the rate of microbial growth decreases rapidly.  Molds are usually accompanied by a musty odor which can lead to health issues in certain individuals.  These colonies are responsible for the production of irritants and allergens that affect the health of people. 

An environmental hygienist can determine what treatment can be used for mold remediation.  They will test all affected areas by taking samples of air and swab surfaces.  They design a specific protocol for SERVPRO to follow. SERVPRO utilizes air scrubbers to perform mold remediation under negative pressure, containment to isolate the affected areas, heap vacuuming and specialize cleaning and sealing.  Once the work is completed the environmental hygienist returns to perform post testing to ensure levels are within normal levels and your home is back to being safe.  Call SERVPRO of BUFFALO-TONAWANDA for your water damage and mold needs.

http://www.SERVPRObuffalotonawanda.com for more information on mold remediation.

Smoke, Soot Particles and Odors? You need SERVPRO

2/19/2018 (Permalink)

Kitchen fire

Fire damage to your home can be a traumatic experience for any homeowner.  Apart from the damage due to heat, fire can cause significant damage to your property and belongings due to smoke and soot.  The smoke particles can coat walls, ceilings, and almost any surface and cause permanent damage if not cleaned quickly and efficiently.

The particles in the smoke contain unburned carbon that can be very difficult to remove after a fire to your Williamsville home.  Not all soot particles are alike and it takes a multi-step process to eliminate them.  It is a job for the professionals who have years of training and expertise in fire damage restoration. 

We’re Fire and Water Damage Specialists

As fire and water restoration specialists, we have the training, experience and specialized equipment necessary to restore your home or business. We are committed to providing superior service while restoring your property back to pre-fire condition.

  • Fire & Smoke Restoration Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician

Call SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda 716-694-9949


10/3/2017 (Permalink)

Hydroxyl Generator used by SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda in NY

The Titan 4000 Hydroxyl Generator is perfect for use on big restoration jobs affected by severe odors caused by fire damage, mold, cigarettes, pets and water damage . It produces no ozone, and is safe for use in occupied areas. The Titan 4000 treats up to 40,000 cubic feet.

If you or someone you know needs our specialty cleaning and deodorizing team to help make your home better give us a call at 716-694-9949 

We have the tools and training needed to make your home feel and smell like new again.

The science of identifying and eliminating odors can be a tricky thing, so give us a call, and leave the restoration to us.  SERVPRO teaches IICRC technical classes in the proper removal of odors.  Masking and other short cuts don't work when you your odor problem is serious or persistent.

We have the training and equipment to identify and eliminate these offensive odors. The science of identifying can be tricking.  Give us a call for a home inspection.

SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda 716-694-9949

Commercial Water Damage

10/2/2017 (Permalink)

Commercial Water Damage

There's never a convenient time for fire or water damage to strike your business. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we'll be there fast with the help you need.

No Job Is Too Large

The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best of the best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster. Every large loss is supervised by a commercial operations manager to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation. 

If your business suffers a major loss, call (716) 694-9949.

Commercial Building Suffers From Fire and Water, SERVPRO of Buffalo to the rescue.

9/26/2017 (Permalink)

A devastating fire with water damage to a commercial property requiring fast services. SERVPRO of Buffalo to the rescue.

Fire damage can be very devastating for a business or commercial property. In addition to fire, smoke, and soot damage, water damage caused by firefighting efforts and fire suppression systems may occur. Every hour spent restoring your business back to pre-fire condition is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. If you have a fire emergency, call a SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda at 716-694-9949

This fire was caused by careless smoking from the apartment above. The fire department quickly responded but damage to the property was in the thousands. SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda rounded up our heroes and started emergency services. We worked quickly at restoring and cleaning the computers to move to their temporary location. The owner was very pleased with the quick service.

Related Commercial Services

SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda 716-694-9949

Serving Western New York since 1972.

Sewage Cleanup and Restoration

9/25/2017 (Permalink)

A sewage back up caused by heavy rains.

Sewer backups should be considered an emergency since the water may contain viruses, bacteria, and other microbes that cause serious illnesses. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals have specialized training and equipment to quickly and safely clean contaminants like sewage.

Toilet Overflow or Sewer Backup? Call Today: SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda at 716-694-9949

Related Cleaning Services

  • Water from a clean source like a broken water line
  • If left untreated, can degrade into category 2 or 3Category 2 water is contaminated and could cause discomfort or illness. Examples include washing machine overflow; toilet overflow with some urine, but no feces; or dishwasher overflow.
  • Category 2: "Gray Water"
  • May contain bacteria and viruses
  • Can quickly degrade into category 3 if left untreatedCategory 3 water is grossly contaminated and could cause severe illness or death if ingested and any contact should be avoided. Examples include flooding from rivers or streams, water from beyond the toilet trap, water from the toilet bowl with feces, or standing water that has begun to support microbial growth.
  • Category 3: "Black Water"
  • May contain untreated sewage, harsh chemicals, and microbes
  • Water from flooding rivers or sewer backupWater contaminated with sewage backup should be considered an emergency situation and dealt with as quickly as possible. SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda Professionals are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are water damage restoration specialists with specialized training, equipment and protective gear to safely restore your home or business.
  • 24 Hour Emergency Service


10/17/2016 (Permalink)

School Fire in Buffalo, NY. Cleaning performed by SERVPRO of BUFFALO-TONAWANDA 716-694-9949

Flooding and water damage events at commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

What To Do After A Fire

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of leaves.
  • Change HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

What NOT To Do After A Fire

  • Don't attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces or shampoo carpet or upholstery without contacting us.
  • Don't attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire, heat or water without consulting an authorized repair service.
  • Don't use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near the fire, heat or water.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet. The wiring may be damaged.
  • Don't send garments to an ordinary dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set smoke odor.



10/17/2016 (Permalink)

A water damage in BUFFALO, NY that was not properly taking care of leading to mold. SERVPRO of BUFFALO-TONAWANDA assisted with mold remediation.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – SERVPRO OF BUFFALO-TONAWANDA 716-694-9949


10/17/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO technician responding to pipe break.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help
Call Today - 716-694-9949

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of BUFFALO TONAWANDA has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?


SERVPRO of BUFFALO-TONAWANDA specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

6/10/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of BUFFALO TONAWANDA provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service in Buffalo, Tonawanda, Kenmore, Grand Island, Amherst

SERVPRO of Buffalo-Tonawanda is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage. 

Here are some helpful tips:

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging


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